Balkanizing India: National Security dimensions for India & Sri Lanka
Posted on February 9th, 2020
Indo-Sri Lanka relations have never been what either country would have liked it to be. What both countries should realize is that small as Sri Lanka may be, India cannot afford to bully it or destabilize it as India would have liked. The terrain is now far different than when India could call the shots in 1980s. There are bigger and far more powerful players that even India needs to weather with caution. There are many faux pas that India will not like to admit to, but what India must realize is that if it is in Sri Lanka’s best interest to ensure India remains unbalkanized, it is to India’s best interest that Sri Lanka remains without elements that covertly propose to do what was done to the Soviet Union & the former Yugoslavia.
Sri Lanka’s PM and former President is in India. The Indian PM has clearly stated Stability of Sri Lanka in India’s interests as well as Indian Ocean Region. Who is destabilizing Sri Lanka? India must answer for the elements that destabilize Sri Lanka will be the same elements that will destabilize India just as covertly as being done in Sri Lanka.
The Tamil card played by India is the very card being played by the West to strike its presence in Sri Lanka. The Tamils have played a historical role in being part of the West’s toolkit during colonial rule as indentured labor, mercenaries and sepoy army. Therefore, India must be mindful of overplaying this card as it also means balkanizing of India via Tamil Nadu. India take note – every demarche issued by India to Sri Lanka regarding minorities in Sri Lanka will be usurped by West for its destabilizing purposes which will eventually boomerang on India as well.
A good look at the West-government funded faith-based charities and ‘ngos’ would tell the story of what is planned for India in time to come. Now that the fox is posing as ‘friend’ and given access to India it is only a matter of time that plan for India will be put in place and already many Indians may be roped in for this bigger quest. The greater eelam for the West would probably be the alternative to Diego Garcia!
What Congressman Edolphus Towns said in 1998 is important and must be recalled throughout India’s interactions with the US.

Has India thought about who its greater enemy is? Obviously India has been roped into taking an anti-China stand and is part of the US-Japan-Australia ‘quadrilateral consultation’ strategy in Asia Pacific. US has also redefined its US Pacific Command as Indo-US Pacific Command. US has roped in India for various counter terrorism drives too. What’s baffling is that it is an open secret that majority of Islamic terrorists are peddled by US and its Western stooges who are trained, armed and imported to wherever US eyes its presence or wishes to ground itself in on pretext of ‘war against terror’.
China’s B&R for global development of all partner nations or US pivot meaning neocolonial capitalism grabbing worlds resources and sharing amongst a few corporate elites should hardly leave a choice for India. If India thinks China is a bigger threat, India may well like to explain what happened to every country US is now militarily showing its presence in. The outbreak of coronavirus and its global outreach has resulted in questions of bioengineered depopulation drives which cannot be brushed aside as conspiracy theories. Russia too raised similar doubts –
All these will eventually have an impact on India and India has questioned western NGOs for various vaccination related deaths but the same entity in 2019 bestowed the Indian PM an award! Dishing out awards has been part and parcel of West’s policy to draw in Asian and Africans into their fold and sphere of influence.
The pro-Russia stand taken by India changed in 1982 following Indira Gandhi’s visit to US. It was round about the same time India-assisted Tamil militancy came into open guerilla tactics in Sri Lanka. However, Mrs. Gandhi was assassinated 2 years later and her politically novice son Rajiv took over. The first strategic dialogue between India & US was in June 2010 and India was called an indispensable partner.” President Obama pandered to India’s aspiration to become a permanent member of the UNSC. In July 2011 as part of the US-India Strategic Dialogue a MOU was signed on cyber security cooperation. With US announcement of its pivot to Asia, US Defense Secretary was quick to land in India and announce military ties in 2012. Modi’s visit to US in 2014 and Obama’s 2nd visit to India in 2015 delivered the message “America can be India’s best partner.” Probably that made India to assist regime change in Sri Lanka in January 2015. Thus not surprisingly US elevated India to a major defense partner in 2016 with India now enjoying treaty benefits. PM Modi was again in US in 2017 and in 2018 Communications Compatibility and Security Agreement (COMCASA) was signed. According to Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, exports of American weapons to India from 2013 to 2017 increased 557% over the previous five-year period. American arms sales to India currently stand around $18 billion. No one can forget that all of the world’s tyrants were all bosom pals of US! These very friends eventually became foes of the US once US had strengthened ties and ironed the landscape well enough to depose their friend and take over. This is what India needs to be mindful of. Probably the Western think tanks know about India’s terrain far more than India by now! These tie-ups make any Asian state view its relations with India as being part of the US strategy in Asia and that is not healthy for India’s relations with these Asian neighbors or for India eventually.
While Sri Lanka has managed to avert the over-reaching pro-US following 2015 regime change, US influence in Nepal has been such that not only its constitution has been changed but Nepal is virtually trapped to signing the MCC which is part of the US project in Asia to counter China. It is to India’s best interest as well as Sri Lanka’s that MCC-SOFA-ACSA and US Peace Corps deals do not get passed in Sri Lanka. These agreements will be major chaos trigger points to Sri Lanka – India & rest of Asia with US troops grounded in Sri Lanka with US vessels, personnel & contractors given full portfolio of logistics services in Sri Lanka with 100% immunities.
In August 2017 President Trump declared U.S-India strategic partnership would also be a critical part” of the South Asia strategy. US claims the Indo-Pacific is the single most consequential region for America’s future.” Why? Asia is the world’s biggest continent – India & China are the two most populace countries, the world’s biggest Muslim population is in Indonesia, 7 of the 10 largest standing armies in the world are in Asia Pacific and 1/3 of global shipping passes through South China sea. Should India be part of US strategy to contain China’s rise at the cost of alienating itself from Asian neighbors but aligned to US traditional allies Japan, Philippines, Korea and Australia? In the quest to contain China will US not eventually consider India’s disintegration as well. Economic quest for supremacy also means bids to grab natural resources and there are no permanent friends but permanent interests in these decisions.
Congressman Edolphus Town’s 1998 statement is important because for US, it is China who US regards as threat and India is just a ploy to get closer to China. India’s decision to purchase S-400 air-defense missile systems from Russia inspite of America’s threat to sanction signals that India has decided to play a more independent role than Japan. India must continue to do what is right for India and its national security irrespective of its partnership with US.
As the Indian PM said the Stability of Sri Lanka is in India’s interests as well as Indian Ocean Region. The threats Sri Lanka faces presently will be the very threats that will be transferred to India. India must allow Sri Lanka room to take care of its internal national security threats and feel assured that Sri Lanka will never allow its turf to be compromised because Sri Lanka knows that same enemy will target India next.
India should determine who its bigger enemy is & decipher what India will eventually be in store for.
Shenali D Waduge
February 10th, 2020 at 5:40 am
It’s the mussies who are going to break up India before long since they have multiplied at an alarming rate. Today,
India has more mussies than pakesthan. 200 million of mussies. Indian government should bring in new laws to
stop baby machines or succumb to the dirty, subhuman, despicable old trick of multiply and outnumber the mussies used to turn old Buddhist iran, afganisthan, pakesthan, maldives, bangladesh, malaysai and indonesia to mussie
countries within a few hundred of mussies arrivals in those countries with their baby machine wives. Not just India,
Sri Lanka also should stop this menace before it is too late save the country from mussie mass breeding. In fact, all
non mussie countries in the world is in danger of succumbing to crafty, two faced, murderous mussies in the near
future if they don’t see the imminent danger of mussie mass breeding. Not just baby machines, these crafty, two
faced, murderous mussies also use every disgusting trick imaginable to destroy non believers like spiking food
with sterile agents food served to non mussies in mussie eateries, spraying same in women’s undergarments etc.
etc, buying land/properties at higher prices to take control, introducing halal (no fish?), burka etc. etc. These
mussies are humans? We all know the answer.
People used to worship rivers, mountains, trees, gods in the olden days in the absence of science. Today, science
has shown how all the living things came to be being (just like The Buddha explained). It’s no god’s work. Then NASA has shown again and again that the size of the earth is a grain of sand in the vast vast vast universe where distances are measured in light years (just like The Buddha explained). The sun which heats the grain of sand is 20 million miles away! Who can make such a thing? What’s more, Buddhism’s Five Precepts is the basis for the penal code in every country under the sun. All the honest people in this 21st century know Buddhism is the only true
religion in the world which passes ‘the science test’ with flying colours. Buddhism and science is one!
February 11th, 2020 at 2:47 pm
It is interesting that Hon Adolphus Towns the US Congressman talking about Christian Nagas!
Nagaland was a Buddhist enclave which was invaded by various Christian sects and many Nagas were converted after giving grandiose promises of self determination and such similar. This is a practice that the US and similar colonial powers adopted thorough their Christian religious organizations to gain allegiance. In the end, they create groups who are made to become disaffected and rebel against their parent nation.
The very same thing happened with the Hmong in Vietnam , Karen rebels who fight with the Burmese and Thais. Karen largely converted to Christianity are still battling Mayanmaar Armed Forces in the hill tracts and largely control the narcotics trade and routes.
In Vietnam’s ethnic minorities mainly Hmong played a major role as converts and allies of the French missionaries and colonialists, and later as foot soldiers for the American military and CIA.
The well established Western Christian nations do not like large nations such as India, Indonesia, Burma, Pakistan to name only a few. These nations are their own political constructs for administrative purposes during their heyday as empires, now independent and trying to prosper on their own. Their intent is to balkanize such nations into midget size nations which then they can dominate and plunder at their will and pleasure.
These very same Christian Groups are active today in Sri Lanka spreading discontent and disaffection against the Sinhala Buddhist majority and the Government.