Are Gota and Basil Conspiring with the US to Set-up Eelam Where Prabhakaran Failed? (Part 1)
Posted on September 21st, 2020

by The Sri Lanka Study Circle 

In 2009 the people of Sri Lanka led by their Commander in Chief Mahinda Rajapakse and his Army, ably led by Sarath Fonseka, decimated Prabhakaran and his gang of proxy – terrorists who were attempting to carve out a portion of Sri Lanka to set up the State of ‘Eelam’.  

As analysed by several foreign and local intelligence agencies, the terrorists were backed by America and acted as mercenary soldiers for the Americans who considered Sri Lanka critical for the American domination of South Asia. 

The Defence Secretary at the time, providing excellent Administration to the anti-terrorist effort, was Lt Col Gotabe Rajapakse who had retired prematurely from the Army, about 15 years before, on completing the minimum number of years required, to secure a pension.  

While the war continued unabated, Gota had thereafter worked in the Sri Lanka Mercantile sector for about 7 years, before migrating to America, where he obtained American citizenship, after rejecting outright his Sri Lankan citizenship and pledging loyalties exclusively to America.  

Gota returned to Sri Lanka in 2005 to craft the ‘Administration’ required for brother Mahinda’s anti-terrorist campaign.  

During this time however, Gota reassured the Americans of his loyalty to America and its interests by retaining his US Citizenship.  

In 2007 Gota secretly negotiated with the American Government and committed Sri Lanka to America’s military interest and expansionism in the region by signing the first ACSA Agreement. 

With the decimation of Prabhakaran and his ‘invincible’ clique of proxy terrorists, the American plan to dominate South Asia received a major body blow. 

The Americans perforce had to rechart a new strategy and this they did when the US bi-partisan Senate Committee for Foreign Relations, sent a special team to evaluate the damage caused to US Foreign Policy in the region with the decimation of the terrorists.  

The John Kerry Report Sri Lanka: Recharting US Strategy after the war” was the result of that evaluation and was submitted to the US Senate in December 2009, just 6 months after the proxy-terrorists were wiped out. 

‘Pivot-to-Asia’, enunciated in 2009 by Obama, was the new strategic plan that evolved in the wake of the collapse of US Foreign Policy, following the eradication of  proxy-terrorism in Sri Lanka;   

Operation ‘MCC -Sri Lanka’ happens to be just one, but crucial, phase of that overall strategic Plan of US, ‘Pivot-to-Asia’   

The objective of Operation ‘MCC-Sri Lanka’ is: To create the State of Eelam by establishing a bridge-head along Line Trincomalee-Colombo.  

What the Americans failed to achieve after 30 years of terrorism, they now appear confident that they could now achieve it through Gota.  

The Americans failed because of the commitment and courage of the people, the political leadership provided by Mahinda Rajapakse and the military leadership and acumen of Sarath Fonseka. 

The question today on many lips is, ‘Are Gota and Basil, acting at the behest of America, attempting to carve out of Sri Lanka a State of Eelam? 

Considering the perceptions and expectations of the people before the Elections, the answer to that question would have been a shocked, No”.  

In 2019, Gota deceived a 6.9 Million people by posing off as the champion of the anti-MCC movement. On assuming office, he changed; today, Gota’s actions are deafeningly louder than his words. 

Gota and Basil – using, the MCC, the proposed Amendment 20 to the Constitution, the mechanism of ‘Dual Citizenship’ and Sri Lanka’s Gazette of 10th September 2020 – appear to be setting the stage to establish a State of Eelam carved out from Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka 2050 

The above map, which visually divides the country into a North and a South, conveys the notion of Eelam, the territory North of the divide; this map comes very close to the Eelam map of Prabhakaran and was presented by MCC team leader, Steve Dobrilovic, at a meeting of Bank Lawyers at Temple Trees in September 2018. 

 U R De Silva, who has immodest hopes of inspiring youngsters, was at this meeting at Temple Trees; it is unlikely that he even inspired a toad on that day, when he chose to remain silent when shown the US map of Sri Lanka-2050, as was simultaneously shown to all others present.  

The Eelam area is clearly defined in the US map; the Eelam border with ‘Sri Lanka’ would be the two electric fences, on either side of the electrified railway line running between TCO and CBO, that perforce would have to be constructed to protect human and elephant lives. 

The electrified railway line, a massive project by any yardstick, will be constructed by Japan, the cornerstone of US military policy in the Pacific.  

Interestingly, one of Gota’s American associates – another disloyal Sri Lankan – an adventurist businessman dealing in real-estate too, is Gota’s ambassador designate to Japan.   

The electrified railway line runs through the ‘TCO- CBO’ Corridor, much of which is State Land. Undoubtedly, prior to the construction of the railway line, there would be lucrative real-estate business and subsequently there is scope for a great deal of railway contracts.  

Amendment 20 is to be presented in Parliament on 22 Sep 20. If Amendment 20 is passed, as it is, it would empower the Diaspora terrorists having dual citizenship, with tremendous political power.  

Amendment 20 would enable Americans of the likes of Raj Rajaratnams, the Emmanuels, the Rudra Kumarans, the Hooles of the world to consolidate power in the local political councils in the North and the East and enable some of these Americans to enter Parliament and aspire for posts carrying the biggest responsibility. 

Thus, political power in the North and East (the territory North of the TCO – CBO Corridor) would be in American hands, Americans holding extreme ethnic ideologies. 

Parliament too would have its fair crop of American extremists.   

From the latest reports emanating from the Western Capitals, hordes of diaspora terrorists are lining up, pawing the ground and waiting to ‘invade’ the country on the passing of Amendment 20 in Parliament.   

/to be contd

3 Responses to “Are Gota and Basil Conspiring with the US to Set-up Eelam Where Prabhakaran Failed? (Part 1)”

  1. Vaisrawana Says:

    “The Defence Secretary at the time, providing excellent Administration to the anti-terrorist effort, was Lt Col Gotabe Rajapakse who had retired prematurely from the Army, about 15 years before, on completing the minimum number of years required, to secure a pension.” ……..

    (A despicable lie. The misspelling of Gotabaya’s name suggests that the writer is either a non-Sinhala speaker who despises this decorated war hero, or a well-meaning young person who has still not done enough research to arrive at a correct assessment of Gotabaya’s abilities and moral character to understand his impeccable personal integrity and inborn humility, and his brave commitment to duty. Gotabaya left the army to go America only because of the pressure exerted on him by his wife’s family who were already permanent American citizens. He voluntarily retired in 1991; he had done a postgraduate diploma in computer science from the Colombo University for which he travelled to Colombo from his jungle bases in the North, while still engaged in combat operations.; Gotabaya had a number of military degrees from foreign universities, including a Master’s. One reality that persuaded him not to remain in the army was that the UNP regime of the time was halfhearted about military operations against the LTTE. Please read Maj. Gen. Kamal G’s book about Gotabaya or veteran journalist CA Chandraprema’s “Gota’s War”.)

    “During this time however, Gota reassured the Americans of his loyalty to America and its interests by retaining his US Citizenship”…..

    (A baseless lie. Gota never wanted to take to politics. His characteristic temperament is not that of a politician. It was with the greatest reluctance that he finally agreed to contest for president. The single reason that caused him to do that was the fact the American sponsored Yahapalana regime’s fraudulent 19A prevented the popular Mahinda R from contesting for a third term.)

    “In 2007 Gota secretly negotiated with the American Government and committed Sri Lanka to America’s military interest and expansionism in the region by signing the first ACSA Agreement.” ……

    (No. There was no secret. It was a routine agreement that America had already signed with many countries around the world. ACSA was for a limited period which could be extended by mutual agreement. It was a short document of some 8 pages. That period had not passed in 2015 when the Americans engineered the regime change; if MR was not defeated and his government continued, ACSA wouldn’t have been renewed by Gota or his successor as Defence Secretary. What actually happened was that the treacherous Yahapalanaya renewed it agreeing to many conditions that Gota had not even dreamt of when he originally signed it; the new ACSA is an 80 page document embodying many clauses inimical to the country’s interests.)

    “With the decimation of Prabhakaran and his ‘invincible’ clique of proxy terrorists, the American plan to dominate South Asia received a major body blow.” …………

    (This is true; but it contradicts the false implicit assertion above made by the writer that Gotabaya conspired with America to betray Sri Lanka.)


    “Pivot-to-Asia’, enunciated in 2009 by Obama, was the new strategic plan that evolved in the wake of the collapse of US Foreign Policy, following the eradication of proxy-terrorism in Sri Lanka;

    Operation ‘MCC -Sri Lanka’ happens to be just one, but crucial, phase of that overall strategic Plan of US, ‘Pivot-to-Asia’

    The objective of Operation ‘MCC-Sri Lanka’ is: To create the State of Eelam by establishing a bridge-head along Line Trincomalee-Colombo.” …….

    (Balderdash! Doesn’t deserve even a contradiction)

    “Gota and Basil – using, the MCC, the proposed Amendment 20 to the Constitution, the mechanism of ‘Dual Citizenship’ and Sri Lanka’s Gazette of 10th September 2020 – appear to be setting the stage to establish a State of Eelam carved out from Sri Lanka.”…….. (It is being presented in parliament today (September 20). Those who disagree can challenge it in court. What will get through parliament, if it does at all, will be something that the required majority will approve of.)


    “Amendment 20 is to be presented in Parliament on 22 Sep 20. If Amendment 20 is passed, as it is, it would empower the Diaspora terrorists having dual citizenship, with tremendous political power.”

    (Yes, that danger is there. But I don’t know whether the bill includes the OK for dual citizenship holders, to which all nationalists ,especially the monks, also objected. However, it is difficult for me and others who think like me to believe that Gota and MR will willingly initiate that scenario.)

  2. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Anti Sinhalese, anti Buddhist, anti Sri Lanka, minority worshiping (for their votes), Mother Lanka dismembering
    GooandPee aka UNPatriotic_rats didn’t want to fight the real terras catholic tigers of tamil drealam. Traitor chief
    die hard catholic token Buddhist mega thief mega thakkadiya bay gal karaya murderous (Sinhalese Buddhists only
    of course) Batalande wa(n)dakaya Pol Pot r@ni_leech wickrama Sinhala killer gave all the support to its catholic
    buddy barrel man hitler mala paharan to start the catholic drealam in the N&E. It even gave half the country on a
    plate with the CFA in 2005. When the drealam project still didn’t take off, Batalande wa(n)dakaya sent all the
    Millennium City intelligent officers to the catholic tigers of tamil drealam. Still Sinhala modayas don’t have a
    clue why the GooandPee wasn’t keen to fight the catholic tigers of tamil drealam. Sinhalaya called modays for a

    Contrast this with Buddhist jaathidhrohee vermins’ party aka jvp. While Sirima B rounded up all the misled
    youths and rehabilitated, anti Sinhalese, anti Buddhist GooandPee saw it as a tool to get rid of masses of
    Sinhalese youth. Specially the rural youth and kill and kill and got rid of 60,000+ Sinhalese cull I. Die hard
    catholic token Buddhist with its side kicks top catholic police brass and top catholic deshapaluwas had a very
    good time getting rid of 1000s of Sinhalese youth. Headless corpses in rivers, burning bodies in town centres etc.
    etc. But the real terras were slapped on their wrists and encouraged to kill more and more Sinhalese. Monks,
    men, women, pregnant women were chopped, Buddhist monks were chopped, etc. etc. But Batalande
    wa(n)dakaya and GooandPee didn’t want to know. 100,000+, mainly Sinhalese sacrificed. To this day Sinhala
    modayas don’t have a clue. GooandPee painted a picture of invincibility and Sinhala modayas fell for it totally.
    Sinhalese Cull II.

    MR came and so called invincible terras were running for their lives and the drealam project were scuppered.
    GooandPee aka UNPatriotic_rats controlled media quickly labeled MR a thief and made the war victory light and
    got rid of the man who saved 100s of 1000s lives by ending the war. Easily fooled Sinhala modayas are very
    very gullible and even if we keep telling them these facts still don’t understand.

    Meanwhile the traitor chief die hard catholic token Buddhist is blame free from the Sinhala modayas and still
    revered. The murders (Sinhalese Buddhists only), robberies (mega only), lies (mega only), treacheries (mega
    only) not noticed and still they revere the monster. But the monster low life going to get its ditta dhamma
    vedaniya kamma slowly. Already it has been destroyed with the party which did so much to destroy the Sinhalese
    race, Sri Lanka and Buddhism.

    Traitor chief did all this to destroy the only true religion, Buddhism, in the world
    believing in mythical gods. People believed in rivers, trees, mountains, gods in the olden days in the absence of
    science. Charles Darwin showed the world with his Theory of Evolution how the most dangerous creature (on
    the planet) two legged came to be being. Then his book, The Tree of Life, explained how all this other creatures
    came to be being. Today, all the honest, literate people accept the Theory to be true 100%. The Buddha
    preached, people who sin pay for their sins in the animal kingdom for the next 100s, 1000s of lifetimes before
    being promoted to be two legged creatures again (Darwin’s Theory?). Wa(n)dakaya going to find itself in more
    than two legged existence for 100s of 1000s of lifetimes. Simply put, it is going to rot in hell for a very long time.
    We pity you traitor low life for destroying its own race, country, the only true religion in the name of a myth!

  3. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Why anti Buddhist, anti Sinhalese, anti Sri Lanka, minority worshiping, Mother Lanka dismembering GooandPee
    aka UNPatriotic_rats didn’t want to fight its catholic buddy barrel man hitler mala paharan’s catholic tigers of tamil
    drealam is explained here. You won’t see these in so called Buddhist Sri Lanka (on paper) where all the media
    are controlled by GooandPee henchmen. Today, thanks to traitor alugosuwa (to Sinhalese Buddhists only) thambi
    mudianselage jr@ who created diasporats all over the world, Mother Lanka is constantly being harassed all the
    time. This is in addition to jr@’s numerous treacheries to destroy the Sinhalese race, Sri Lanka and Buddhism.
    Some Sinhala modayas (dhrohiyas) still call this murderous alugosuwa a great president. Its disastrou
    Constitution, 13, 13A, giving 650,000+ estate tamils citizenship who were volunteered to back to tn under
    Sirima-Shashtrhi Pact. Introducing pathalayin to silence opposition. Question Sinhala modayas have is, who is
    bigger traitor? Traitor alugosuwa thambi mudiyanselage jr@ or its murderous alugosuwa nephew die hard
    catholic token Buddhist Batalande wa(n)dakaya?

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