Staring Sonic-Sonic: Channel 4’s Easter Sunday as the IMF descends amid Over the Horizon Operations
Posted on September 11th, 2023

Darini Rajasingham-Senanayake

We have what’s called over-the-horizon capabilities, which means we can strike terrorists and targets without American boots on the ground – Joe Biden[i]

Disinformation is ramping up in preparation for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) visit this month to review Sri Lanka’s progress on ‘debt restructuring’ ahead of the required Firesale of coastal and highland lands in the strategic island so that interested parties may monitor and surveil the Indian Ocean trade and Submarine Data Cable Routes.

Sri Lanka was once called ‘valuable real estate’ by Alice G. Wells, former US Under Secretary for South Asia, and has long been described as an unsinkable aircraft carrier’ at the center of the Indian Ocean.

Remarkably, the IMF assets sale of Sri Lanka also to benefit major bondholders like BlackRock and partner Adani, targets the same sectors that Washington’s Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), Compact program did back in 2019 when the Easter attacks happened– Energy, Telecom, Transport Infrastructure, in addition to land, land, land.

The MCC compact was however rejected by the people of Lanka and so too will the IMF agenda eventually be rejected in Sri Lanka in the Asian 21st Century as the world de-dollarizes in order to de-colonize.

Right now, it’s Déjà vu with Channel 4 ‘whistleblowers” and the Minister of Parliament, Harin Fernando’s story about ‘Sonic-Sonic’, the hedgehog Chat Bot Mastermind of the Easter Sunday 2019 carnage curtsey the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), to lead us up the garden path. What is clear that that the Easter Sunday carnage was an Over the Horizon (OTH), that combined remote cyber non-kinetic and kinetic operations and foreign and local intelligence and investigative agencies.

A Religious Smokescreen Masks Geopolitical Economic Interests

The Easter Attacks that were claimed by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), are back in the news at this time and echoing in the global and local corporate and social media echo chamber for several reasons: 

The release of the British Channel 4 story based on accounts of ‘whistleblowers’ who were seeking asylum in UK, has been well timed to flay the Sri Lanka at the Human Rights show in Geneva and to distract and weaken its defenses against the IMF debt restructuring onslaught.

Another submerged dimension of the return of Easter Sunday 2019 at this time, is China’s Shi Yan 6, Ocean and weather Research vessel that is due to visit Sri Lanka in October.

Previously, in 2019 when the Shi Yan 3 was docked in the Colombo Port for Oceanic Research, with National Aquatic Research Agency (NARA) researchers, the Easter Attacks were staged.

Suicide bombers killed 4 Chinese Ocean research scientists among other guests who were staying at the Kingsbury Hotel prior to embarking on the research expedition. The Kingbury overlooks the Colombo harbor – the busiest port of South Asia which has been targeted in other hybrid war operations like the M.V Pearl ship that burnt and sank spewing pollution and impacting livelihoods of fishers.

Remarkably, the leader of the Easter suicide bombers, Zaharan, died at another, luxury hotel – the Shangri La– along with a second suicide bomber, which tells us that Chinese-owned Shangri La was an important target, second only to Kingsbury where the Chinese researches were killed.

What the Channel 4 and other smokescreen narratives about Easter Sunday 2019 ignore is the fact that the leader Zaharan died at a luxury hotel and NOT at a church or religious site.

This begs the question: was religion used as a smokescreen for a hybrid cyber economic war operation? Moreover, are the Geopolitical Economic interests evident in the selected targets including the Shangri La hotel where the Leader of the NTJ Zaharan died and the killing of the Chinese ocean researchers in the Easter attacks being covered over?

Since neither Shangri La Hotel or the Kingbury Hotel are religious sites fundamental questions arise: Were the Easter attacks part of a hybrid economic and cyber war operation against Sri Lanka’s already Eurobond debt trapped tourism-dependent economy that used religion as a smokescreen?

The fisheries harbours of the country were also locked down for months after the attacks destroying the livelihoods of coastal communities and further debilitating the economy, while Sri Lankan’s valuable fisheries resources were plundered by Distant Water Fishing States (DWFS); France, EU, Japan, Taiwan Republic of China. There are good arguments for a ban  on DWFS from fishing in the Indian Ocean at this time to enable impoverished littoral communities to harvest their resources.

All of this of course begs the questions: Who were the MASTERMINDS of the attacks claimed by ISIS, which were funded by Saudi Arabia, the embassy of which had advanced notice of the attacks, and why did Israel’s Whitestream News Agency make the absurd claim that Bitcoin had funded Zaharan et al.?

History Repeats, both as farce and tragedy as Marx said

At this time, the smoke screen around the Easter attacks that have been endlessly investigated by local and foreign intelligence’ agencies, experts, and commissions of inquiry with reports and chapters about the external actors who were involved being redacted is thickening– around Minister of Parliament Harin Fernando.

Two years after the attacks Fernando, whose father co-incidentally had advanced warning of the attacks, claimed in Parliament that a Hedgehog Chat Bot code named Sonic Sonic’ (alias Suresh Salley?), was the mastermind of the Easter attacks.

Fernando had sourced the story about Sonic Sonic from the US Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), that had removed the cell phones of the Easter bombers either to retrieve of delete incriminating information. Now the question remains who were the Over the Horizon Masterminds behind Sonic-Sonic and the ISIS video claiming the attacks? Or, is it turtles all the way down in cyber world infinite regress?

Was SS who is now the head of the Sri Lanka State Intelligence Services (SIS), working for other foreign Intelligence services that often conduct ‘training programs’ for the Sri Lankan armed forces and intelligence agencies, particularly, those with a deep interest in the Eastern Province and getting the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA), signed along with the MCC compact?

The Eastern Province as a Theater of OTH operations

The Eastern Province of Sri Lanka has long been a theater of foreign intelligence and counter-terrorism operations: These include India’s Research and Analysis Wing, the British Keenie Meenie KMS-RAF Mercenaries group who trained and set up the Special Task Force there an provided security to J.R. Jayawardena after the 1983 Pogrom, and later the Israel’s Mossad operated there, in the eighties and nineties, while working out of the US embassy in Colombo to break the bonds among Tamil and Muslim communities and weaken the Indian-backed Tamil militancy, when the Kathankudi Mosque massacre was staged..

Was ‘Sonic Sonic’ set up by the same remote Over the Horizon Deep State operators who manipulated the deluded band of Zaharan’s National Thowheed Jamat (NTJ) suicide bombers also headquatered in Kathankudi with ties to M.L.M Hizbulla who was building a Sharia University and had been both with the SLFP and UNP governments?

After all, various Disinformation experts have claimed that the ISIS planned to set up a Caliphate in tropical Sri Lanka’s Eastern Province somewhere between Kathankudi and the much coverted deep sea natural habour, Trinocmallee.

M.P Harin Fernando and US Ambassador Julie Chung

The Blue, Green, Pink Bond scams: Hybrid economic war to make the economy scream”

The British Channel 4 Smokescreen seems designed to distract from the same Cold War Geopolitical Economic interests evident in the Easter attacks and the current IMF-colonial Club de Paris debt restructuring operations to Make the Economy Scream”, as President Nixon famously instructed the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to do in Chile in 1973 prior to the ouster of leftist President Dr. Salvador Allende.

Meanwhile in preparation for the IMF and Eagle to Land in Lanka this month, the Transport Minister, Bandulla Gunawardena has become a salesman of expensive Electric Buses, EV Cars and EV tuk-tuks, which need electric service station etc. This expensive ‘green transition’ would certainly further deepen the US dollar Eurobond debt trap using the Green Transition theme song that Sri Lanka does not need and cannot afford and benefit Green technology corporations.

The island’s Carbon footprint is minute to non-existent and the country should not be paying for the G7 NATO Global War machine’s greenhouse pollution. The Debt trap rush to EVs will also ensure PRIVATIZATION of the Ceylon Transport Board (CTB ) also Sri Lanka Railways (SLR), as trains are sabotaged with various mysterious accidents on a daily basis.

History Repeats as Farce & Tragedy: OF BONDS, BOMBS and Predators

While civil society activists are calling for a BAN on BOND TRADING which is the primary source of ODIOUS Debt accumulated by corrupt politicians in league with predatory bond traders who caused the Default, President Ranil Rajapakse is promoting Green and Blue Bond scams now GREEN-WASHED and called ‘Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), Bonds or Debt for Nature Swaps (DFNS). 

This is an Environmental Greenwash of corrupt bond trading. Meanwhile, attempts are also ongoing to ‘Pinkwash’ bondscams with a Social credits component. This would ensure hand-outs and dependency for women and children victims of the Rupee depreciation against the exorbitantly privileged US dollar which is the source of all the misery and impoverishment in this otherwise well-endowed land.

Recall that Ranil Rajapakse was the Bondscam Prime Minister with Singaporean Arjuna Mahendran as Fovernor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) in 2015. Mahendran was beloved of IMF’s Christine BlackGuard, and  was followed by Indrajith Coomaraswamy, another Economic Hit Man at the CBSL who buried the Forensic Audit reports of the Ranil Rajapakse Bondscams that debilitated the reputation of the CBSL and announced to predatory hedge funds that Sri Lanka was open for any and all bondscams.

Dinesh Shaffter who knew all of this and was a primary witness in the Bondscam Court Case against Ranil  Rajapakse and his bond mafia, was assassinated last December in broad daylight in Colombo.

History will be repeating itself at the IMF and colonial Club de Paris will be marketing Green, Blue and Pinkwash Green Bonds also called Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), Bonds or Debt for Nature Swaps (DFNS), again to BONDTRAP Sri Lanka and deepen the debt. 

This is a part of the quantification, datafication and financialization of Mother Nature through dubious and opaque Carbon Credit and Social Credit calculations with Net Zero Jargon by various experts” in Big Data Games.

Mother Nature Fights Back

It has been raining heavily for the past week in Sri Lanka, where the models indicate that country stands to benefit from climate change, but the Anthropocene climate crisis chorus refuse to release the maps of climate warming hotspots, COLDSPOTS and SWEETSPOTS!

Rather, there was a lot of hot air in the corporate media echo chamber about drought a week ago to ramp up the climate emergency fear psychosis and smoothen the path of the up-coming Green Blue ESG Bond scam to placate BlackRock and other predatory bond holders in IMF’s External Debt Restructuring operation. But we know that August, which is my birthday month, has always been a dry month except at the end when the sky opens up as the South West Monsoon blasts off.

Thus, it has been pouring lately in Mother Lanka where Mother Nature is fighting back against those who want to stage an ‘Anthropocene Climate Catastrophe’ to ensure Famine, and 15-hour power-cuts, as President Ranil Rajapakse promised on taking office last year to spread fear and enable a smooth IMF Firesale of assets claiming that Sri Lanka was banckrupt because it lacked US dollars. This was also the case when economically devastating Covid-19 panicdemic lockdowns were staged in order to hack supply chains and stymie the rise of the BRICS economies that have now surpassed the G7.

Finally, you don’t need to be a Rocket Scientist to figure out the ‘Over the Horizon’ (OTH), Masterminds behind the 2019 Easter Sunday carnage staged in Sri Lanka and claimed by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).  You just need to know some history and have some lateral and critical thinking skills a la the hermeneutics of suspicion”.



Graham Watson: Time to rethink how the World bank operates,” 20 February 2023,,ecosystems%2C%20and%20human%20rights%20violations.


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