Posted on March 10th, 2020
Ranjith Naranpanawa President. The Global Peace Congress of Australia Incorporated
The Global Peace Congress of Australia Incorporated wishes to extend our heartfelt appreciation and congratulations to our Organisations Patron:
On his recent nomination for a seat in the Sri Lankan Parliament.
Colonel Bandu is held in the highest esteem amongst the Tamil population residing in the North-East of Sri Lanka, whilst being respected by all.
Upon reassignment to another position, the outpouring of tears from adoring citizens was quickly circulated around the world.
Sri Lankans living overseas were as equally touched by the citizens’ combined love and adoration.
Pivotal in the difficult process of reconciliation and rehabilitation post-war is an office that most would have reservations to fill, however that did not deter Colonel Bandu, as his passion for peace has been longstanding.
If it had not been for the Colonel’s due diligence to take command of his position, the people’s sufferings definitely would have been compounded instead of being alleviated.
The Executive Committee and members of our Global Congress, lift up with the utmost of confidence, our support for the candidate as a worthwhile, trustworthy, candidate of integrity above reproach.
Many accolades to those former rehabilitated cadres’ who have been able to turn their shattered lives around are true testimony by their support for this nomination.
Good luck Colonel Bandu, with the 2020 General Election.
You will be an incredible Politician to continue our democracy into the exciting progress of our country.
Authorized by the Executive Committee and signed by:
Ranjith Naranpanawa