Archive for March 14th, 2022

Who Benefits From EU Dragging on Ukraine Conflict With Arms Supplies and Anti-Russia Sanctions?

Monday, March 14th, 2022

Courtesy Sputnik Sanctions against Russia and the arms supplies to Kiev will not solve the current crisis, while Ukraine’s guaranteed neutrality would be a reasonable solution, argued Sahra Wagenknecht, a member of the Bundestag for The Left, in her latest interview with Die Welt. Could Berlin become a responsible peace broker?”The German government under Chancellor […]

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මැතිවරණයේදී චමල් පරදන්න බැසිල් වැඩ කල හැටි ගම්මන්පිල හෙළිකරයි…

Monday, March 14th, 2022

Truth with Chamuditha

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IMF in Sri Lanka to discuss worsening economic crisis

Monday, March 14th, 2022

Courtesy The Straits Times COLOMBO (AFP) – An IMF delegation was in Sri Lanka on Monday (March 14) for talks on the island’s worsening economic crisis, with the public suffering through months of food, fuel and medicine shortages. A lack of foreign currency has left traders unable to pay for vital imports in what authorities concede is […]

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UK Travel Advisory on Sri Lanka Warns of Dire Economic Situation, Shortages

Monday, March 14th, 2022

Courtesy Wire ‘There may be long queues at grocery stores, gas stations, and pharmacies,’ UK warned those travelling to the island nation whose economy has been severely hit by the pandemic. New Delhi: Responding to the economic crisis caused by foreign exchange depletion in Sri Lanka since the pandemic, the United Kingdom has issued a travel […]

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Moscow and Kiev may soon come to agreement – Russian negotiator

Monday, March 14th, 2022

Courtesy RT Ukraine said Russia was seeing the situation much more adequately” than before © Getty Images / EA A member of the Russian negotiating team, Leonid Slutsky, has said he believes the significant progress” he has observed in talks between Moscow and Kiev might soon lead the two sides in the conflict to sign an agreement. […]

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China Slams Claims About Russia Asking for Military Assistance in Ukraine Op as ‘US Disinformation’

Monday, March 14th, 2022

Courtesy Sputnik © Sputnik / Pavel Lvov / Go to the photo bankSubscribeSvetlana EkimenkoAll materialsWrite to the authorBeing updatedEarlier, a spokesperson for the Chinese embassy to the United States reportedly rejected media allegations that Moscow had sought Beijing’s help with military equipment and other logistics for its operation to de-Nazify Ukraine. Liu Pengyu, a spokesman for the […]

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Moscow Considers West’s Attempts to Push Russia Into Storming Major Ukrainian Cities ‘Provocative’

Monday, March 14th, 2022

Courtesy Sputnik r two weeks after starting the operation to demilitarize Ukraine, Russian forces have been hesitant to enter major populated centers -especially in areas where Ukrainian ultranationalist battalions are holed up. The Russian MoD has repeatedly accused the latter of placing heavy weapons in residential areas, and using civilians as human shields. Moscow considers […]

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