Duminda says victory is with Gota
Posted on October 9th, 2019

Lahiru Pothmulla reporting from Anuradhapura Courtesy The Daily Mirror

SLFP stalwart MP Duminda Dissanayake, who joined SLPP presidential candidate Gotabaya Rajapaksa at the latter’s political stage in Anuradhapura along with several other SLFP MPs said the victory was with Gotabaya and invited all SLFPers to back him at the upcoming presidential election.

Speaking to the first-ever political campaign of Mr. Rajapaksa, MP Dissanayake said he was on the stage bearing well wishes from the SLFP to Mr. Rajapaksa.

“We will back Gotabaya Rajapaksa as the SLFP. We decided to do so because both of our parties represent the left politics. We saw Gotabaya’s proposals for the future and we are optimistic that we can form a strong country with restored democracy, national security and economy,” he said.

He said the SLFP, from the beginning treated all ethnic groups fairly and was a safe home for all communities including Tamils and Muslims.

“Tamils and Muslims enjoy unity in SLFP. We hope with that unity, people from Muslim and Tamil community will back Gotabaya just as they have placed their faith in SLFP. Because SLFP is with the Tamil and Muslim people. We request all SLFPers, all organisers to join us, rally behind Gotabaya to make him the National leader we deserve. The SLFP endorses this entirely,” MP Dissanayake said.

He said the SLFP was expected to sign two agreements in future with Gotabaya camp.

“If anyone had any doubt as of Tuesday night, they shouldn’t anymore for the SLFP has joined the SLPP ensuring the victory of Mr. Rajapaksa’ he said.

While thanking the SLFP Mr. Dissnayake said that he never betrayed the party. 

3 Responses to “Duminda says victory is with Gota”

  1. Gunasinghe Says:

    Please be aware of Duminda. He is an opportunist change parties when sees opportunity. He also a crook. He did too many corrupt things in last Mathrre period.

  2. Dilrook Says:

    Even with a prepared speech, parts of Gotabaya’s speech makes no sense at all.

    How can the fertilizer subsidy be expanded so much? Where is the money? Does he have any idea how much it will cost? If fertilizer is given so cheap or free they will be misused to make explosives, pollute the environment and cause more CKD. That will also make multinational agro companies filthy rich at our expense. Dishing out freebies is not visionary!

    Sri Lanka was never self-sufficient in ‘parippu’. In fact we are the largest importer of ‘parippu’.

    The youth in Anuradhapura don’t want to remain in agriculture in this 21st century surviving on hand-outs. Unfortunately, Gotabaya failed to offer them what they want.

    Normally when an election campaign is kicked off from Anuradhapura the candidate worships at Jaya Siri Maha Bodhi before commencing. For the first time it didn’t happen this time. Events in August don’t count.

  3. Ananda-USA Says:


    After the signing of the SLFP-SLPP Agreement to SUPPORT Gota, 26 SLFP MPs are meeting with Sajith to discuss getting Nominations in the Parliaentary Elections scheduled for early 2020 in exchange for supporting Sajith NOW in the Presidential election!

    They fear that the New Allliance with the SLPP will DENY THEM Nominations in 2020 Parliamentary Elections because the SLPP will want to field their own candidates displacing SLFP candidates!

    ONCE AGAIN, POLITICIANS PROVE that their GREED for POWER exceeds their LOYALTY to their Constituency! They are saying in EFFECT, to HELL with REPRESENTING you and SAVING the Motherland from the Yamapalanaya, we need to PRESERVE our OWN INTERESTS!

    But, they forget that the Voters of their Constituency will not see it that way, and will punish them at the HUSTINGS in the future election!


    They ALSO FORGET that the SLFP rank and File is NOT WITH THE PARTY Leadership EVEN NOW; they are with GOTA & the TRUE PATRIOTS!


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