National Health Service Sri Lanka -Priorities
Posted on July 9th, 2019
Sarath Obeysekera
A daily paid labourer who was living in appalling condition along Dutch Canal in Alakanda near the CMC garbage dump was helped to build his house with my personal funds.
He tells me that his wife is having chronic asthma.
She had to attend regular clinic in Ragama Teaching. Hospital. He complained about the service In the hospital.
She has to go to the Ragama Hospital by a three wheeler at 3 am to get number and she had to wait until 3 pm same day to be called by the doctor
There are over 2000 patients lined up
I am not sure how true this is ,but authorities should look into this and improve the service to poor people
As my wife works in Private hospital she was asked to come for a private consultation and we agreed to bear the cost
Minister gets a honorary post in WHO and keep boasting about the fact the Sri Lankan health service is one of the best In the world and GMOA having s personalize agenda against him should try to help such poor people rather than trying to topple the government.
We should walk the talk
Sarath Obeysekera