Posted on July 12th, 2023


It seems perhaps a bit late in the day for the Leader of the Opposition Sajith Premadasa to appoint a committee to look into how Sri Lanka went into bankruptcy and plan to gather information from foreign institutions as  a Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB)has indicated to the media.

Mr.Premadasa has apparently been awoken from a sudden pang of conscience after he turned down an opportunity when offered the Presidency once where had he accepted perhaps he could have righted many wrongs related to the bankruptcy issue among others  and what happened  subsequently which was no mean task but chose to be the gutless wonder now trying to close the proverbial stable door after the horse has bolted.This  seemingly has lost the Opposition Leader much credibility where no amount of rhetoric could restore the faith the country needs to have in him regrettably.

The information is that Mr Premadasa will go ahead with the appointment of a committee on his own and will even get information from foreign institutions and experts as well  but what would be the practicality of such a venture unless it was to bring to justice the perpetrators responsible for the huge aberrations of economic failure by a previous administration steeped in corruption, cronyism and jingoism where this responsibility truly lies in the hands of the present President  which he seems to have shrugged off in a curious and almost inexplicable manner perhaps tantamount to a neglect of his responsibilities as the real culprits according to many researchers who have already done in depth analyses continue their existences.

The true culprits who are purported to have stashed away vast sums of money misappropriated during the last regime and made reprehensible administrative and policy choices that plunged the Nation into near disaster are enjoying an undeserved freedom rather than being investigated and indicted for what the Constitution deems criminal action and irresponsible misappropriation of National Funds which in reality is the responsibility of the President to investigate rather than the Leader of the Opposition.Perhaps he is biding his time in conventional wisdom.

While it bears to mind that the President has done wonderfully towards restoring Sri Lanka from her recent perils when all seemed lost, through all the resources available to him as well as his political and economic savvy combined with the confidence world leaders have in his capability there probably is that one feather in his cap missing where a complete investigation into how the country was plunged so deep into near bankruptcy, financial disaster, recession, near anarchy and those responsible brought to justice still awaits his affirmative action and the reluctance to do so somewhat perplexing to all who were so painfully affected by what transpired.

Asked about the legitimacy of a select committee appointed by the Leader of the Opposition,the SJB has said that the Leader of the Opposition would be doing so following the ruling given by the Speaker that he can summon any state officer for any inquiry at any time .

It however stands to reason that such an investigation should be initiated by the President rather than the Leader of the Opposition who in all probabilities has greater all, the facts and figures concerned and the authority to ensure that justice is done for the sake of all who suffered.

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