අසාද් සාලි පාස්කු බෝම්බ කමිටුව ඔළුවෙන් හිටවයි.. වරද ආණ්ඩුවේ යයි කියයි.. කමිටුව කෝප වී අවස්ථා කිහිපයකම විරුද්ද වෙයි… දැඩි අවවාද කරයි.. [Video]
Posted on June 11th, 2019

 lanka C news

අසාද් සාලි පාස්කු බෝම්බ කමිටුව ඔළුවෙන් හිටවයි.. වරද ආණ්ඩුවේ යයි කියයි.. කමිටුව කෝප වී අවස්ථා කිහිපයකම විරුද්ද වෙයි… දැඩි අවවාද කරයි.. [Video]

පාස්කු ඉරිදා දිනයේ මෙරට ස්ථාන කිහිපයකට එල්ල කරන ලද බෝම්බ ප‍්‍රහාර ගැන කරුණු සොයා බැලීමට පත් කරන ලද පාර්ලිමේන්තු තේරීම් කාරක සභාව හමුවේ බස්නාහිර පලාත් හිටපු ආණ්ඩුකාර අසාද් සාලි මහතා අද දිනයේ සාක්‍ෂි ලබා දෙන ලදී.

සහරාන් හෂීම්ගේ නායකත්වයෙන් යුතු ජාතික තවුහිත් ජමාත් සංවිධානයට තැපැල් සේවා හා මුස්ලිම් ආගමික කටයුතු හිටපු ඇමති ඒ.එච්.එම්. හලීම්ගේ සහෝදරයෙකු වන සායිම් නැමැත්තාගේ සහයෝගය ලබා දුන් බවද ඔහු සදහන් කලේය.

කාත්තාන්කුඩි පොලීසිය මා එකට ජාතික තවුහාද් ජමාද් සංවිධානය වැඩ කළ බවත් 2017දී සහරාන් විසින් කාත්තන්කුඩියේ පාරම්පරික මුස්ලිම් ජනතා නිවාස 120 ක් ගිනි තැබුවේ යයිද සදහන් කලේය.

පාස්කු ඉරිදා දිනයේ එල්ල වූ ප‍්‍රහාරයන් හේතුවෙන් සම්පූර්ණ මුස්ලිම් ජනතාවම ත‍්‍රස්තවාදීන් කර ඇති බවත් එහි වගකීම ආණ්ඩුව විසින් බාර ගත යුතු බවද ඔහු සදහන් කල අතර තේරීම් කාරක සභා සාමාජිකයන් එම ප‍්‍රකාශයට විරෝධය දැක්වීය.

අවස්ථා ගණනාවකදී අසාද් සාලිගේ සාක්‍ෂි දැක්වීම සම්බන්ධයෙන් තේරීම් කාරක සභා සාමාජිකයන් විසින් විරෝධතා දක්වන ලද අතර අවවාද කිහිපයක්ම සිදු කරන ලදී.

4 Responses to “අසාද් සාලි පාස්කු බෝම්බ කමිටුව ඔළුවෙන් හිටවයි.. වරද ආණ්ඩුවේ යයි කියයි.. කමිටුව කෝප වී අවස්ථා කිහිපයකම විරුද්ද වෙයි… දැඩි අවවාද කරයි.. [Video]”

  1. Dilrook Says:

    Asath Sally is right on this occasion.

    He made a few facts which were too bitter for UNP MPs to digest. Now who is shielding ISIS?

    1. Thawheed groups were in SL since 2007. Moderate Muslims complained against these. No action was taken.

    2. ISIS flag was displayed in the open since 2014 but no action was taken.

    3. A UNP MP’s brother was shielded from allowing extremist sects to operate in the country.

    4. Dissenting moderate Muslims were killed, tortured, their houses burnt but no action was taken.

    5. Katankudi OIC was transferred when he tried to take action.

  2. Dilrook Says:

    AS has been blaming Gotabaya for some time now. This is very serious.

    The Parliamentary Select Committee must summon Gotabaya to know his side of the story too. Otherwise this is biased.

  3. Vaisrawana Says:

    To someone with enough critical sense watching this video it is obvious that the PSC (Ranil’s UNP government), overtly or covertly, wanted to enlist the support of Azad Salley to deflect attention from its own ultimate responsibility for the terror attack that killed so many innocents (probably over 400 according to some accounts). Salley had apparently been asked to come ready with documents he had that point to dates before Yahapalanaya as the starting points of the trouble; they wanted him to stress the fabrication that the MR government did nothing to contain, but instead did everything to feed thawheed extremism among traditional Muslims. However, he disappointed them for his own ends. In that sense, he is smarter than the malicious idiots questioning him. He says he started as a bank clerk and has now reached the status of a powerful mainstream.

    He only partially addressed the mud slinging contract he had been inveigled to accept, but in a way that falsified what he said about GR. He said it was Gota who asked even Muslim women to attend prayers (against tradition) inside the rebel thawheed jamat mosques (because not enough males were available to form the mandatory number of 40)!

    I was among those who were intrigued when once Azad Salley stood bail for Ven. Gnanasara, unasked. Now it is clear why. Azad seems to have been engaged in an internal struggle within the Muslim community against NTJ extremists (Of course, the part he played could be a sham, taqeeya duplicity perhaps), and was thus on the same side as the monk. The truth that the media are very reluctant to reveal is that it is this internecine conflict (Muslim Vs Muslim) that has caused the real persecution of Muslims – destruction of mosques and deaths, which is effortlessly attributed to the Sinhalese Buddhists through false propaganda.

    Ven. Gnanasara in a ‘Salakuna’ program on Hiru TV (probaly, June 7) said that had Gota been there after 2015, he would have ended this problem in three years. Gota originally – about 2013 – even threatened him demanding that he (Ven. Gnanasara) stop his agitation against alleged Islamic terrorism, for he had not taken it seriously; he thought that the monk was in effect obstructing the normalization work the government was doing. But Ven. Gnanasara pleaded with GR to listen to him. GR relented and listened. Then he said, “Reverend, please let me have a breather; I will fix this”. The monk said Gota was the only powerful person in the MR administration who showed a positive response to his pleas. In the end however, opponents of the MR government saw to it that the BBS or the Gnanasara factor became a terrible stumbling block to it. By the time of the so-called regime change in January 2015, Gota had put in place a very effective intelligence network for the purpose and it was doing its work successfully. The Yahapalanaya simply dismantled it, according to JO politicians.

  4. Randeniyage Says:

    I am surprised how you did not get the correct picture !

    All 5 points appears to be correct.
    However, didn’t you here the question asked by Rajitha ?
    Didn’t this evidence prove that there are two movements ( or even more)

    1. I ISIS or extremists who may kill 1000 time to time
    2. Organized subtle movement to catch the whole country ( Assd Sally represents this group). This is the group created Halal, Gonibilla movement, Kuragala and Sri Pada ( Makkama), population control etc. etc.

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