The Rajapaksa family should not disappoint the Muslims who stood with “Mahinda pela”, Basil, Gotabaya and Namal since they were defeated in January 8th., 2015.
Posted on August 5th, 2020

By Noor Nizam, Peace and Political Activist, Political Communication Researcher, SLFP/SLPP Stalwart and Convener – The Muslim Voice”, August 6th., 2020.

The advice of “The Muslim Voice” is that the “Mahinda Pela” should see reality now. Though the Muslim political so-called “NEW LEADERS” and “Old leaders” will finally crawl towards President Gotabaya, PM Mahinda, Chamal and Basil Rajapaksa after August 7th., 2020 when the elections results have been announced, signals are now confirmed as suggested by The Muslim Voice” earlier that both Old Muslim leaders, especially a Muslim political party leader from the Wanni is trying to make a deal with Basil Rajapaksa to cross over at the appropriate moment. The Muslim Voice” thinks that former minister Basil Rajapaksa knows much about the activities of these deceptive Muslim leaders”, Rishad Batiudeen and Rauf Hakeem. We should therefore warn President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, Hon. PM Mahinda Rajapaksa, Hon. Basil Rajapaksa and Hon. Dullas Alahapperuma to be ALERT about the MUNAAFIKK” (deceptive) Muslim politicians, who will be FLOCKING to them to gain personal benefits trying to say they are the Muslim votes. They should handle them carefully and make sure that they will NOT try present themselves as “BROKERS” of the Muslim Vote bank to show a majority in parliament on August 20th., 2020, if the need arises, which “The Muslim Voice ” is hopefull will not be so.

When dealing with these deceptive Muslim leaders – Hon. PM Mahinda Rajapaksa should NOT forget those Muslims, Muslim voters and Muslim local government politicians who stood with Mahinda pela”, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, Chamal Rajapaksa, Basil Rajapaksa and Namal since they were defeated in January 8th., 2015. During these times, the Beruwela, Aluthgama and Eastern province Muslims have extended their support to President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Mahinda Rajapaksa with a hope of understating and trust that the New PM” will resolve their issues democratically and listen to them after the 2020 general elections.

They are the people/Muslim representatives who should be our VOICE in the new President Gotabaya Rajapaksa – PM Mahinda Rajapaksa government. The Muslim Voice” hope and pray that this message will reach all Muslims and HE. Gotabaya Rajapaksa, Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa who will be the new PM, Hon. Basil Rajapaksa, and Hon. Dallas Alahapperuma who were entrusted to deal with the Muslims leaders to support SLPP at the general elections 2015 and 2020. The fact remains NOW, the Muslim voters “HAVE  ACTED” on their own and do NOT wish to be represented by these MUNAAFIKK and DECEPTIVE POLITICIANS” or any so-called MUSLIM LEADERS. Those Muslims and local government Muslim members who stood with the Mahinda pela”, Basil, Gotabaya and Namal since they were defeated in January 8th., 2015 continued their support to win the Presidential elections in 2019. Continuing their loyalty to the SLPP and the Rajapaksa family, these Muslims marched “the path of political agony” created at the hands of all the “deceptive Muslim political parties, leaders, Civil society leaders and some of the Ulema and accomplished keeping at bay the “FALSE” propaganda regarding “COVID19”  and the oppression of the Muslims by the Rajapaksa regime, as they attempted to show the Muslim vote bank that they are the saviours of the Muslims in Sri Lanka. 

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, the New PM Mahinda Rajapaksa, Hon. Chamal Rajapaksa, Hon. Basil Rajapaksa and Hon. Namal Rajapaksa “SHOULD NOT FORGET” the contributions and sacrifies these loyalists had made (in their little way) towards the great success and “VICTORY” that the SLPP has made today, by the grace of God AllMighty. They are the political soldiers of the Muslims who fought the vicious “yahapalana gang”, the Samagi Jana Balawegaya, The UNP, the JVP and the TNA in the fronts where the political struggle was going on to capture the minority votes, especially the Muslims votes and have dilivered their best in support of the SLPP, but, like “COWARD SOLDIERS” who took shelter and waited to score on the victories of the longstanding and loyal Muslim political soldiers, some Muslim individuals have been seen in the SLPP platforms claiming that they will be the New Muslim Leadership under the new government to be formed. 

This has become the sad situation of “PART” of the Muslim vote bank that had suppoted the SLPP in 2015 and now in 2020 general elections. WILL THE RAJAPAKSA FAMILY NOT FORGET THESE MUSLIM POLITICAL SOLDIERS DURING THEIR GOVERNANCE DURING THE NEXT 5 YEARS.

5 Responses to “The Rajapaksa family should not disappoint the Muslims who stood with “Mahinda pela”, Basil, Gotabaya and Namal since they were defeated in January 8th., 2015.”

  1. Ratanapala Says:

    We do not wish to forget any Muslim ‘Deceptive’ or not for all Muslims follow the Quran which admonishes its followers to ‘kill the non believers’ in propagating Islam and stealing land.

    With the Muslims it is difficult to know how they will wear the fez or when they will wear the Wahabbi killers garb. It was the last Minister of Muslim Religious Affairs – M H A Haleem who said the captured swords from mosques and nearby dwellings are for cutting the grass! We now know better. Perhaps ‘grass is the new name for non- believers!

    If the ‘good Muslims’ can publicly renounce those demonic verses from the Quran then they are eligible to be called Good Muslims and their voices heard. So far we have not heard any such voice. Have we ever seen any Muslim organization taking to the streets decrying the violence unleashed on Easter Sunday Attacks of 21 April 2019 other than little snippets here and there not worth a spittle!

    No minority politician – whether Tamil or Muslim should be entertained above the long forgotten and long discarded rights and priviledges of the Sinhalese, especially the Sinhala Buddhists. The Sinhalese have suffered enough at the hands of the minorities over the last 75 years simply because they were marooned between two cannibalistic and power hungry political parties, the UNP and the SLFP both feeding off the Sinhala Buddhist votes and yet sacrificing their rights willy nilly at the altar of bogus democracy , human rights and reconciliation.

    We sincerely hope that the new administration will know what forms their foundation and whose continued existence and well being is better for all – minorities included! Minorities must learn to live in peace with the majority and not vice versa!

  2. Nimal Says:

    They should not disappoint us the hardworking tax payers wasting our money, just consult us but get the our blessings and our consent but from us and not from the prelates.

  3. Nimal Says:

    Sorry for error, in a hurry as usual.

  4. Noor Nizam Says:

    Mr. Ratnapala,
    I do not envey what you have written in your comment. But let me remind you the history of this great nation and our “maathruboomiya’ and wish you to read about the 50-50 deal that Ponnabalam placed before the first PM of Sri Lanka (Ceylon) and try to understand who we Muslims are and understand how the late T.B. Jaya rescued Sri Lanka from the conspiracy of the Tamils to grab equal political power in the legisture
    The Muslims under T. B. Jayah’s leadership and other prominent Muslim leaders did not accept the formula as a solution. They rejected it saying that they prefer to be a minority under a Sinhalese majority leadership but they will struggle for FREEDOM of our “maathruboomiya”.
    These were his words: “Where the Muslims are concerned it has been the practice, in fact, it has been considered the duty of Muslims, wherever they may find themselves that they should be first and foremost in any movement that is intended to secure for the people of the country a full measure of freedom. If the fight is for full freedom the Muslim Community as far as it is concerned will be prepared to work without any safeguards because they know the spell of freedom can obliterate any differences”. It was on this historic occasion that the then Leader of the House in the State Council, Mr. S.W.R.D. Bandranaike paid him a high tribute, when he said: “Credit for the attainment of independence should undoubtedly go to T. B. Jayah for his historic speech in passing the Dominion Bill”.
    If the Muslims did not do that do what they did then – if T.B.Jaya did not make that speech declaring that we “TRUST THE SINHALESE” in governance 21 November 1947 in the Ceylon Legislature, there would have been NO SINHALA BUDDHIST country for the Sinhalese Nation. So please do not propergate hatered between the Sinhalese and the Muslims anymore. Lets live in harmony and peace in this wonderfull Ceylon then and Sri Lanka now which is our blessed “mathruboomiya”.
    Noor Nizam,Peace and Political Activist, Political Communication Researcher, SLFP/SLPP Stalwart and Convener – “The Muslim Voice”.

  5. Ratanapala Says:

    Dear Mr Noor Nizam,
    Thank you very much for your reply. I am sorry if I hurt your patriotic feelings for our Motherland. We know that you are a patriot who wish good for the future of our Motherland. However, we need to face reality before getting sentimental.

    Yes, we know that early Muslims at the time of Independence took a stance to side with the Sinhalese. However, to think that the British would have been foolish enough to accept the 50-50 deal of Ponnambalam is the height of dillusion! We were not definitely rescued by the flowery and yet timely speech of TB Jayah. His speech was just a beautiful ripple in an ocean of underlying injustices on the Sinhalese. T B Jayah will remain forever as a true patriot of Sri Lanka in the minds of all those who truly love our land.

    The British took away the Sovereignty of Sinhale’ aided abetted by the very Muslims living in the upcountry –(those who were rescued from certain death from the Portuguese and looked after by the King of Kandy – many settled in the Kandyan provinces including todays Eastern Province just to refresh your memory ) and handed over independence to a country called Ceylon. Again, to refresh your memory, before 1815 Muslims in Sri Lanka did not have the right to own land. Please note that the British did not give Independence to then Ceylon out of goodwill but as a consequence of Britain losing out to the Americans the leadership of the so called ‘free world’ at the end of World War II – Pax Britannica paving way to Pax Americana till now!

    To cut a long story short, since of late ‘the Muslim Struggle’ for freedom and Maathrooboomiya has taken a different turn. All what we see are large scale land invasions, large scale conversions to Islam, construction of mosques trying to deliberately change the physical look of the spiritual landscape – defacing of Buddhist Statues, obliteration and defacing of rock edicts, laying claim to Buddhists sites of historical value, destruction of Buddhist Archaeological sites, programs to outbreed the rest of the population, take over the economy and preparations to take over not just a part like the Eelamists, but the whole of Sri Lanka through a bloody Jihad! What culminated at the Easter Sunday attacks was years of preparation for this ‘outcome’ – future making of an Islamic State in Sri Lanka – a la what happened in the past to many Buddhist lands – East of Persia! Afghanistan, Pakistan, Maldives, India, Bangladesh and so on!

    Throughout these happenings we have not seen ‘ the Good Muslims’ taking up to the streets to protest such abominations of the Sinhala heritage.

    To say Sri Lanka was rescued by Muslims led by TB Jayah is the ultimate profanity on the struggle for independence by the Sinhalese since 1815 – 1818, 1848 and up and until 1948! In the intervening years, we saw how Muslim Politicians jockeyed up for position, influence and power to further their hidden agendas – too many to put into paper here!

    SWRD Bandaranaike was an opportunistic and highly ambitious politician who managed to climb over the head and shoulders of the political bandwagon of disenchanted Sinhalese and take over their leadership and in the end wittingly or unwittingly brought dissension among the Sinhalese. His efforts of creating the SLFP kept the Sinhalese marooned between two unpatriotic political parties the UNP and the SLFP for the last 70 years. They were throughout on the slippery slope of giving away their rights and aspirations to ‘little now and more later’ demands of minority politics. We saw how for years the mighty JR paid Pooja to Thondaman to get his support to keep his UNP in power.

    Fortunately, we see light at the end of the dark tunnel now through Pohottuwa! Yet it is up to the true patriots of Pohottuwa to keep it on an even keel on its voyage thorough trouble waters during and in the post Covid-19 years to bring peace and prosperity to Sri Lanka. The Sinhalese safeguarded not only their Motherland and Buddha Sasanaya but all those who inhabited this lovely Isle, the good the bad and the ugly including their flora and fauna! This is why we still have our island to ourselves! Let us strive to keep it that way – Our Beautiful Buddhist Sri Lanka! Just as a great tree gives shelter even to the wood cutter, the Sinhalese will shelter even those who come to butcher her very soul the Buddha Sasanaya!

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