Posted on February 20th, 2021

By Noor Nizam – Peace and Political Activist, Political Communication Researcher, SLFP/SLPP Stalwart, Member of Viyathmaga and Convener – “The Muslim Voice”, February 20th., 2021.

A visit by Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa to Islamabad in the near future, can pave the way for Pakistan’s engagement in Sri Lanka for the betterment of both brotherly Nations.

Pakistan is a good friend of Prime Minister Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa, President Gotabaya Rajapksa, Basil Rajapaksa and the Sinhalese Nation of Sri Lanka where the minority communities had lived in “Peace and Harmony”, if not for the problems the Minorities created themselves for political greed and selfishness.

Sri Lankan majority community will never forget the UNSTINTING SUPPORT Pakistan gave Sri Lanka in the war against the most ruthless terrorist group the LTTE organization and to defeat the so-called Tamil Tigers. The communication between PM Imran Khan and HE. Mahinda Rajapaksa is much appreciated and welcome by the Muslims of Sri Lanka at this moment of history making in our “Maathruboomiya”. HE. Mahinda Rajapaksa should accept any invitation that maybe extended my PM Imran Khan during his official visit to PM Mahinda Rajapaksa to make an official vist to Pakistan (Islamabad) at the earliest. Pakistan investments should be encouraged and more trade between the two brotherly nations should prosper as a result of the new frienmdship extended, while we maint an Equilibrium in international relations with our neighbour India. Pakistan investments should be encouraged and more trade between the two brotherly nations should prosper as a result of the new friendship extended, while we maintain an Equilibrium in international relations with our neighbours. With regards to bilateral relations, this is the correct moment for Pakistan to extend all support and assistance to Sri Lanka to get through with the budened debt crisis that the country is facing presently. 

Pakistan should also offer more educational scholarships to Sri Lankans in educations, especially in the technical trades and animal husbandry and designate more experts in the field of Technical experts in agriculture and especially in animal husbandry and “Dairy Farming”. Pakistan should come forward to take over and “turn around” the large “Dairy Farms” that the West, Australia and NewZealand has dumped on Sri Lanka under the pretext of assisting to increase milk production, but really sold thousands of cattle (milk cows) that are NOT Acclimatized to the weather conditions of Sri Lanka. 

They have been sold to Sri Lanka at large prices on strict country to country loans and fraudulent deals, one of the causes of Sri Lanka’s present debt crisis. This is how the West operate bilaterally  to criple the economy of growing nations like Sri Lanka. Pakistan with a track record of having developed the dairy indusrty to become one of the largest diary industrial producers out beating even European countries with having the 3rd., largest cattle breed in the world, should come forward to assist Sri Lanka to follow their foot-steps in the dairy industry. The Sahiwal and the Red Sindhi breeds may suit Sri Lanka the best and Pakistan should try to introduce these breeds to help Sri Lanka’s Dairy Industry. Unlike the production systems in the developed countries, milk production systems in Pakistan represent smallholding with subsistence- or market-oriented-level farming followed by peri-urban or commercial-level farming. This can be an answer to failing Diary Indusrty of Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka governments plans to import around 1 million milking cattle heads in the coming 4 years, it has been revealed by the The Task Force is responsible for reviving the economy and eradication of poverty while paying special attention to the challenges posed and opportunities emerged in Sri Lanka in the wake of COVID – 19 outbreak. This Task Force is headed by the Former Minister Basil Rajapaksa.

Pakistan has also to make sure that no undesirable persons enter Sri Lanka, with the assistance of the Sri Lankan security forces and the Immigration authorities and help Sri Lanka to prevent the flow of drugs into Sri Lanka by nefarious characters operating through Pakistan soil. While it is very much appreciated taht HE. PM Imra Khan is visiting Sri Lanka on the 22nd., of February 2021 on a two day official visit, a visit by Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa to Islamabad in the near future, can pave the way for Pakistan’s engagement in Sri Lanka for the betterment of both brotherly Nations.


  1. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Eating meat causes too many diseases! Why? Because the most dangerous creature on the planet not supposed to eat meat. Look at your teeth and then a cat’s/dog’s/tiger’s (in a picture of course) do you see any difference? Most dangerous creature supposed to have a fibrous diet, hence their teeth and a longer gut to digest that diet.

    All the problems the world facing today are down to religions of conveniences with mythical gods which don’t regard sins as sins and population explosion. Today, the planet is bursting at the seams to feed these burgeoning two leggeds. Then food producers/manufacturers resort to all sort of tricks to inflate their profits. If the two leegeds are fed so much ‘poison’ we can how much these poor creatures are fed with things increase margins at double quick time.

    People used to worship rivers, mountains, gods in the olden days in the absence of science. Today, religions have to pass the science test to be accepted as true. Charles Darwin showed the world with his Theory of Evolution how old the creatures came to be being. Then his book, The Tree of Life explained how all these other creatures, flies, mosquitoes etc etc came to be being. Today, all honest people accept the Theories are 100% true!

    All the crimes (sins) any two legged creature can do anywhere under the sun:
    1 killing (animals included? Only in Buddhism of course. No animal rights? Then they give you Covid19, bird flu, mad cow disease, Covid23? etc. etc. Animals’ revenge. That’s in addition to all sort of cancers they pass to humans. Also don’t forget these livestock generate a lot of greenhouse gases plus a lot of pristine forests are cleared to make space for farms.

    2 stealing
    3 sexual misconduct
    4 lying
    5 alcohol/drug abuse

    Refraining from the above five is Buddhism’s Five Precepts and all the countries under the sun use them as the basis for their penal codes! Anyone with a bit of common sense will be advising against these meat-mongering which has done so much damage to the planet and the most dangerous creature on it.

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