This unpatriotic and rogue Government which has no concern for the people or the country should resign forthwith.
Posted on June 22nd, 2019

Sudath Gunasekara

22.6. 2019.

This unpatriotic and rogue Government which has no concern for the people or the country should resign forthwith and go home without ruining our cherished motherland any more. The more they remain in power the more destruction they will do to the country as well while eroding their own vote base almost to zero that will bring about the total demise of the UNP and wipe out the Sirisena camp shattering his day dream of becoming the President for a second term and finding a permanent abode in political wilderness for his blind stooges like Duminda Dissanayaka and Dayasiri Jayasekara.

Every fraction of a second they try to stick to power the country is nose diving like a plane sans a pilot. Therefore all Sri Lankans command you to resign immediately and allow the people of this country to elect a new Government of their choice, before you are dragged by your feet on the highways and dumped in to the Indian Ocean by the mobs. I see omens of such a disaster are fast gathering momentum, Island wide. This week’s public protests led by incidents at Meegamuwa and Madakalapuwa areas where some Ministers of this government were jeered, hooted and chased out by the angry public should an eye opener for all those who go against the public will. I foresee these incidents to be ominous signs of things to come in the not so distant future. Not only the people but even the gods are, I think disgusted and angry with this bunch of useless traitors. The day of public reckoning is at your door step. Therefore please hurry up and get out so that the masses could breath, a very big sigh of relief.

I give below the reasons why I ask you to go.

1 Even the tiny tot on the village compound in distant Dambana knows that you people have messed up all around, almost beyond redemption from 2015 up to date in a manner no other government in the history of this country has done before. Both the President and the Prime minister are culpable for the right royal mess in the country in to which you have put it in the name of yahapaalanaya. People see it as virtual yamapaalanaya. Apart from good governance none of the promises you made have been kept. Instead of good governance straight away you started with a series of reckless violations of the country’s Constitution, starting with the illegal, unconstitutional and unethical appointment of the Prime Minister on the 9th of January 2015 and the CB scam in Feb you continue to do the same thing up to date with impunity without shame or fear. To say the least there is rampant and right royal anarchy all around the country from that day up to date. This pathetic and unpardonable situation has increased exponentially every day ever since you assumed power treacherously with the support of all anti Sinhala anti Buddhist forces all over the world led by the West and supported by India, our good neighbor.  

Now let us see how the entire machinery of governance is revolving round the axis of power, money, corruption, deceit and betrayal.

1The President who is supposed to be the Head of the State and Head of the Government has completely lost control of his government. He has never being steady; oscillating and vacillating in all his decisions and actions and got reduced to a mere talk shop and a master globe trotter unmatched by any other politician in the world. In short he has cease to be the Head of the country long ago and got reduced to be a mere clown and a puppet while Ranil is running the country the way he and his Royal bunch of Colombians want with no regard to the people or this country as if he has come from outer space. Since both of them are messing up without knowing whether they are standing on their heads or feet, sadly today Sri Lanka is left without a leader to lead, the way people want.

2The Prime Minister also by now has completely lost control of not only of the Government but of his own party as well. He is playing the Colombo 7 royal fiddle while the whole country is on fire like Nero who plaid the fiddle while Rome was on fire. At home he is not second to the President in all his talks and actions except, that he is more cunning than even a fox and is blessed with an unmatched shock absorbing resilience. In him we find man utterly unconcerned about the country, the people or their welfare. He excels even the President in his often spoken Lichchavi palanaya, gamperaliya village development programme (incidentally a man who does not know what a village is leaving out the difference between the city and the village) and the famous Voxvagen industry. Unfortunately for all of us today he is the Prime Minister of this country firstly thanks to MS for appointing him as PM and secondly to Karu Jayasuriya  for protecting him from all odds in Parliament without shame blatantly, inventing novel Parliamentary conventions.


3The Speaker has messed up all the affairs of the Parliament continuously with the latest blunder of appointing a PSC without reps from the main opposition Party and composed of either people rejected by the people or appointed under the national list most of whom are hated and despised by the people which play hell with the security of the country by exposing the intelligent services of the country which is an extremely dangerous development in the country.

4 There is eternal quarrelling and disagreements on all business of Government among  these top three citizens of the country and this clearly shows the Government machinery has ceased to function for a long time.

5 This situation alone proves that there is no government or governance of any kind in this country today  

6. The most basic and primary function of any government that is the security of the country is at stake and Law and order has also completely collapsed. There is hardly a day or a place in the country without a demonstration, a strike or a protest against the Government causing enormous harm to the economy and public property

7 The Minsters and MP of this Government now can’t go to the people. They are jeered abused and hooted at where ever they go, all over the country. The case of Rajita Senaratna who had to leave the Negambo hospital from the back door under tight police protection and then the case of Minister Gamage and Sumanthiram in Kalmune are the latest humiliations. The day they are going to be physically man handled is not very far ,as I see it.

8 The day all these fellows are stoned and tied to trees is also not that far.

9 The whole country is plagued with regular strikes and fasts unto death in protest against the blunders of the Government and its undemocratic activities.

10 The Minister of Finance has gone completely mad by openly and publicly denouncing the Saha Sangha, the bedrock and the steel frame of the civilization of this country and shouting this is not a Sinhala Buddhist country  and  by increasing the prices of consumer goods almost daily and releasing public money from the treasury recklessly for political pursuits

11 Minister of Power and energy buys power from floating Turkis ships while we have untapped hydro and solar and even wind power potential to generate enough electricity even to be exported to the north and South poles.

10 I can go on adding thousand more things but even this short list will suffice to give rough idea to realize the extremely sad and dangerous situation this country is going through today. What more is necessary to show that there is total anarchy all over the country where dejection, despair and hopelessness reign all over, day and night with utter chaos and confusion?

2 Responses to “This unpatriotic and rogue Government which has no concern for the people or the country should resign forthwith.”

  1. Dilrook Says:

    This regime must go. The sooner they go, the better. No doubt.

    But replace it with what? As long as the same system continues, the next will be the same, if not worse.

    The government strategically postpones MCC and SOFA deals with USA for the next regime to handle. Most likely the next regime will approve and sign both (while blaming its predecessor)!

  2. Christie Says:

    Elections in an Indian Colony?
    Since 1956 we Sinhalese have been directly under India. Bandas and JRJ did what India directed.
    The Indian terrorists the Tamil Tigers killed Sinhalese and India’s Sinhala terrorist killed Sinhalese and got Sinhalese killed.
    Genocide of Sinhalese started in 1958 continues in the Indian colony.
    Let us Sinhalese understand this and unite and stand up to the Indian Empire and Indian imperialists.

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