Bill 104 -Tamil Genocide Education Week Act
Posted on January 31st, 2022

Asoka Weerasinghe Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario . K1J 6G1

1 February,  2022

Hon. Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario
Office of the Premier
Legislative Building
Queens Park
Toronto, Ontario
M74 1A1

Dear Premier Doug Ford of the Province of Ontario and your 29 Cabinet Ministers who voted for Bill 104 supporting the Tamil Pox-Hoax Genocide Coalition of Fraudsters.

Re: Bill 104- Tamil Genocide Education Week Act (May 11-18)

I suppose you all recall your High School Sock-Hop evenings when you all danced to the Beatles Song, Hello…Goodbye.”

Here’s my take on it, rejecting your Bill 104, which was an absolute lie, which makes all of you We are Holier than Thou – Oops! Liars.”.

I am a Canadian citizen domiciled in Ottawa since 16 October 1970. And I am disappointed in all of you who voted for Bill 104 to make it Law  after an arrogant display of not wanting to give a hearing to your Sinhalese-Canadian constituents who would be affected directly. 

Not democratic ….not cricket….not kosher….a completely  selective-ugly character of you Conservatives.

Once upon a time I happened to be a card carrying member of your Party.

You say ‘Yes’ and I say ‘No’
You say ‘Go…go…go’
And I say ‘Oh! No…No…No’
You say ‘Hello..Hello..

We have done it for the Tamils
and say ‘Goodbye and we must Go’.
But this Ottawa’s Sinhalese-Canadian says,
Hello, not yet. ‘Hello…Hello’
I don’t know why you say  ‘Goodbye’
as I have not finished dealing with you lot
and I say ‘Hello….Hello….don’t Go’.

I don’t know why you want 
to say ‘Goodbye’, is it that Your
‘We are Holier than Thou’
Liars bubble has already 
started to leak a stinky puke.

So ‘Hello..Hello…Doug..don’t go”.
So here’s the final verdict on Premier of Ontario Doug Ford’
and that of your 29 Cabinet caucus at Queen’s Park in Toronto, as published in An Edition of NP in the Ottawa Citizen, on Wednesday.

January 26, 2022.  It made me conclude that we Canadians are Maestros-of-Genocide – no If’s and no But’s.  And we have been sofor many, many moons.  Going back to the days of Newfoundland’s Beothuks, the last of them Shanawdithit who died on 6th June 1829.

Here is what it said, which killed/destroyed the innocence of your Ontarians as a Canadian-citizenry who believed in Generosity, Truth and Good Democratic Governance, and toed the line of our Charter of Rights and upheld every clause in it, and most importantly that of Human Rights, the Right-to-Life. As such there was No place for Genocide, in Canada. Right Doug!

The news item said,  Possible grave find at First Nation – British Columbia –  ‘Reflections’ could show 93 burial sites…indicating the number of children buried around the site of former  First Nation-residential schools.”

And here is more about ‘We Canada, are Holier than Thou’ arrogant mind-set of Ontario Provincial Premier Doug Ford’s legislators.

Well…well…well Premier Ford, You and your 29 Cabinet ministers who were metamorphosed into clowns by Vijay Thanigasalam, MPP for Scarborough Rouge-Park by making you all vote for Bill 104, a Hocus-pocus arrogant drivel just to earn the Tamil Sinhalese- blood-soaked-votes in the Greater Toronto Area.  Right.! You Conservatives sold your souls to live another day as a member of Ontario’s Conservative Governing party.  And with a handsome pay-cheque, preferred to eat a sirloin steak for dinner, rather than a hot dog with potato wedges with gravy.

And, of course, Vijay preferred to eat mutton-buriyani with chicken vindaloo and Tharka dhall; for dinner than a bowl of Kanji with a crumb of Naan.

You Ontario legislators were beaming with Holier than Thou arrogance pointing your fingers at Sri Lankans charging them of unsubstantiated Tamil Genocide” when you were Maestros of Genocide of First Nation residential kids all along!

The  May 2021 discovery of mass graves containing the remains of 215 First Nation native children at the site of the Kamloops Indian Residential  Schools shocked me, and no doubt shocked you Premier Ford, shocked 38 million Canadians and also the whole world.  We, Canadians, who point our fingers at Sri Lanka accusing of Tamil Genocide were all along involved in Genocide of Native Indian children in Residential schools.  Shish!  What a story of despicable Canadian’ cunning.

 Sweet-Mother of Jesus, give these pathetic sinners some guidance to rescind the lying Bill 104 immediately and  give all Sinhalese-Canadian Ontarians our dignity back, sanitised, polished, cleansed and bathed in Turmeric  water and Garam Masala soap , provided by  Vijay Thanimasalam, a Tamil-Canadian, the  author of the Private Member’s  Bill 104 which is now Law.

Premier Doug Ford, I hope you hear me loud and clear.  Clear as the sound of the  First Nation Traditional drum beats of their Summer Solstice Festival..


Premier Doug Ford: I want my Canadian-Sinhalese-Sri Lankan dignity back. Let’s rescind the Hocus-pocus Bill 104 without delay,  and before May 11,  2022.

Now that the whole world knows of the Canadian involvement in Genocide of First Nation children in Residential schools, Premier Doug Ford, you have abdicated  the decency and moral right to point your finger accusing  my land of Birth- the beautiful Sri Lanka of Tamil Genocide,  who gave Vijay Thanigasalam a life and nurtured him for his first 14 years with -Free Education and all.  He convinced you all to become political-jokers of his Tamil Blarney Gong Show.  

You heard Vijay’s ‘Tamil Facts’,  but what you all denied yourselves was to listen to the ‘Tamil Truths’, before you decided to become Jokers of Vijay’s Tamil Blaney Gong Show.

It is still not too late to listen to the ‘Tamil Truths’, which might convince you that Vijay took you all down the muddy, thorny, lying-Puke-smelling garden path.

I am ever ready to provide you with the ‘TAMIL TRUTHS’.   Invite me and I will be delighted to give you a chance  to remove your Tamil-dunce caps and throw them into your Blue Bins for recycling.  

Afterall, there is no denying that Canada is bankrupt when it comes to upholding  Human Rights” , The- Right-Life.

But let me repeat myself again Premier Doug Ford, the bottom-line is that I demand that you restore my dignity as an honest and proud Sinhalese-Sri Lankan-Canadian, by rescinding your Hocus-pocus Bill104 at your earliest.

What choice have you got when the whole world knows that we Canadians  are Maestros of Genocide and not innocent, lily-white, We are Holier than Thou”’ world citizens anymore. 

Tough.  That’s how the ugly cookie crumbles!


I am Asoka Weerasinghe (Mr)

who gave back to my adopted home Canada, handsomely with my honest hard work and have been acknowledged by the following citations  And that inner-pride which made me a proud Canadian, is no ones play to take it away from me or destroy it, whether its Premier Doug Ford of Ontario, or the MPP Vijay Thanigasalem of Scarborough-Rouge Park, just because my Motherland is Sri Lanka that I am still romancing with for the love of her.

 * Canada’s Who’s- Who;*Founder-Organizer of Gloucester Spoken Art of Poetry & Storytelling Series  1995-2007;

*City of Ottawa, Civic Appreciation Award for Arts and Culture, 2003;

*Canadian Millennium Encyclopedia of Immigrants who have contributed to enrich Multiculturalism as a Sri Lankan, 2000;

*Head hunted and brought me over from London, England, to Head the

 Thematic Research Section of the National Museums Corporation  for the renovation programme of the Victoria Memorial Museum, Ottawa.  And was the lead in the team that made Canada proud by producing one of the  World’s best Museum Dinosaur Hall’s (Life Through the Ages) 1974;

* My long poem Trail of Mankind, was adapted as the storyline for the   National Museum of Man’s  Orientation Hall, Victoria Memorial Museum,  1974;

* Awarded the Gold Medal for non-narrative Poetry at the Arts and Letters  Competition of Newfoundland and Labrador, 1969;

* Was invited to Chair the Advocacy Committee by the Gloucester Arts  Council to kick off building the Shenkman Theatre Complex in Orleans !993-95; 

* Invited as a Canadian Poet to be the Poet-in-Residence at the Dylan  Thomas  Sung and Word Festival, at Dylan’s Birthhouse at 5 Cwmdonkin  Drive, Swansea, Wales, September-October 2012;

* Invited by the British High Commissioner to Canada to start-off Dylan Thomas,  Welsh poet’s Centennial Celebration in January, 2014, in Ottawa by    introducing and reciting Dylan Thomas’s poetry and mine of him to a Welsh   audience of about 100 invited guests;

* Gloucester City Council 2000, Arts Award;

* 2002 Ontario Volunteer Service Award for 15-years;

* Outstanding Asian Canadian Award. Honouring the Pioneers” in   recognition of exemplary contribution to the Canadian Community,   Presented by Canadian Multicultural Council of Asians in Ontario,   May 3,

* Was guest, ‘Canadian Poet Asoka Weerasinghe’ at the International Poetry    Festival at Austin, Texas, US, 2001.

   And a few more, that made me proud to be a Canadian. And you Premier   Doug Ford of Ontario, and your 29 Councillors, tarnished Me because of   my Sri Lankan Heritage with your lying, bombastic,  finger pointing allegations   that my Motherland Sri Lanka committed Genocide against the Tamils which  She never did,  with  Your Bill 104.

    Doug, I stand by what I say, that it was a bunch of baloney, strings of Vijay’s      masalawade, Poppycock, a crock of full of codswallop,  two dead capelin on    the shores of Middle Cove in Newfoundland, and two Prairie straws waving in   the wind unhappy and distraught.

   Premier Doug Ford, I tell you to back off my Sri Lanka, because we Canadians   are  bankrupt as Human Rights Genocide police as we are now being    recognized as violators  of Human Rights Right-to-Life, by committing   Genocide on the First Nation childred in Residential Schools.

   I, Asoka Weerasinghe a Sri Lankan-Canadian,of Gloucester, Ontario,   demand my DIGNITY restored, by you Premier Doug Ford of Ontario, by    rescinding Bill 104, as it is null-and-void.  So Help me God!


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