Archive for July 8th, 2023

Rootin’ for Putin

Saturday, July 8th, 2023

HANS VOGEL Courtesy The Unz Review Following in the footsteps of her illustrious predecessor Josef Goebbels, Mrs. Ursula Von der Leyen, unelected president of the Fourth Reich” has imposed censorship. In the endless wisdom of her little brain, Mrs. Von der Leyen has decided that the inhabitants of the EU who survived or escaped the […]

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The Collapse of the West, Spring/Summer 2023

Saturday, July 8th, 2023

HANS VOGEL Courtesy The Unz Review No longer is it a matter of speculation whether or not the West” is in free fall. It clearly is, and it is clearly intentional. The Great Covid Show, brought to you by the usual suspects, seems to have created the right conditions for the Great Reset.” There were […]

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Saturday, July 8th, 2023

By A. Abdul Aziz, Press Secretary – Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at – Sri Lanka. According to the latest information received by U.K. based IHRC, at least six Ahmadi Muslims have been arrested and five First Information Reports (FIRs) have been registered in Punjab, Pakistan against Ahmadi Muslims for sacrificing animals on Eid-ul-Azha (Hajj Festival). Eid Festivals […]

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President asks Tiran to decide on IGP post.

Saturday, July 8th, 2023

Courtesy The Daily Mirror President Ranil Wickremesinghe has informed Public Security Minister Tiran Alles to take the final decision on the appointment of the new IGP, informed sources said. Accordingly, the Minister has been instructed to decide whether to appoint an acting IGP or to grant another extension for former IGP C.D. Wickramaratne. Sources further […]

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CBSL governor says more rate cuts needed for economy to ‘bounce back’

Saturday, July 8th, 2023

Courtesy Adaderana Debt-ridden Sri Lanka may need to cut interest rates again to further boost growth in its economy, according to the head of its central bank. Dr. Nandalal Weerasinghe, governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, told CNBC Friday that there will be more rate cuts to come, even after the central bank […]

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Spotlight on potential BRICS currency as pushback against US dollar grows

Saturday, July 8th, 2023

Courtesy Adaderana The de-dollarisation, the movement to reduce other countries’ reliance on the greenback, among the emerging economies of the BRICS economic group is yet to reach a ‘common currency’ breakthrough. The de-dollarisation movement, however, is currently morphing into a growing number of countries ditching the dollar and choosing to trade in their own currencies […]

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Thai royal family honours Sri Lankan caretaker of tusker ‘Muthu Raja’

Saturday, July 8th, 2023

Courtesy Adaderana Their Majesties the King and Queen of Thailand have bestowed an honour upon Don Upul Jayarathna Denelpitiyage, a Sri Lankan mahout, in recognition of his unyielding care for the recuperating Thai elephant, Sak Surin (also known as ‘Muthu Raja’), foreign media reported. The elephant is currently in 30-day quarantine in Lampang province of […]

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