National Service is the need of the hour
Posted on April 9th, 2020

Dr sarath obeysekera 

We have seen the yeoman services rendered by the armed forces in controlling corona spread with  political backing where  relevant measures are taken to prevent  people from moving around by establishing control points

Many youngsters who have been  employed and unemployed  are staying in boarding houses, frustrated cursing the patients as well as authorities

Though some are trying to paint a picture of an authoritarian regime is going to be in place, the government and the president should continue using forces to enforce the rules.

We also note that the police force cannot handle the controlling part due to lack of manpower and trained commanders 

It is high time that The President uses some remaining powers and start National Service in the country and mobilize the youngsters who are doing nothing at the moment 

They can. not only help regular forces ad police to control corona spread but also distribute food items and collect agricultural products from villages 

The government also commandeer trucks and  buses which are idling  and use them 

If necessary, the Constitution may be suspended for a year to avoid delays in getting a parliament appointed and get the legislation approved

Let the world including the UN complain about it but they have enough in their plates to worry about

Just like I have proposed several times President can be called Benevolent Dictator.

Even after possible eradication of corona, we need a tough regime to put the country back on track

Otherwise various leftist and NGO elements may start demonstrating like those days 

Let us do this 

Dr Sarath Obeysekera
CEO Walkers Colombo Shipyard
Sri Lanka

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