Sampanthan writes to UNHRC
Posted on February 16th, 2022
Asoka Weerasinghe Kings Grove Crescent . Ottawa . Ontario . K1J 6G1 . Canada
15 February 2022
Mr. R. Sampanthan MP
President, Tamil National Alliance (TNA)
16 (30), Martin Road
Sri Lanka
Dead Mr. Sampanthan (Sam):
the sunday morning of February 3, 2022, bylined Aazam Ameen said,’Sampanthan writes to UNHRC Mission in Geneva saying Sri Lanka has not addressed post war commitments”
Oops….! That’s a bit nasty, isn’t it, Sam? Not sure why! So you complained as you always did, about all this crap again to the unsavoury Human Rights Police which was called by US’s Nikki Haley as The Human Rights Council based in Geneva, which for a long time was a protector of Human Rights abusers, is a cesspool of political bias.”
Sam, if you hadn’t heard the strains of the song sung by me for the UN Human Rights Council, here it is again. This is part of it…
It won’t be easy.
Don’t cry for my Sri Lanka
Human Rights Council in Geneva.
We are not a member of your cesspool
of political bias,
bias for the Tamil separatist liars.
So get off my Mother Lanka’s back,
she won’t hold the bucket for the cesspool
that supports Sampanthan’s Tamils.
Who are you trying to fool…..?”
Sam, you complained ….Sri Lanka reiterated its strongest commitment to the
Promotion and protection of Human Rights.”
So You, Sam, delivered all that as the ‘Tamil Fact’, but here is the ‘Tamil Truth’.
I hate to burst your lying ‘Tamil Fact’ bubble, but I will do it anyway.
Yes…yes…yes…Sri Lanka has done it in a Big Way…Promoted and protected
the Human Rights of your Tamil Clan..and here is the ‘Tamil Truth’.
The ‘Tamil Truth’ that will make you uncomfortable as it will prove positive
that you happen to be one of the unsavoury bunch of ‘Eelamist-Humbugs’.
Did you not know Sam, that the Sri Lankan personnel of the Armed Forces were
the God’s gift for your Tamil Clan who protected their Human Rights, including
that of Yours. That Sri Lanka’s Tamil minority are 100-times better off than India’s
Minority, Dalits and America’s minority of Harlem Blacks.
So what the heck are you belly aching about, Sam?
You with a crown of Silver ‘Wiseman’s Hair’ on the top of your head, and a face of wrinkles
of wisdom, you seem to be losing your conscience of truth, honesty, wisdom, grace and dignity,
and your memory. All these are symptoms of a cunning old Tamil politician, Most certainly not
of a patient of Dementia. But of a white-vettied old Tamil man spoiling for another long-drawn fight
for the want to dissect yours and my beautiful island into two.
Sam, you cannot cut a country in two any more than you can cut a human in two. If you do, you do
not have two human beings; you have a corpse.
Here’s my problem with an elderly Senior Tamil politician like you. If you are that concerned about
Human RIghts in Sri Lanka, then you should have acknowledged and recognized
The Classic Textbook Example of an Amazing Act of defending Human Rights in a War Zone.
But you were not able to, like hundreds of other Global Human Rights Policing Humbugs like the
UNHRC Rodeo of Moon, Pillai, Sooka, Bachelet, Darusman, Radner and so forth..
This amazing Humane Act didn’t show up in your radar monitor screen., nor in any other monitor of the
Rodeo. Why? Was it purposely blocked out from the cunning minds? Do I smell a sick, bloated rat here?
This is bizarre…it is Hokey-pokey, contemptible antiquated rococo, Halloween, Boooo…stuff…
It is a nauseating cruel joke on the Sri Lankan Armed Forces personnel who did what they were trained
to do, safeguard their sovereign Nation’s territory and its peoples, from invading enemy forces, and in
this case it were the India trained, serial killer Tamil Tiger terrorists fighting with a sophisticated military armoury aided and abetted by foreign nations. Especially by Sri Lanka’s very friendly neighbour. And, of course, also Canada, my adopted country. They were fighting to claim what they thought were theirs which ended on 19 May 2009, when the last Tamil Terrorist, their leader, Velupillai Prabhakaran was shot dead through his forehead, on the sands of the Nandikadal lagoon in the east of Sri Lanka, and that ended a 30-year long sophisticated war.
Fought not with bows and arrows, catapults and stones and Indian police bamboo-sticks. They fought with millions of live bullets, Kalashnikovs, Claymore mines, handgrenades M16a, SAM, rocket launchers,etc.
Sam, let’s get this right. With this annihilation the Sri Lankan Armed Forces gave back to 20 million of their people (you and your family included) the most paramount Human Right, their Right-to-Life which had been hijacked by your Tamil Tigers, the most ruthless terrorists in the world’s military-history, for 30 bloodying years.
So what the heck are you crying about to your surrogate guardian the UNHRC, that US’s Nikki Halety called it is a cesspool of political bias!”. Go, tell it to your UNHRC, your surrogate guardian! If you haven’t, why did you hide this TAMIL TRUTH from them? What was the reason, Sam?
Sam, let’s get this right. With this annihilation, the Sri Lankan Armed Forces gave back 2-hour of their lives to every school going child’s Mother from Monday to Friday (between 1:30 and 2:30 in the afternoon). They now didn’t have to stand at the threshold of their front door anymore, looking deep at the approaching road to their house, to sight her child coming from school, as a heart-pulsing whole, and not as a puzzle of a head, limbs, heart and pieces of ketchup bloody flesh in a plywood box, having been bombed by a claymore mine set up by theTamil Tigers. These cowards were ruthless. Go tell it to the UNHRC, your surrogate guardian. The one that US’s Nikki Haley called it a cesspool of political bias.” If you haven’t, why did you hide this TAMIL TRUTH from them? There must be a good reason. Why, Do I smell a rotting rat here, Sam?
Sam, let me see you getting down on your knees, placing your palms together tilting your face up to the sky saying, as the old Tamil Granny who was carried like a baby in the arms of a young Sinhalese soldier, running dodging Tamil Tiger bullets, taking her to safety, who kissed his cheek and said, Puthata Theruwan saranai” (Son, may you be blessed by Buddha’s Triple Gem.”). That video-clip must be in a TV reporter’s archives somewhere.
Sam, these are the same khaki uniformed Sri Lankan soldiers who risked their lives to rescue 295,873 Tamil refugees of yours from the clutches of the most ruthless terrorists in the world, Your Tamil Tigers.
Every soldier who rescued the 295,873 Tamil refugees from the Tamil Tigers deserves a kiss on his cheek with Blessings of Gratitude – saying Puthata/Ayyata/Mallita, Theruwan saranai.” That is not much to ask for, is it not? Sam, you should find means to have every rescued Tamil release their testosterone hormones of class and decency to plant a Kiss of Gratitude on the cheek of every Sri Lankan soldier, Come on Sam, do it and show me that you have a grain of decency and honesty to do that honour who saved the lives of 295,873 Tamil refugees.
You know what Sam, let me massage your sleeping brain cells to bring back your memory, because you quite well knew it, because you are hiding the Tamil Truth from the world of those who are supporting your Eelamcause. You all have quite cleverly made your Eelam supporters evolve into Jaffna-Sinnathamby’s village Circus clowns.
These 295,873 Tamils were used as a Human Shield by your Tamil Tigers for six long months and frog-marched them under a scorching Jaffna-Kilinochchi sun like unwashed cattle from the west coast to the east coast by your Tamil Tigers. These are the Tamil Serial killers who you and the rest of the TNA’s bowed and did your hosannas as Saviours of the Tamil tribe in Sri Lanka. What crap..what strings of masala-wade with a curled chilli-rubbed hrimp fried on top to garland your necks.
My gavel has come down hard and heavy on you TNA politicians as “Guilty” for Not exposing or discussing this amazing Classic Textbook Example of an Amazing Act of Human Rights in a war theatre. Sam, my Heroes, the Sri Lakan Armed Forces personnel did it. Stop playing Hide and Seek with the Tamil Truth. My Heroes in khaki did it.
So Sam, with that Classic textbook rescue Mission, the Sri Lankan Government created a Himalayan problem for themselves. They now had 295,873 breathing bodies, all Tamil refugees to look after,
Sam, this is not a trick question. Let’s have your answer straight from the horse’s mouth, straight as a travelling bullet shot from a Kalashnikov by your Tamil Tribe Saviour, Velupillai Prabhakaran.
Why was this amazing Classic Textbook example of Human Rights, a clever, brilliant, humane act by my Khaki uniformed Sri Lankan soldiers, defenders of Human Rights based on the International declarations and covenants that set out the Rights and all Freedoms of all human beings not recognized. In this case it was Sri Lanka’s Northern Tamils that were the concerned humans which were.never identified and acknowledged by your UNHRC, your TNA or any other Human Rights Policing Global Institution.
This is where I categorize all you singly or collectively as Human Rights Humbugs, and Good for nothing Liars.
Well… an extension of Nikki Haley’s christening them all at the UNHRC, your surrogate family as a
Cesspool of political bias.”
So these Sri Lanka soldiers did not bump off the 295,873 Tamils, as the Tamil Tigers did to the 700 brave police officers on 11th June 1990. Go let your Surrogate Mother Madam Michelle Bachelet know what happened.
Sam, tell her how these 700 soldiers of the eastern police stations surrendered to Tamil Tigers on the promise that they would be sent South, unharmed as agreed with President Premadasa.
Tell your surrogate Mother Madam Bachelet, that your Tamil Tigers did not send the 700 policemen South, but blind folded them, tied their hands behind their backs, made them kneel down and shot everyone dead through the back of their skulls.
Compared to what happened to the policemen, the 295,873 Tamil Refugees were fortunate to have just met forthe first time Sri Lankan Khaki clad Angels who saved their lives, You bet,. Angels they were!
These Sinhalese khaki clad Angels not only rescued them from the clutches of the Tamil Tiger, they were housed in temporary clean- white refugee camps in a Refugee Camp City but were also fed three hearty meals a day -breakfast, lunch and dinner. I repeat three hearty meals a day – not kanji for breakfast, two ulundu wades with some sambar and a cup of water for lunch, , and three dosas with sambar for dinner. Note they prepared, and some soldiers turned cooks prepared a million- nourishing Dietician monitored meals-a-day to sustain theseTamil refugees.
And the kids ‘ meals included a glass of fresh milk.
Don’t hide these TAMIL TRUTHS from the World, Sam, it is time that you go to your surrogate guardian’s UNHRC Headquarters in Geneva and using a bull-horn and announce these amazing Classic Textbook Examples how this puny island of ours defended the paramount Human Right, the Right-to Life, of 20 million people of theirs by brave khaki-clad-soldier-Angels. Don’t act like a senile-stupid, Sam. Be honourable, be a decent Tamil human beings. Acknowledge what these brave Khaki-angels did to your Tamil people which Includes you and your family. They gave all of you a second chance to live. Make it a Class Act. Speak honourably!
And you R. Sampanthan had the gall and temerity to write to UNHRC MIssion in Geneva saying Sri Lanka has not addressed post war commitments.” Sadly enough, let me tell you Sam, you certainly won’t receive a greeting card with Blessings next Sinhalese and Tamil New Year, from me or on your Diwali celebrations .No damn way.
R. Sampanthan,
and I want you to know that
Sri Lanka is my country
the land of ancient people
who happen to be my ancestors.
and of elephants and court jesters,
lotuses, moonstones, hills and waterfalls.
This is a magical country and nice
often called ;The Island of Paradise
grown on red kabook earth
and lately nourished with blood
by people at war.
This is where village mothers I saw
in thatched roofed adobe huts
poor and in patchwork rags
did not seek permission to weep
when their soldier sons
who had gone to war with a will
to save their country from dissection
by marauding separatist Tamil terrorists
returned home dead in plywood caskets.’
Sri Lanka, This is my country
and I say Back-off’ to anyone
who tries to hurt my Mother unfairly.
You heard me..Just “Back Off.”
Asoka Weerasinghe (Mr.)
(born at 54 Mount Mary,Colombo)
and an Old Nalandian)