Covid map: Coronavirus cases, deaths, vaccinations by country
Posted on January 25th, 2021

Courtesy BBC

Coronavirus is continuing its spread across the world with almost 100 million confirmed cases in 191 countries and more than two million deaths.

The virus is surging in many regions and countries that had apparent success in suppressing initial outbreaks are also seeing infections rise again.

Coronavirus statistics show 2.1m deaths around the world, 8,815 up in the latest 24-hour period. Total cases now stand at 99.2m, up 449,040 in the latest 24-hour period. Updated 25 Jan.

Which countries have vaccinated the most?

Several coronavirus vaccines have now been approved for use, either by individual countries or groups of countries, such as the European Union and the WHO.

Of the 53 countries administering vaccines and publishing rollout data, 43 are high-income nations and 10 are middle-income. None are low-income nations.

Map shows doses administered per 100 people. Updated 25 Jan.

Some countries have secured more vaccine doses than their populations need, while other lower-income countries are relying on the global vaccine plan known as Covax, which is seeking equitable distribution.

WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has said that the prospects for an equitable distribution of vaccines were at “serious risk”. He added: “The world is on the brink of a catastrophic moral failure.”

The map above, using figures collated by Our World in Data – a collaboration between Oxford University and an educational charity – shows the total number of doses given per 100 people, mostly first doses.

Most of the jabs approved for use so far rely on two doses, given more than a week apart.

The US and China have given the most doses overall – the US more than 20 million and China more than 15 million – while the UK has administered more than six million doses.

But when breaking the figures down by population, looking at doses administered per 100 people in the 10 countries giving the most vaccinations, Israel, the UAE and the UK top the list. They have administered about 41, 25 and 10 doses per 100 people respectively.

Most countries are prioritising the over-60s, health workers and people who are clinically vulnerable.

Chart shows doses administered per 100 people in 10 countries with most vaccinations. Updated 25 Jan.

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