Posted on April 21st, 2020


The tremendous asset that President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has proved to be both in the past, as well as today, is portrayed visibly through his actions and words which resonate to a great extent and permeate the minds of his respectful subjects – the citizens of Sri Lanka irrespective of their backgrounds or origins.

Today they live in relative trouble and worry-free environment both in the face of the COVID19 Virus and the terrorist threat where fortifications have been set in place comprehensively to safeguard the people.

When  says ” he will not leave any room for any form of extremism, or violence from any extremists to be unleashed on the Sri Lankan people again and assured that the true perpetrators responsible for the Easter Sunday attacks will be identified and brought before the law.”

it is a comforting thought for the Nation and an object lesson perhaps for the rest of the world to emulate.

 On the first anniversary of Easter Sunday attacks as quoted from a media report “The President stated that exactly a year ago, on April 21st, 2019 a group of extremists, bent on a macabre agenda unleashed a sequence of terror targeting Catholic churches and tourist hotels.

I deeply empathize with the families of all those who lost their lives and sustained grave injuries, the Catholic community and entire Sri Lankan citizenry who were terrorized by these horrifying massacres,” he said.

Around 270 people were killed and about 500 were gravely injured in Easter Sunday attacks. Some who survived, later succumbed to their injuries after months of suffering. Some others will be disabled for life Even though Catholics were targeted, this was a terrorist attack against all Sri Lankan citizens.” This heinous crime against humanity needs to be condemned by all without any tolerance towards this extremist ideology”  in the words of the President as he continues to pilot the Nation at its helm in an equitable manner dispelling all apprehension of a Nation once gripped in the dread of terrorism and today facing all the perils of a deadly virus and directing his team in his inimitably disciplined manner towards dealing with it.

He has also referred to the salient reality that “the mechanisms that were in place to ensure national security were once compromised and dismantled. and that when anarchy prevails, it is only natural for extremism, terrorism and all kinds of violence to raise its despicable head.”

The world today knows that it was through the concerted efforts of his brother Mahinda- then President and his efforts as Defence Secretary at the time that the evil of Tamil Tiger Terrorism was eliminated in its entirety to which the Nation should be unquestionably grateful for all time.

Today as a result of the President’s judicious handling of the issues confronting him he has won the admiration and respect of many world leaders and may his regime be long-lived as he continues to guide the people of Sri Lanka.towards her ultimate destiny.

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