Can You Name a Port, Airport, Major Road, Bridge, Conference Hall, Power Station, Dam, Irrigation System or Refinery Sri Lanka Received from USA?
Posted on August 28th, 2020

Dilrook Kannangara

Another way to look at the MCC is to consider how USA helped Sri Lanka progress towards its development goals in the past 200 years of close relationship” between the two countries. Can anyone name a port, airport, any major road or bridge, conference hall, power station, a dam or irrigation scheme, boat shed, ship yard, vehicle plant or a refinery Sri Lanka received from USA?

None! Nothing!

This is the report card of US contribution to Sri Lanka’s development.

China, Japan, EU countries, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Israel and even South Africa have helped Sri Lanka built capability and infrastructure to support its development objectives. USA never did and never will. MCC is no exception. It is not for Sri Lanka’s benefit. It is solely for USA’s military expansion at the expense of Sri Lanka.

USA has spent money in Sri Lanka mostly doing useless and destructive work in pitting ethnic communities against each other, Americanization of Sri Lanka’s governance, dragging the island nation into US geopolitical conflicts and continuing slavery-based outdated industries like garments. Even the so-called US aid to import wheat was insufficient on one hand and destructive of local agriculture on the other.

Expecting any benefit to come from the MCC deal with USA is simply insane. It is not intended to benefit Sri Lanka any way.

4 Responses to “Can You Name a Port, Airport, Major Road, Bridge, Conference Hall, Power Station, Dam, Irrigation System or Refinery Sri Lanka Received from USA?”

  1. dhane Says:

    Can anyone name a port, airport, any major road or bridge, conference hall, power station, a dam or irrigation scheme, boat shed, ship yard, vehicle plant or a refinery TO ANY OTHER DEVELOPING COUNTRY received from USA? None! Nothing! Instead USA did destructions all over the world. After seen the destructions of 1st Atom Bomb dropped in Japan
    can any peace loving human command to drop the second Atom bomb in Japan? Afterwards in Korean war, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Middle East & Africa etc USA did the same destruction. USA is the larges destroyer in the world.

  2. Ratanapala Says:

    The fact that the USA is not a forc for any good in the world should be obvious by now. Ever since Pax Britannica gave in to Pax Americana the USA have run roughshod all over the world unrepentant and in an unrelenting way to self proclaim as the only ‘Exceptional Nation’ on earth. This means that the rules that apply to other nations do not apply to them. These self proclaimed notions of grandeur will be tested in the months and years to come. Then they will lay in the same dust heap that the UK is now lingering in! Maybe Covid-19 will be the game changer for the USA.

    The nations the USA has destroyed in her wake of destruction continues to add on. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed to test the killing capacity of the Atom Bomb. Nagasaki was bombed because there was cloud cover on the particular city they intended to bomb on that fateful day.

    Sri Lanka should not end up the same as Japan, Vietnam and many other. None of her neighbouring countries nor other countries that are ruled by the Monroe Doctrine have prospered under American ledership of the American Hemisphere. After years of disctorship Chile is on the brink of baankruptcy. Venezuela the most oil rich country in the world is not able produce oil because it is in an American stranglehold and under sanctions. Panama is a virtual American colony – her only enterprice drug running. Haiti and Puerti RIco have been laid waste and people made destitute!

    Today the USA has become a Black Hole that feeds on her sister stars!

  3. Charles Says:

    Dilrook You have comeout with the best argument aganst MCC. This should be POSTED in the facebook of US Embassy in Sri Lanka

  4. aloy Says:

    When we got independence, SL had a treasury full of cash. US was invited to build one of the largest reservoirs on the same lines as TVA (Tennesee Valley Authority) one of the most successful agricultural ventures of US. It seems they did that in style. The expenditure on the project was so much that with the money spent the whole of reservoir could have been covered with Rupee notes which were very strong at that time. Perhaps that project left us almost bankrupt. Even today people argue whether instead of one massive reservoir a series of small ones on our own ‘Wetiya’ method would have allowed us to conserve lot of land.

    We cannot blame US for every thing. They developed and dropped the atomic bombs on Japan because Japan had devastated the pearl harbour without any reason as a pre-emptive action when US had not even decided to join in WW2. Japan had done similar atrocities elsewhere. US it self had to engage in a massive struggle against British to free herself. And it seems her colonies were freed as a pre-condition they laid to enter in WW2.
    But none can trust US knowing fully well what they did when our Yankee Dickey, JRJ requested help for saving our army that was trapped in Jaffna in 80s. That is a good lesson not to enter into any MCC with that country. But that doesn’t mean that we should not have any dealing with them on equal terms. For that we must have a leader with a backbone having a good idea about who actually we are. I do not think our present lot knows who we are; their handling of K’gala case is a good pointer.

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