Canada Human Rights Violations – Pot calling the Kettle Black!
Posted on January 12th, 2023
Sarath Bulathsinghala
12 Jan 2023
Canada is following up on Monkey Moon’s Darusman’s Report a clandestine report purportedly made for the eyes of the former UN Secretary of General of the UN – Moon only, but later surreptitiously leaked to the public and now used as a major document to castigate the Sri Lankan government and her past leaders for wartime human rights violations. Any war is a human rights violation. There are no two words about it. Then war becomes the final arbiter when diplomacy and talks fail! This is what happened in Sri Lanka.
Then countries such as Canada are in no position to point fingers at others when they themselves have violated the rights of children and their parents – the lowest of lowest crimes against humanity. It is clear that Canada is a country that has engaged in the past and is now actively participating in crimes against humanity as well as genocide by themselves and by being party to others engaged in such barbarity!
How did Canada violate human rights? Significant human rights issues included credible reports of unlawful or arbitrary killings; crimes involving violence against indigenous women and girls; and crimes involving violence or threats targeting Black, Asian, Jewish, and Muslim minorities. Are there any world organizations who will hold Canada responsible for their Human Rights violations or impose some sort of sanctions against organizations and personnel connected with these crimes against humanity?
Canada is a diverse, multi-cultural democracy that enjoys a global reputation as a defender of human rights and a strong record on core civil and political rights protections guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Despite these efforts, Canada continues to struggle to address longstanding human rights challenges, including wide-ranging abuses against Indigenous peoples, the continued confinement of immigration detainees in jails, and a prison law that does not rule out prolonged solitary confinement.
Canada also grapples with serious human rights issues relating to the overseas operations of Canadian extractive companies, and persistent exports of military equipment to countries with a record of human rights violations.
Indigenous children Between May and the end of the year, the remains of more than 1,381 Indigenous children buried at six former residential schools were located. The Canadian government established the schools, and churches administered them. The authorities failed to fully implement and share a public timeline for the 94 calls to action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada or to implement the 142 calls for action from the Public Inquiry Commission on relations between Indigenous peoples and public services in Quebec.
In September, the Federal Court upheld the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal ruling ordering Ottawa to pay Can$40,000 (approximately US$32,000) to each of the approximately 50,000 First Nations children forcibly separated from their families. At the end of the year, the parties reached an agreement-in-principle whereby Can$20 billion (approximately US$15.7 billion) will be paid in compensation to First Nations children who were removed from their homes and approximately Can$20 billion over five years will be spent on long-term reform of the First Nations Child and Family Services program.
These measures can never bring back – childhood lost to children nor the pain caused to parents and indigenous communities in Canada. This is just eye-wash!
Canada has continued to meddle in the affairs of Sri Lanka while being a gross violator of so-called Human Rights themselves! Their aid to Sri Lanka has always come with ‘strings attached’. They began their partisan approach to race relations in Sri Lanka beginning Maduru Oya – Mahaweli works.
This country with a strong Catholic – Tamil bias has consistently worked towards the dismemberment/balkanization of Sri Lanka, a country that is only a fourth the size of the United Kingdom! They and others of their ilk desire the dismember of Sri Lanka into fiefdoms – a part for racist monoethnic Tamils, a part for the Catholic Church and many more for Muslims all over the country!
It is not difficult to see that the long term objective is for the dismemberment and balkanization of India. For this Sri Lanka should remain divided, unstable and disunited. This is the objective of the recent Maidan II carried out with Regime Change Queen – Victoria Nuland in attendance in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is to be just the stepping stone for the balkanization of India. In this respect, Canada is working in lockstep with the US and as their cat’s paw!