Malik Samarawickrama resigns from active politics
Posted on November 17th, 2019

Courtesy Adaderana

Minister of Development Strategies and International Trade Malik Samarawickrama announced that he would retire from active politics at the end of the Parliamentary term.

Addressing a letter to Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe today (17) expressed his gratitude for giving him the opportunity to serve the country as a Cabinet Minister and informed of his resignation from the ministerial post.

The People of our country have elected Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa as the Executive President of Sri Lanka and I wish to respect that mandate,” Samarawickrama said.

Referring to his tenure of office, Samarawickrama stated Sri Lanka’s exports of goods and services have increased by over 50% and that the country has received FDIs totalling to USD 5.6 billion which amounts to 31% of the FDIs received during the past 40 years.

Furthermore, the value of projects approved by the BOI during this period amounts to UDS 36.4 billion and the envisaged employment is 94,000,” Samarawickrama added.

2 Responses to “Malik Samarawickrama resigns from active politics”

  1. Cerberus Says:

    Can you account for the money from the Bond Scam which you used to wipe out the UNP debt of Rs. 3 billion just as they came into power? You and your group ran our country down while importing luxury cars for the idiot parliamentarians to sell and make money without paying any taxes. If not for the opposition you would by now reduced our country to the situation Greece went into where it was completely bankrupt and had to sell all its assets for nothing. When the Yahapalanaya took over the debt was only 75% while the value of the Rs to the $ was 130 and when you left the debt has risen o 92% and the value of Rs to the $ is 185. What we needed was not exports but to be self-sufficient in our food and clothing. Your Govt removed all the incentives that had been given to the farmers for rice and vegetables and instead wanted them to grow crops for export. 

  2. Ratanapala Says:

    Mr Samarawickrama, please don’t be in a hurry to leave the country. We have a few questions for you! Thank you.

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