Easter attacks were an attempt to strengthen political power – Archbishop of Colombo
Posted on April 18th, 2021

Courtesy Adaderana

Archbishop of Colombo Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith says that the 2019 Easter Sunday terror attacks were politically driven.

He claims that the Eater attacks were not carried out over religious extremism but a group that attempted to strengthen their political power by using religious extremism as a pawn.

Urging not to use religion, language, or race to harm another, the Archbishop of Colombo advised one to be free of the perspective of killing others to showcase their power and strength.

The Cardinal mentioned this speaking at an event to bless a memorial erected in memory of those who were killed in the Easter attack.

Archbishop Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith this afternoon ( April 18) blessed two monuments erected in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack on Easter Sunday.

The Cardinal visited the Borella Public Cemetery and blessed a monument erected to commemorate nine victims of the attack. He then blessed another monument erected at the Madampitiya Cemetery to commemorate the victims of the Easter attack.

One Response to “Easter attacks were an attempt to strengthen political power – Archbishop of Colombo”

  1. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    The cat has jumped out of archbishop’s bag. He is showing his real colours now. He was very careful not to blame the
    catholic wolf in Buddhist clothing traitor chief die hard catholic token Buddhist traitor alugosuwa (to Sinhalese
    Buddhists only) Batalande wa(n)dakaya Pol Pot r@ni_leech wickrama Sinhala killer who was the main culprit of this
    saga. Pol pot is their only hope to deliver the killer blow to end Buddhism in Sri Lanka, like gonjan R said. Don’t know
    crafty wandakaya will come up with big great lie to fool the Sinhala modayas and could jump into the driving seat
    once again.

    Batalande wa(n)dakaya wanted to start another war using mussies and stay in power until traitor alugosuwa die on the
    job. That’s the reason traitor alugosuwa kept quiet. It was instrumental in getting rid of 50,000+ Sinhalese Buddhist
    jaathidhrohee vermins’ party terras. But its catholic buddy barrel man hitler mala paharan’s catholic tigers of tamil drealam?
    They were given half the country on a plate and the traitor low life wanted to give the impression the terras were
    invincible and break up the country along religious lines. So the mythical gods company gave full support to the terras.
    Anti Buddhist, anti Sri Lanka, anti Sinhalese, Mother Lanka dismembering, minority worshiping catholic controlled
    UNPatriotic_rats party gave all the support to break up the country and please tamils, mussies, india and the west.
    Still a lot of Sinhala dhrohiyas support these murderous (Sinhalese Buddhists only of course) lying thieves.

    Archbishops and their patikiriya in these videos:




    Sinhala modayas still can’t get enough of the wandakaya

    21st century, still mythical gods live on!
    Why people created in different colours?
    Why the earth was created with built in volcanoes, earth quakes etc.
    what is a light year?
    Why the earth is round? Why it rotate?
    Why the earth the size of a grain of sand in the vast vast vast universe?

    All the crimes (sins) any two legged creature can do anywhere under the sun:
    1 killing (animals included? No, then they give you Covid19, Bird Flu, CJD, etc. etc.. Their revenge?)
    2 stealing
    3 sexual misconduct
    4 lying
    5 alcohol/drug abuse

    Refraining from the above five is Buddhism’s Five Precepts and all the countries in the world use them as the basis for
    their penal codes. Do we have to any more then about the only religion which has been true from the day one to the
    last day of the universe? What is more some of the greatest brains Einstein, Arthur C Clark were etc. were Buddhists!
    Theory of Evolution
    The Tree of Life by Darwin
    NASA’s findings
    scientific discoveries all have no conflict with The Buddha’s teachings whereas they all have condemned the mythical
    gods to books and www. After all this is 21st century. Not the 1st or the 7th!

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