A desperate nation expects all Presidential candidates, at least the three main contenders, to declare their policy regarding the following issues “as No one has said anything on them’.
Posted on October 28th, 2019

Dr Sudath Gunasekara Former Secretary T PM Mrs B and one time President Sri Lanka Administrative Services Association (1991-1994) 

1 Abolition of the Provincial Councils that have been a white elephant and that has wasted billions or even trillions for the past 33 years with no benefit at all for the country or the people and has become a political and Administrative disaster for this country, aggravating separatism laying the foundation for a Federal State in this country and

Abolishing the Rajiv /JR Accord of 29 July 1987 whish has almost nullified the Sri Lankan Constitution of 1987 by compelling us to

1)            Accept the North and East as the Traditional Home land of the Tamils   (1/3 of the country and 2/3 of the coastal belt plus the marine resources for just less than 5 % of the nations population wo are claiming a separate Rata EELAM)

2)            Making Tamil also a National Language in this country and

3)            Granting Sri Lankan Citizenship to all Estate Tamils contrary to the Nehru/Kotalawala Pact of       1954 and thereby paving the way for India to convert the entire Central Hill country of this country in to an overseas Indian Protectorate in future. 

2 Reducing the Cabinet to maximum of 20 and the number of Politicians in Parliament and Pradesiya Sabhas, abolishing the National list and going back to earlier electoral system abolishing the District system and PR.

Pruning exorbitant Public institutions and Public Service to manageable levels to cut down public expenditure.

3 Creation of a new Political Culture by laying down minimum educational and other qualifications and a Strict Code of Conduct to Politicians and making attendance in Parliament compulsory

4 Abolition of Pensions and excessive privileges to politicians

5 Ending the tragic House Maids trade with Middle East countries and replacing it with

        a) Avenues of domestic employment for them within the country and

  • Instead start a programme of sending professionals and technicians

6 Ending the menace of University ragging by addressing their grievances

7 Declaring all lands over 5000 ft above Sea level as strictly protected natural reserves and prohibiting any form of settlement above 3500 ft MSL to protect the water resources of the country as water resources decides the entire life system in the country and all economic activities like Agriculture, Hydroelectricity potentials and industries

8 Making Buddhism the State Religion

9 The question of Official Language, National Anthem, one Law  and  National flag

10 Proposed Action Plan to solve the plight of the Kandyan Peasants (all Sinhalese) heaped up from 1815, not rectified for the past 72 years by any Government

11 To free Public service and Judiciary from Politics and Recruitments to Public Service and Judiciary only on  merit.  

12 To create an Independent, efficient, productive and People centered Public Service

13 A national programme to develop and diversify the economy to increase productive employment instead of trying to pack all men and women to an already excessive government service that has become a big burden to the tax payers

14 Professional Foreign Service that can take Sri Lanka to the world and bring the whole world to Sri Lanka to develop this country

15 A programme to make Sri Lanka number 1 in the world in Fishing Industry by making use of the Ocean that stretches from Africa in the West to Australia in the East and South Pole in the South making it naval power by using our strategic location on the globe in relation to the East and West and its enormous potentials of fabulous ports around the Island. The Indian Ocean is the third-largest of the world’s oceanic divisions, covering 70,560,000 km² or 19.8% of the water on the Earth’s surface. It is bounded by Asia to the north, Africa to the west, and Australia to the east. Wikipedia

16 To reduce the excessive public holidays to about 12, the world average, and religious holidays to be confined only to the respective religious groups. This is very necessary to increase productivity and accelerate development to catch with ta competitive world.

One Response to “A desperate nation expects all Presidential candidates, at least the three main contenders, to declare their policy regarding the following issues “as No one has said anything on them’.”

  1. aloy Says:

    One must not tell what he is going to do until he is there. The proverbial horse shoe nail comes to mind. It seems the first PM, DS did not tell anybody what he is going to do next. But he lost his life because of a nail between him and the horse. He trusted his horse keeper, one Velu it seems. Prez RP trusted his house keeper and lost his life,although he cleverly got LTTE to get rid of Indian made IPKF.

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