Posted on July 15th, 2021


I write to thank thousands of Sri Lankan armed forces’ members for their exemplary and attentive services extended in handling efficiently the vaccination program of Sri Lankans who are waging an unenviable war against the covid epidemic and according to reports they vaccinated around 150,000-200,000 a day!

The way they set off on the program deserves our highest praise as we did not see any complaints regards the service and the way the vaccinations were administered. We saw how the men and women in uniforms helped the disabled and the old to counters where the services were extended and again accompanied them back by showering the needy people with kindness.

It was ironic indeed to watch the health workers proceeding to strike when the iron was hot by being oblivious to the sick and many others who were seeking advice and guidance from the health sector, they completely ignored that they were getting paid for their input while tens of thousands of Sri Lankans had lost their jobs and many hundreds of small businessmen were forced to close shop. And they forgot their primary duty and decided to strike at a very vulnerable hour of the nation. BUT the men and women of the armed forces came to the rescue of the beleaguered nation and completed the task expected of them serenely.

Yet, we heard some narrow-minded comments from the health professionals saying that the health service is not a section of the armed forces to be run like a brigade under a commander. The armed forces did not waste time to reply to these wayward comments, but they rendered their services to the helpless Sri Lankans.

We hark back to dark days when the terrorists attempted to put the nation under the weather. As the last resort. we had to be saved and liberated by the heroic members of the armed forces at the expense of thousands of their fellow members who sacrificed their lives and others were heavily injured, Similarly, at present, the nation is attempting to overcome a deadly epidemic and the uniformed heroes have come to our rescue. We are grateful to you dear brothers and sisters.



  1. dhane Says:

    While saluting & thanking our brave thousands of Sri Lankan armed forces we should be proud to have very efficient
    State Minister of Production, Supply, and Regulation of Pharmaceuticals Prof. Channa Jayasumana who co-ordinate with vaccine manufactures to obtain uninterrupted supply of vaccines in due time.

  2. janakic Says:

    The Govt. needs to be commended for obtaining the vaccines and using the armed forces to speed up the vaccination process. Unlike the developed world Sri Lanka cannot afford to close its borders and economy for much longer. Our income is primarily dependant on the tourist trade and this cannot be done with the closure of borders. Having travel bubbles is a great answer to cope with these difficult times. I hope Sri lankans will adhere to mandatory health requirements in addition to vaccinations to minimise the effects of this pandemic.

  3. aloy Says:

    To their surprise they found how easy to defeat the enemy given the good leadership and political backing at the correct time. While offering bouquets to all those heroes who paid the ultimate price we mustn’t forget who betrayed the nation afterwards like engaging in various conspiracies like the 4/11 and also supporting to deprive the nation of their valuable assets. I think one such army commander (retired) his still hiding in Dubai, the crime capital.

    One more thing:
    looking at the environmental effect of global warming around the world (and also the unusual sunspot activity these days) the biggest challenge can come from extreme rainfall and heat wave sweeping across he world. Ours will not be an exception. Looking at the number of massive dams like Vitoria etc our forces should be alert on this aspect, too. If unusual heavy rainfall occurs in upcountry these dams can give way and the people in flood prone areas will suffer like those in europe.
    They should be warned to be on the look out for sudden announcements.

  4. aloy Says:

    Unlike earthen dams constructed by ancient kings concrete dams have a very short life span of about 75-100 years. These dams have already passed the halfway mark and we have seen how concrete structures failed in the case of high rise buildings in the US quite recently.

    There is no authority who have dedicated their lives to the nation like the armed forces. they may even be updating their knowledge in the warfare deep in the jungles. Hence my appeal to them.

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