Kabir Hashim resigns from all portfolios following election defeat
Posted on November 17th, 2019

Courtesy Adaderana

UNP Parliamentarian Kabir Hashim has announced his decision to step down as the chairman of the party and his ministerial portfolio.

MP Hashim has been in office as the Minister of Highways & Road Development and Petroleum Resources Development.

Former wartime Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa was elected as the President of Sri Lanka in the 7th Presidential Election that took place yesterday (16).

Following his massive victory, several parliamentarians of the UNP stepped down from their positions in the party, including the NDF presidential frontrunner Sajith Premadasa, who had been serving as the deputy leader of the UNP.

In the meantime, Parliamentarians Mangala Samaraweera and Harin Fernando also informed that they would be resigning as Minister of Finance and Minister of Telecommunication, Foreign Employment and Sports.

One Response to “Kabir Hashim resigns from all portfolios following election defeat”

  1. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Now have a joint of hashish and go to saudi with your baby machines and baby farms. We don’t want these traitors
    on our soil. Mussies voted 95% for Sajith P(rabakaran). While living all over the country, multiplying like xxxx,
    didn’t want the country to progress. Instead crafty, treacherous, conniving mussies chose Sajith Prabakaran
    knowing traitor donkey won’t think twice before giving the mussies mussisthan. And? Our children’s heads going to
    be beheaded in 25/30 years. Take a look at former Buddhist bangladesh Sinhala modayas, or former Buddhist
    countries iran, afganisthan, pakesthan, maldives, malaysia and indonesia. Thanks to mussie baby machines mussie
    baby machine operators turned all of them to mussie countries in double quick time. Iran, afganisthan, pakesthan, maldives have 0000 Buddhists today. Other countries’ Buddhists in other countries face untold harassment in the hands of mussies. This is what these mussies multiplying like xxxx are after. Sinhalese and tamils should be very very very careful from these crafty, untrusthworthy, conniving, treacherous mussies. Trust them at your peril!

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