Posted on August 5th, 2022
Insight by Sunil Kumar
Is this some kind if joke that Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP)
General Secretary MP Sagara Kariyawasam has said that if former
President Gotabaya Rajapaksa is willing to engage in politics with the
Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP) after his return to Sri Lanka, the
SLPP will gladly accept him?
Or is this some ploy by those who are devious enough to condemn the
corrupt actions of the Rajapaksa Administration in public but covertly
hope for their own agendas to succeed and for the” Rajapaksa Nation
Destructive Scenario” to commence all over again? as it certainly was
near nation destructive in the end and the country in a shambles,
bankrupt, fearful of insurgents perhaps waiting in the shadows towards
another takeover bid and the IMF as well as other prospective
supporting sources debating the pros and cons of supporting a Nation
devoid of proper leadership and a solid financial base as a result of
misappropriations and mismanagement by previous administrations and
consequently not trusting the present.
Curiously the current president, virtually a lame duck clutching at
straws and attributing everything to prospective meetings, get
togethers, seminars and many wait and see type of promises where to
date little or nothing had been accomplished through his leadership
which incidentally was virtually bought not won quite visibly in the
run off to the presidency. Resources like petrol, gas and food items
are trickling in but hardly sufficient to appease the vast majority of
the suffering masses where the backlog could take months to clear and
that with much blessings and good fortune if it prevails in Sri
Lanka`s favour.
Either ways it is perplexing and troubling for Sri Lanka as a return
of Rajapaksa to the country he so fearfully abdicated from could
spell further disaster for any chance that remains for Nation
rebuilding after the major crisis of the past that left her virtually
n international beggar at the mercy of sympathetic sources who have
sustained her even in some small measure. It is hardly likely that the
masses who literally drove him out will tolerate his return without
some accountability – Ranil Wickremasinghe`s tough rhetoric
So what was the uprising by the masses all about and what was the
expected end result of relative calm, peace and stability returning
under Ranil Wickremasinghe beyond a pipe dream where despite his
rhetoric he seems to be in favour also of the return of the Rajapaksas
his erstwhile buddies where severe reprisals could await him far worse
that what Rajapaksa faced if he made any false moves and he should
take heed to conduct himself in a Nation friendly manner rather than
incurring the wrath of the masses all over again as it could be
curtains for him if lessons were not learned from the past.
While President Ranil Wickremesinghe has told the US-based Wall
Street Journal that it was not the right time for Rajapaksa to return
to the country, as it could inflame political tensions there also
seems to be a double standard attached as he has been going about
covertly illustrating the merits of the Rajapaksas known to be his
allies so despised by the general populace. where a comeback by the
Rajapaksas has even been hinted at but with no confirmation of this
and of course a near absurdity.
Wickremasinghe has remained in contact with Rajapaksa to deal with
administrative handover issues and other Government business, the
report said which also seems odd with a man of Wickremasinghe’s
political experience or is this a “De Ja Vue“ of some kind related
to the past affiliations between him and the Rajapaksas where at any
cost contact needs to be maintained as a subservient dog to a master!!
His exclamation I don’t believe it’s the time for him to return,”
Wickremesinghe said in an interview with the newspaper. I have no
indication of him returning soon.” could also be interpreted as his
long sought after quest for the Presidency he now seems to want to
hang onto at any cost as many analysts believe!
As a former Sri Lanka President, Rajapaksa certainly has the full
right to return to the country which many believe he devastated
through his policies of mismanagement aided by his corrupt consorts
and advisors. As a matter of fact it demands the right for him to be
even forcefully brought back to stand trial for criminal liability
together with his allies who perpetuated Sri Lanka`s near demise and
plunged the nation into untold suffering for the impoverished and a
struggle to exist even for those of means!
Quoted Flash back- “Amidst the most drastic economic collapse the
country has witnessed since Independence, Rajapaksa fled the island on
13 July following the massive protest demanding his resignation which
was attended by millions of people on 9 July in Colombo. During the
protest, the people occupied the President’s House, and the
Presidential Secretariat in Colombo. Rajapaksa had then been taken to
a safe location by the Security Forces and he had left for the
Maldives in an aircraft belonging to the Sri Lanka Air Force on 13
July. He then flew to Singapore, where he has extended his short-stay
visa.` -end of quote It would be a Travesty of Justice if Rajapaksa
and his allies are granted impunity and are free to walk around as
though they were the masters of everything they survey as they once
did and Ranil Wickramasinghe was their redeeming saviour where angers
could be easily unleashed again by those who sent Rajapaksa packing!
which does not augur well for the Nation from any perspective.