Buddhavaccana (The Words of the Buddha) Connect This Lifetime
Posted on March 20th, 2023

Light of Buddhadharma Foundation International

Buddhavaccana (The Words of the Buddha) Connect This Lifetime🌈 (mailchi.mp)

Over the past seventeen years, thousands have been gathering to chant the Tipitaka under the Bodhi Tree from December 2nd-13th. Since then annual chanting ceremonies have spread to all the ancient pilgrimage places of the Buddhadharma. Once again, the sound of the Buddha’s words can be heard all over the land of the Ayradesh.
Today, we are delighted to share with you that we have completed the recitation of the entire Suttapittaka this past December. These texts, shown here on ancient palm leaves, are now being recited by thousands of monks and laypeople with the single aim of preserving, promoting, and protecting the teachings of the Buddha in our lifetime. 

Our chanting program now moves to the Vinaya Pitaka where the arrow is pointed in the image below. This diagram gives you an entire description of all the texts that are contained within the Pali Canon. 

In this 21st century, we have one voice- one sound from eleven Theravada countries who come together to sit and recite the precious Tipitaka. Every evening we also have great masters come to give talks on the dharma.
This golden period provides an opportunity for all of us to study the teachings and hear wise reflections to enhance our growth on the spiritual path. 

We are so grateful to the Corporate Body of the Buddha Educational Foundation for their unwavering support of printing the Pali Tipitaka. It is printed with such care on special paper and hardbound. It is completely given as a dharma gift. We also offer sincere thanks to Khyentse Foundation, without whose support the spread of the ceremonies to other sacred sites would not have happened. Finally, we are delighted to have the support of both the International Buddhist Confederation and the Government of Uttar Pradesh in our efforts to revitalize Buddhist culture in its ancient Motherland.

Make Merit with Offerings:
Since the beginning, our work has been entirely volunteer based. In this regard, if you feel moved to support our work with flowers, food, or media offerings during these ceremonies, we welcome you to send an email to us here.  

Promoting, protecting and preserving the teachings of the Buddha:

Now we bring both the Mahayana and the Theravada together to recite the precious teachings of the Buddha in Pali. These are just some of the magnificent benefits of coming together as a Mahasangha. 

Now we are extending our work to all the sacred sites of the Buddha in India. We are now working with officials in India to strengthen these programs so that we can promote dharma with spirituality in mind. Here are some pictures from our recent chanting programs in all the sacred sites of the Buddha, We are so grateful to our primary sponsors including the Khyentse Foundation and now most recently the UP Government of Ministry of Culture and Tourism, International Buddhist Confederation. Without their support, these programs would not be possible to execute. 

Sarnath, Dhammekka Stupa

Indian Buddhist Cultural Performances, Nagpur
Deekashabhoomi Center

Lucknow, Dhammapada Recitation

Vaisali, Vinaya Pitaka RecitationPlease join us as we work to keep the Buddha’s teachings alive in the land of Aryadesha.
Altogether, we are creating the positive links for wisdom and compassion to flourish at the
Seat of Enlightenment. With Loving-Kindness
Wangmo and Richard DixeyJoin our Buddha Carika Pilgrimages in 2023:
We will be offering a first-class experience to join us in Bodhgaya, Sarnath and Nalanda for our Buddha Carika pilgrimage. For more information, please send us an email here.

Copyright Š 2023 Light of Buddhadharma Foundation International, All rights reserved.

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