Staying Healthy During the COVID Pandemic:
Posted on May 10th, 2020
Sunil J, Wimalawansa, MD, PhD, MBA, DSc.Professor of Medicine, Endocrinology & Nutrition
As request by many, I have started a blog post and planning to upload one English article in simplified language, every night, answering questions that I have been receiving and facts on different aspects of COVID. Done two so far and will continue to do so on a daily basis for the public good.
These are available on the following site:
Also, on the LinkedIn site, I have different series of articles of COVID and other issues.
Please feel free to forward these links to others for their benefit.
I have also created a series of brief videos explaining various aspects of the disease and how to protect from it. In the list below, I have linked Titles directly to my U-Tube video channel, so one can go directly to a topic of interest. While watching please press the subscribe button (free), which would help us to make more productive videos for the public.
Here is the site info:
Titles: Educational
videos on COVID-19:
by Sunil J, Wimalawansa, MD, PhD, MBA, DSc.
Professor of Medicine, Endocrinology &
Caption: Myths & Facts: Staying Healthy During COVID-19 Pandemic
The common link to the U-Tube channel o COVID-19:
Video 1: Introduction – Staying Healthy
Video 2: What is meaningful social distancing?
Video 3: Controlling COVID-19: Some countries are successful and others are not
Video 4: Steps to be taken to control COVID-19
Video 5: Community spread and quarantine: What should we aware of?
Video 6: Who and how people should be quarantined
Video 7: Fattening COVID-19 peaks with testing and proper segregating
Video 8: Personal responsibilities and governmental actions needed
Video 9: Taking steps to minimize risks: handling food and good nutrition
Video 10: Importance of good nutrition and calming themed to boost the immunity
Video 11: Vitamin D and other micronutrients adequacy to protect us from COVID-19
Video 12: Changing patterns & trends of the spread of COVID-19 infection
Video 13: Stronger immune system, lesser infection: new developments needed
Video 14: Introduction of Prof. Wimalawansa by ven. Bodhi-Chitra Meheninvahanse, Nissala Arana:
Video 15: It is time to normalize businesses in the country
Video 16: Administrative actions that are needed to control the pandemic
Video 17: Evidence needed to take the right actions
Video 18: Right vs. wrong administrative decisions
Video 19: Bodhi-Chitra Meheninvahanse: Nisala Arana: Building up the immunity
Video 20: Bodhi-Chitra Meheninvahanse-Nisala Arana: Proper eating habits
Video 21: Bodhi-Chitra Meheninvahanse-Nisala Arana: Importance of meditation & relaxation
Video 22: Safe sun exposure and functions of vitamin D
Video 23: Why respiratory viral infections are common during the winter
Video 24: Vitamin D & COVID-19
Video 25: How does vitamin D reduce COVID-19 infection?
Video 26: COVID-19 enters human cells through the ACE2 receptor; what are they?
Video 27: How does COVID-19 kill us?
Video 28: Who’s at high risk of getting COVID-19-Empirical therapies
Video 29: Introduction to the speaker by Mr. Mahinda Lanerolle
Video 30: COVID-19 වසංගතයට සඳහා ප්රතිශක්තිකරණ පද්ධතිය හොඳින් පවත්වාගැනීමේ වැදගත්කම
Video 31: Introduction of Prof. Sunil Wimalawansa: මහාචාර්ය සුනිල් විමලවංස මැතිදුන් හඳුන්වාදීම:
Video 32: COVID-19 හමුවේ ඇතිවන ආහාර හිඟයට සාර්ථකව මුහුණදීමට ගෙවතු වගාව පටන් ගැනීමේ ඇති වැදගත්කම
Video 33: Staying Healthy: Facing COVID-19 without fear-importance of physical activities & breathing!
Video 34: COVID-19 ජය ගැනීමට ගත යුතු පාන වර්ග.
Video 35: COVID-19 වසංගතයට සඳහා ප්රතිශක්තිකරණ පද්ධතිය පවත්වාගැනීමේ සහ විටමින් D
Video 35: COVID-19 ජය ගැනීමට කල යුතු ව්යායාම.
Video 36: COVID-19 ඇතිවන ආහාර හිඟයට සාර්ථකව මුහුණදීමට ගෙවතු වගාව පටන් ගැනීමේ ඇති වැදගත්කම
Video 37: COVID-19 ජය ගැනීමට කල යුතු ව්යායාම.
Video 38: COVID-19 ජය ගැනීමට භාවනා කළ යුතු ආකාරය
Video 39:
Video 40: COVID හමුවේ ඇතිවන ආහාර හිඟයට මුහුණදීමට ගෙවතු වගාව පටන් ගැනීමේ ඇති වැදගත්කම
Video 41: Importance of exercise and proper breathing
Video 42: තරඟකාරි මානසිකත්වයෙන් මිදී සැහැල්ලූවෙන්,සරළව ජීවත් වීමට පුරුදු වෙමු
Video 43: හිඟන්නෙක් වගේ ආපු අපි,හිඟන්නෙක් වගේ යන අපි,අතරමැදදී කෙසේ ජීවත් වි
Video 44: What we learned on COVID-19, during the past two weeks?
Video 45: How vitamin D attenuates the COVID disease?
Video 46: The current trends in the spread of COVID-19
Video 47: Herd immunity and community testing
Video 48:An simple way to avoid crowds at supermarkets & grocery stores
Video 49 : Areas that administrations to consider when relaxing restrictions: