The Sri Lankan American Community in the USA, and Sri Lankans worldwide join as people of two great democracies, to express their good wishes to the incoming President of the United States, Joe Biden and incoming Vice President Kamala Harris on January 20, 2021.
Posted on January 20th, 2021
Pledged by: A small but significant community of South Asian immigrants from Sri Lanka in the USA and others who have reached out globally.
We support your journey with hope for the Soul of America and the Soul of the Free World………. We are profoundly gratified by your success and convincing win for saving the Soul of America” of which we are very much a part. We rejoice with you and offer our support with gratitude to preserve our democracy and be a beacon to the world.
You delivered hope to us, a small but significant group of immigrants in the US and outside from the little island of Sri Lanka. Though small, we make a significant contribution to the intellect and economy being a part of the United States of America as law abiding citizens. We seek to be part of the inclusion for equal rights and equal justice you support across all people as promised by your upcoming administration.
Interest in this election stretched far beyond the shores of the USA to other countries. In this message, Sri Lankan Americans with citizenship to vote are joined by others who have expressed their joy and gratitude to see the muchneeded change in America take shape while they watched from across the globe. They join us to send their sincere greetings too.
We are a small lesser-known group, but we belong to the strong fiber of this country as South Asians. With a South Asian connection at the highest level of your administration, we come from a South Asian country that elected the World’s First Woman Prime Minister in July 1960”, shattering the glass ceiling ahead of powerful western countries.
Sri Lanka is the oldest democracy in Asia with adult universal suffrage introduced in June 1931, even prior to Independence from Britain.
As South Asians, we share a connection with the Vice President elect, to join the new order and the journey forward.
The values you expressed are common to all of us and for our children and grandchildren. Our culture is one that lays emphasis on education and human values. Those of us who chose to spend decades of our lives in the US brought with us an investment in free college education, nurtured by free health care given to us by our home country. We added value to our adopted land and promise to continue to do so.
We bring a literacy rate of 91% among our people. We are multiethnic and multi religious. We practice the Philosophy of Buddhism among a majority who spread the message of kindness and compassion to all beings. We live by the diversity we value with a multi religious composition among us and followers of Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam who freely follow their faith among the predominant Buddhists. They merge with ease sharing mandated holidays in celebrating all religions in the nation. This multiethnic group speaks three languages, and we are Sri Lankans striving to obliterate our differences while enriching the diversity in our homeland and adopted land, the United States of America. We have immersed ourselves to restore America to the position of the pinnacle of the world. We offer you our blessings in your new and difficult roles ahead. We are, Sri Lankan born US-citizens and non-citizens. in the USA and around the world
January 21st, 2021 at 7:17 am
USA need to stop lecturing other nations like Sri Lanka, with their hypocritical values of democracy, rule of law and HRs violations, etc.
On the 6th of January America showed the world that it can easily become a “Banana Republic” just like any other country in the world. America lost it credibility, which may take years to earn it back.
It takes more than empty rhetoric and slogans to make a country great. America certainly can be great if they take off their rose colored glasses and look at themselves realistically and honestly, and resolve their age old problems like racism, social and economic inequality, violence, etc., instead of trying to be a global policeman.
As a Sri Lankan-Canadian and your friendly neighbor to North, I wish you all nothing but happiness and a peaceful future for your adopted country!