Posted on January 21st, 2020

Stanley Gunaratne

The National Anthem of Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) should be the original song sung in the language it was written in. That is “Namo Namo Matha” and it was written to be sung in Sinhala. If the anthem had been written even in Swahili, then EVERYONE, irrespective of ethnicity, should sing it in that language. Other countries that sing in multiple languages have no historical, cultural or contextual application to Ceylon.

“As usual, this self proclaimed “nationalist” Eranda Ginige spouts nonsensical fake history. Whatever the wrongs of the modern day UNP, that does not justify twisting the patriotic acts of the Independence movement who achieved FULL independence in 1948. There was no “scam.” If anything, a government which didn’t even win a majority of the national vote (over 50%) changed the entire country in 1972 without a democratic mandate and scammed the people. During this transformation to a Republic, they politicised the entire Civil Service and ruined the education system of the country by separating people into separate language streams and other nonsense. Becoming a Republic is completely SEPARATE to being Independent. We had a fully democratically elected government and the Governor General was appointed only on the recommendations of the Prime Minister of Ceylon. The Privy Council was used by Singapore as well for a considerable period of time. It only acted as a final arbitrator of Ceylonese Law as made by our own Parliament to the letter. One could argue it was far more independent than modern day courts.

Ceylon (which is Sinhale in English and our actual name) was a fully independent country in 1948. To argue it wasn’t is to argue that somehow New Zealand is not an independent country today which of course would be ludicrous. Bandaranaike was an Indian bootlicker and traitor who used the non-issue of language and ethnicity simply to manipulate an electorate undergoing economic hardship to vote him into power. He removed defence and cultural links with Britain not for any “nationalist/patriotic” agenda, but instead to make us a lackey of India – this was cemented by the fool JRJ, the architect of the modern day useless UNP with his acceptance of the undemocratic Indo Lanka Accord forced on Sri Lanka in 1987. No Sri Lankan leader, despite proclaiming themselves great patriots has as of yet removed this garbage from our country. Furthermore, the use of “God Save the King/Queen” was not as a national anthem, but the Royal anthem. There is a notable difference. One is for use at receptions/functions of the Head of State, the other is the song of the nation.

The National Anthem of Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) should be the original song sung in the language it was written in. That is “Namo Namo Matha” and it was written to be sung in Sinhala. If the anthem had been written even in Swahili, then EVERYONE, irrespective of ethnicity, should sing it in that language. Other countries that sing in multiple languages have no historical, cultural or contextual application to Ceylon.

In Singapore, EVERY citizen, whether Chinese, Malay, Tamil, Sinhalese, Eurasian, will sing the anthem in Malay – the language the anthem was written in. Therefore in Ceylon/Sri Lanka, EVERY citizen, whether Sinhalese, Tamil, Moor, Malay, Burgher, Veddah etc, should sing in ONE VOICE in the language the anthem was written in – in this case Sinhala.

Applying stupid Indianised left wing twists on factual history is a foolish and irresponsible thing to do. This is meant to be the Financial Times, not some rag tag tabloid. It is extremely disappointing to see the history of Independence twisted by this irresponsible writer, who is known to interrupt people when on televised programmes like an uncivilised brat. Our country was FULLY independent in 1948 and far better run by the first few governments, composed of civilised and honourable men and women – be that DS Senanayake, the father of the nation, be that the gentlemanly Dudley, the disciplinarian Sir John (who told the Indians where to stick their diktats), the world’s first elected female Prime Minister Mrs. B etc. No country in the world politicises its independence history. It is thoroughly pathetic that we have so called journalists and civil society and politicians spouting vitriolic diatribe and misleading the public. 

That is not politics, but history. This is not about UNP, SLFP, or SLPP. This is about Ceylon/Sri Lanka and all Sri Lankans. Don’t fabricate history. The writer Ginige should take some serious responsibility for his reprehensible language in this FT article as well. If he wants to live and act like an Indian, he should go to India. The rest of us – Sinhalese, Tamils, Moors, Burghers, Malays, Veddahs, etc want to live as one people, with one destiny with no ethnic ghettos and run by competent sane and visionary leaders – not mankollakarayas who pander to India and who pointlessly blame everything on the West, or now China as well.”

Long live Sri Lanka and long live the truth,

Stanley Gunaratne


  1. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


  2. Charles Says:

    National Anthem should not be made a tool for reconciliation. By its use a National anthem becomes a psalm for the praise of what is most sacred to a native , his land of birth or adopted as its citizen. The words of the National anthem should not be changed from what they were in the original song. It also denotes the respect for all those who reside within the country and the Nationals of the country living outside, or chosen the country as their own. It unifies all those who live in the country without distinction of colour, religion they adhere to, and the language they speak. In Sri Lanka the National Anthem which had been written in Sinhala should be recited in Sinhala. If not it is an insult to the country as well as to the Nation in honour of which it is sung.

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