The Sri Lankan public demand to know WHO PLANNED Easter Sunday Mass Murder
Posted on February 10th, 2021
Shenali D Waduge

On 21stApril 2019 – 10 years of peace without a single bombing incident since defeat of LTTE was shattered. The multiple attacks that took place on Easter Sunday has put even LTTE to shame. LTTE at no time in its 30 years of terror was able to carry out multiple attacks with such precision as what took place on 21/4. A lot of planning, a lot of training & a lot of people had to have been involved either directly or indirectly in this mass murder. While all attention has been focused primarily on the state apparatus and its loopholes that could not prevent these acts of murder, we are yet to be told who are the real kingpins in this plot are, we do not care whether those involved are ministers, former ministers, lawyers, religious leaders – we want to know why this mass murder was planned and by whom. This to us is more important than the yahapalana dimwits who had no courage to take action despite warnings given and foolishly believed some small fracas was being planned instead of multiple mass murders.

The venues for the attacks were Churches and Hotels.
Why specific churches? Why specific hotels? Who decided these targets? How did Indian intel know so much information?
Why Easter Sunday?
Who decided this? Was it a single person’s decision or multiple people? We want to know who were involved.
Are they all Sri Lankans? Are they foreigners or are they a mix? We want their names.

The attackers were all Muslims
Who led them to extremism? Why?
What were their objective and is this project still alive? This is the most important question!
Who were they liaising with and for how many years has this been planned?
Were there any foreign elements involved (individuals, agencies, governments etc)
Who were the locals roped in & were they involved because of money given to them or did they too share the same objectives?
Who funded them – indoctrination, families etc – what is the story behind the Muslim family nexus involved in this mass murder – so many families appear to be involved.
Were madrassas involved?
If so which ones and where and have these been closed down and all linked to them investigated?
Have the banks that held deposits of the monies channeled to these terrorists and their helpers been investigated?
Banks must be told to have a better network to question large funds of money deposited to accounts.
Banks are not shy to question ordinary people for even Rs.5000 deposits, why are they not questioning sudden large deposits?
Who are the lawyers involved in the Easter Sunday attack and why?
Who are the influential players who tried to and continue to try to free these arrested lawyers linked to a mass murder? Why would they want to align with terrorists? How many lawyers or persons in the legal industry are camouflaging their objectives which are similar to these Islamic mass killers? Are they waiting for special orders?

Who are the media personnel, academics, professionals & even police, politicians & public officials linked to this nexus?
Have the authorities combed the area of Sainnamaridu and evaluated the radicalism in these areas – why is this happening, how is it happening and who is allowing such to happen and how can it be stopped and why is it not being stopped?
How did so many swords end up across mosques and in Muslim homes.
Who planted them and what was the reason behind this?
Are mosques under radar too. Are preachers also under intel radar. All of the suicide bombers visited mosques and drew strength from fulfilling their mission for a greater good which is what some hateful group of people had drilled into their minds. Who are these people teaching others to hate and take that hate to the level of killing people in the name of their religion? All these people must be identified and action taken against them.
How did so much of money end up in homes of people barely able to earn a living?
How is so much black money floating around a segment of people?
Why are witnesses suddenly been targeted?
Has the state investigated the expose by Risham Marush?
Who attacked Risham Marush with iron rods (10 Feb 2021)?උඹ–අපේ–නායකයින්ට–විරුද්ධ/?fbclid=IwAR04hYZzhHOGTmzDD0nfreKZ0XMkx5bK-uUJOyIaLuwAHmIS-GGkbZFpwH0 – he is now in Dambulla hospital
Is the army intel covering this
how free is police and armed forces from creeping radicalism of not only Islamic fundamentalism but new faith-cults too!
If these are linked to global destabilizing projects and those roped in are to be served as brainwashed foot soldiers, we are sitting on a volcano that might erupt until a secret and subtle investigation is done identifying the Islamic & faith-cults trying to indoctrinate or penetrate into our police & armed forces and the players tasked to do the job. It is wiser to act with caution given that we have the example of Easter Sunday to prevent another mass murder taking place.

The yahapalana coterie of inept leaders and their police stooges had all the information necessary to take action, but they did not primarily due to communication errors an simply a don’t-care attitude for others. While, they are certainly to be faulted and held to account, this bunch were not the evil players that had been plotting and planning the mass murder. The focus of attention on yahapalana failures to prevent should not hide or divert the People’s demand to know who were the Muslims & even Non-Muslims involved in the planning and execution of the mass murder and those involved in trying to safeguard and release the one’s arrested for it. We believe this bunch of people to be far more dangerous than the negligent yahapalana coterie.

The inability to identify the one’s who plotted and planned Easter Sunday holds the fear that another similar attack can and will happen. We know that there is one Sara suddenly gone missing. We also know that a large number of purchases of white clothes were being made. This clearly identifies a future attack to be on a Buddhist place of worship.
Therefore, money and influence should not hide the evil minds at large, many who are pretending to be moderates, pretend to be what they are not, positioning themselves and their stooges for the waiting game! Until such time that the state can provide us the answers, the people have every right to look upon people with caution for no one wants to have to experience the agony of what took place on Easter Sunday. Simply camouflaging that by showing a stigma story to divert attention away from focusing on going after the real culprits is not done.
It’s almost 2 years now and we are yet to know or be told who planned Easter Sunday, why and every evil person involved in this mass murder.
Shenali D Waduge
February 10th, 2021 at 7:42 pm
Did powerful politicos undertake a contract from a well known sponsor of terrorism to avenge ‘Christchurch’ killing?. But to my mind most certainly the world’s policeman, US and our big brother too were involved.
Ditta Dharma Vedaniya Karma will surely catch them and there are signs that it is already happening.
February 11th, 2021 at 9:19 am
Shenali and others:
Please don’t hold your breath to see the culprits bought to justice any time soon. It is extremely painful and frustrating to see that SL justice system drags these cases with no end in sight. What’s wrong with our governments, especially the present one, which promised a speedy justice for this case? Almost two years to the bombing there seems to be no closer to solving it. All talks no actions.
I don’t blame the Cardinal who expressed his frustration and anger yesterday saying he might even consider asking for a foreign tribunal to investigate this heinous crime. It will be a major blow to the GOSL and the country if that happens, especially when SL is under scrutiny by UNHRC, ICC, extra.
Sri Lanka has lost its credibility, globally, as a country that could bring justice to crimes committed by local criminals. So far not a single major cases – like robbing the central bank, killing of journalists, abuse and corruptions by politicians, etc., have been resolved, or punished the criminals who have committed such crimes.
It’s a shame that SL is gone from bad to worse when it comes to rule of law and criminal justice. Playing politics with crimes has ruined SL’s reputation.