Kind or Vicious
Posted on July 2nd, 2021

viraj kithsiri

I happened to listen to a video interview recently of a popular artist in the film industry. Anyone can listen to this which in the public domain.

A particular incident she describes vividly in the interview took my attention above all.

She had met with a road traffic accident & a kind three-wheel driver had taken her to Ragama Hospital immediately.

She was hurt very much and was in fear of her life at the time.

She was attended to by a kind lady doctor in the hospital then.

What interested me was what had transpired there.

She had pleaded with the lady doctor to save her life and not to let her die that she has a young daughter at home.

The lady doctor’s response is mind-boggling, the doctor had told the patient ‘don’t worry Jesus is with you”.

For all accounts, this looks like quite an innocent and very helpful response.

In fact, this is the way this Buddhist artist has taken and described it in her interview.

However, it is quite an offense by a doctor in this noble profession to bring in religious, political, or personal views to talk to patients who are under duress and begging their kind attention.

A nurse in the UK was dismissed a couple of years ago for offering a prayer to a patient.

There are other similar incidents where medical staff has been penalized and erased from the registry for bringing in their personal religious points to patient care.

Either this lady doctor was unaware of her code of conduct or done with sinister motives. 

This is where SLMA should intervene and have public education where patients’ rights are discussed and pointed out.

Our general public is quite ignorant of these ethics and takes the doctor’s word as the gospel of truth.

There has to be a system for complaints streamlined well & attended.

Hope this will catch the eye of those who can take remedial steps to prevent doctors from exploiting poor patients who are emotionally and mentally upset by their ongoing health conditions. 

3 Responses to “Kind or Vicious”

  1. Ratanapala Says:

    Jesus is with you!

    Don’t worry Jesus is with you! Ha ha! Where was Jesus when the roofs caved in on Easter Sunday? Where was Jesus or even St Anthony on this particular day. Where were their all seeing eyes while the bombers were assembling the Bombs? The innocent victims went to pray to them but they were let down big time. They hapless victims are today at the mercy of the people, government or any other wellwisher! Their statues were seen lying under the rubble with eyes fixated at the fallen roof!

    Where was Jesus and his ever growing list os Saints when the First Nations children have been murdered and buried in secret in Canada? They have just uncovered three burial sites, each with over 700 graves of childern all associated with the Catholic Church. Where is Jesus, God or any sanctimonious benefator when human being that need care and assistance, some of them with special needs and others simply trusting children. Church mechanism is an industry that keeps on moving pedophile priests all over the world from one place of deprivation to another!

    Where was Jesus when the Nazi Pope sent unsuspecting Jews in their millions to Hitlers’s death camps?

    Abuse is at the heart of this creed. That is why this kind of incidents are reported from churches all over the world. They strike at the most vulnerable. These vultures are found at places where the human spirit is at its lowest. They are, like at the incident mentioned above at hospitals, refugee camps, places for all sorts of vulnerable people young and old, where the individuals are indeed – poor, desparate and meek! This is what the Third Beatitude say – Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Yes, they are meek where hopelessness reign and that is the very door through which these hapless creatures such as the doctor mentioned above – creep in like thieves in the dark to devour the minds of those in need of love, care and understanding.

    They are the most despicable of this world!

  2. aloy Says:

    The question I would like to ask this lady and the writer is had that born again lady come back and tried to convince her that it was Jusus that saved her life and tried to convert. If not I would take this as the lady doctor only trying to reassure herself only in doing her job well in a confident manner.

    Not all people in the world are Buddhists and therefore cannot consider others as idiots. I think Buddha never said he is right?. The Bomb maker must have been brain washed about his duty to his god and if he fulfill it then there is the prospect of seeing the 72 virgins. While the worshippers in the church also must have been thinking of their god and peace in their mind. What ever it is ones belief and positive thinking helps in achieving his or her objective.

    There is nothing which is absolutely correct. They have now proved the quantum entanglements and hence existence of the parallel universes where anything is possible.

  3. aloy Says:

    Please correct as ” I think Buddha never said he is right and to believe him” in the second para above.

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