Hindu Human Rights Activist Faces Sedition Trial For Telling Trump About Minority Persecution In Bangladesh
Posted on July 21st, 2019

by Swarajya Staff Courtesy Swarajyamag

Hindu Human Rights Activist Faces Sedition Trial For Telling Trump About Minority Persecution In Bangladesh

Donald Trump,Bangladesh,Hindu activist,priya saha,minority activist,hindus in bangladesh,

Priya Saha at the White House (Pic via Twitter)

A Bangladeshi minister, Obaidul Quader, has stated that the organising secretary of the Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council (HBCUC), Priya Saha, will face trial on the charge of sedition for her remarks about minority persecution in the country to US President Donald Trump, reports PTI.

The Hindu minority activist had been on a visit to the White House on Friday (19 July), when she told Trump that 37 million members of minority communities in the country had disappeared.

A video clip of the interaction went viral in Bangladesh and has evoked a strong backlash from the government and other quarters.

“Saha’s allegation was absolutely false. No one will agree with her. A sedition case will be filed against her. The process is underway. We must take measures against her and are in the process of doing so as a Bangladeshi national, she has made false, purposeful and treasonous remarks,” Quader stated.

Even the organisation she leads, the HBCUC, does not seem to be prepared to defend her.

“We are embarrassed. The comments she made were her own and not ours,” HBCUC spokesman Kajal Debnath said.

One Response to “Hindu Human Rights Activist Faces Sedition Trial For Telling Trump About Minority Persecution In Bangladesh”

  1. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Bangladesh, a former Buddhist country, has no place for Buddhists or hindus after fastest breeding religion
    mussies multiplied and multiplied and outnumbered the natives. Same fate was dished out to former Buddhist countries iran, afganisthan, pakesthan, malaysia and indonesia within a few hundred years of mussie arrivals in those countries.

    The dirty, disgusting, subhuman trick of multiply, multiply and outnumber trick was tried recently in Buddhist
    Myanmar. Unfortunately for the mussies Myanmar had a patriotic leader and got rid of the menace in double quick
    time and the country was saved from becoming old Buddhist Myanmar and mussies fled over the border with
    100s of 1000s children coming out of their ears.

    Currently mussies dishing out the same trick in Sri Lanka and unfortunately for Mother Lanka, she has the worst
    traitors in the history of the country and mussies turning it to become old Buddhist Sri Lanka at break neck speed.
    People used to worship trees, mountains, rivers, gods in the olden days in the absence of science. Today, religions
    have to pass the science test to be accepted as true. There is only one religion, all honest people know, which
    passes the science test with flying colours, Buddhism. Buddhism isn’t a religion of convenience and it disappeared
    from the birth place since it didn’t fit the society there with caste systems, animal sacrifice etc. and people quickly
    reverted to religions of conveniences. Darwin, Einstein, Arthur C Clarke etc. etc. all brilliant minds proved
    Buddhism is the only true religion. What’s more all the law courts under the sun use Buddhism’s Five Precepts
    as the basis for their penal codes. If breaking the Five Precepts aren’t sins, why on earth the culprits get

    India helped bangladesh to achieve independence from pakesthan after the partition. Bangladeshis paid back
    handsomely by getting rid of/killing hindus and Buddhists there and india turned a blind eye to all that and still
    is. That’s mussies for you.

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