Exhortations of the President In Perspective Insight
Posted on May 22nd, 2023

By Sunil Kumar

When the President  of Sri Lanka  urges all Sri Lankans to work together to build a prosperous country free of bankruptcy and all the ills of the recent past it is an assertive call to the nation which needs to be responded to beyond conjecture or speculation.

The protocols  surrounding his call and the details of what he has outlined for Sri Lanka and what he has accomplished thus far appears to be the work of a brilliant analytical mind which has effectively rescued the country from impending disaster which needs to be acknowledged as a massive” Fait Accompli ” where the restoration of a normal order within the country was no mean feat and the people of Sri Lanka have to be thankful for the leadership of operations under him and be hopeful it will augur well towards the posterity of the Land.Especially the IMF negotiations and the build up towards the financial recovery of Sri Lanka as well as a code of conduct for all legislators relative to honesty and integrity.

There is however a nagging factor which appears to be perplexing where the burning question needing to be asked is “what about those who perpetrated  the debacle which plunged the country into near redundancy and more where  the two Rajapaksa brothers deemed the main culprits and their associates were alleged to be responsible with their particular brand of administration and ludicrous spending projects that transformed Sri Lanka into a nation of beggars depending on international handouts, persons who are still floating around in limbo within the country with undeserving freedoms where by rights they need to be brought to justice and indicted within the statutes of the land according to the will of the people and the huge amounts of monies misappropriated by their rank and file recovered and replaced in the coffers where they belong if it is in anyway possible.

This may seem an ungainly task for the President and perhaps needing an act of forgiveness as some seem to believe but there is also a school of thought that he is protecting the aberrations of the Rajapaksas where a recent rumor emerged that Mahinda Rajapaksa would be nominated as a returning Prime Minister which hopefully is merely a rumor and not an action under the auspices of the President which could spark off unprecedented upheavals within the country again.

If this were to transpire, all the good work done by the President thus far would be neutralized and tantamount to very little as it is the Will Of The People that needs prioritization and the state of well being of the Nation  the primary consideration and not the security of those who plunged the Nation into near darkness who specifically need to pay the price for the wrongs they have done.

There is also the popular belief the the President is biding his time towards initiating the judicial actions that will bring all perpetrators responsible for Sri Lanka’s recent woes in hindsight where proper investigation and setting in place the necessary measures of indictment take time and careful consideration where hopefully this will transpire in the near future and justice takes priority over friendships in a manner of speaking and the sins of the Rajapaksas are atoned for not forgetting the good they initiated towards the progress and development of Sri Lanka where eventually  and sadly huge errors were made which nearly cost the nation dearly but for the timely intervention of the present President who has done very well for the Nation.

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