Posted on December 11th, 2019
Hiru News
The Minister of Foreign Relations Dinesh Gunawardana says that the statements made by the allegedly abducted Swiss Embassy staffer are contradictory.
Therefore, it is reported that the Embassy staffer Gania Banister Francis will be summoned to the CID again to make a fresh statement in the next few days. She has already given statements to the CID on 3 previous occasions.
When the case was taken before the court on December 9, the lawyer appeared for the Embassy staffer Garnia Francis, Upul Kumarapperuma told the court that a local and a foreign doctor attached to the Embassy inspected Garnia Francis and concluded that she was sexually abused by her abductors.
CID also suspects why she did not complain about the incident to the police even three weeks after the so-called abduction. In addition, it is revealed that Garnia Banister Francis received her current name after she was converted to a fundamentalist Christian group.
Meanwhile, it is also revealed that the person who appeared as Garnia Francis’s agent, Manjula Perera is the son of a former UNP Kelaniya Organizer Bevan Perera. At the same time, photographs of Manjula Perera posing for pictures with UNP top leaders are circulating on social media.
Meanwhile, Foreign Relations Minister Dinesh Gunawardana said that the incident could be treated as an attempt to put the government in trouble. Minister Gunawardana was addressing the media in Kandy today