Disce Aut Discede Vigi.
Posted on September 20th, 2020

Dr.Chula Rajapakse MNZM Wellington NZ

The rapacious speech MP Vigneswaran , elaborated more there  after in the Colombo  Telegraph achieves most is to stoke the dying embers of racial disharmony in Sri Lanka to raise its dangerous flames that , over three decade period of war saw over a hundred thousand dead and many times more injured and maimed.

The veracity of your claims can be best assessed by the pictures below , that speaks more than words can, comparing the oldest Tamil monument in Jaffna the Nallur Temple of 948 AD and the Buddhist stupas in Jaffna  from 300 BC.

The Oldest Tamil Monument In Sri Lanka  Nallur Temple Jaffna 948 AD

MP Vigneswaran’s arguments take my mind back to the late fifties to a presentation by this same CV Wigneswaran , lanky and in prominent black rimmed spectacles, for the Best Speakers Prize  at a contest in Royal College Colombo, where he simulated  a closing  address to the Jury on behalf a client accused of murder. My overriding memory of this presentation with all it’s theatrics was the talent this, then  senior English debater  at Royal College, to make a non  existent case, sound so real. Today’s performance of the esteemed Vigi  is to me a clear demonstration that over sixty years a later, he has not lost any of this talent or theatrics.

Whilst his theatrics in the fifties had no consequence, his present theatrics raises the frightening prospect of reigniting a dying flame of racial disharmony in Sri Lanka which  his ancestors , the famed Arunachalam brothers , tried so hard to prevent.

If Vigi has still not learnt these lessons, may I kindly request him to  follow the moto of Royal college, Disce Aut Discede,  learn or depart from Sri Lanka’s political scene .

Dr.Chula Rajapakse MNZM

Wellington NZ 20.9.20

One Response to “Disce Aut Discede Vigi.”

  1. Charles Says:

    first photo shows the stupas that mark the burial places of 1000 noble arahats, who were poisoned by a Tamil King

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