Posted on November 28th, 2023
Kurundi vihara supporters were quietly active, where Kurundi was concerned. They set up committees in Colombo to support Kurundi. Ven.Medagoda Abeyatissa of Sunetra Devi Pirivena, Pepiliyana, and Dr Wasantha Bandara had told Ven. Santhabodhi they would gather the national organizations together for the Kurundi cause.
On September 25, 2022 the Jatika Sanvidana Ekamutuwa met at Sunetra Devi Pirivena for a two hour discussion on Kurundi. Ven. Medagoda Abeyatissa, Ven. Induragare Dhammaratana and a third bhikkhu whose name Santhabodhi cannot recall presided. Udaya Gammanpila, Jayantha Samaraweera, Sarath Weerasekera and Channa Jayasumana were there on invitation.
Members of various ‘national associations’ attended and contributed to the discussion. The
Discussion went on for about two hours. It was decided that Kurundi must be preserved and its conservation insisted on. Colombo must act in support of Kurundi. A committee must be appointed for the purpose.
The Committee of Inquiry on the destruction of Buddhist ruins in the North and East and obstruction to Conservation,” held a public session on 17, 22, 24, and 29 of November, 2022. The meeting was chaired by Ven. Induragare Dhammaratana. Santhabodhi was the first to address the committee. He told them his experience at Kurundi (agatiya) and provided written documents in support.
On 3.11.2022 Jatika Urumaya Surakeema Sanvidana met at Sunetra Devi Pirivena, to discuss the law suits in progress against Kurundi. They discussed the Human Rights case, the Supreme Court case, and debated whether to go to Appeal Court.
A media conference was held on 27.10.2022. Medagoda Abeyatissa, Gunadasa Amarasekera, Kalyananda Tiranagama, Brigadier Athula de Silva and General Jagath Dias spoke. Three organizations, Sasunata Saviya Sanvidanaya, Deshapremi Jatika Peramuna and the Colombo Distirct Sahajeevana Padanama, held a program on Kurundi at Sethsiripaya, Battaramulla to apprise the government officials. This was organized by Kosala Pattinige, Nuwan Balantudawe, Matugama Seneviruwan, Brigadier Athula de Silva and Lankesh Herath.
Santhabodhi organized a demonstration at Independence Square on 26.8.2022. He wanted to bring together all those concerned about Kurundi, both public and Maha Sangha . Our aim was to alert the world to the opposition shown to Kurundi by the Tamil Separatist Movement, he said..
It was a week day therefore participation was limited but 20 leading monks and about 75 organizations participated, recalled Santhabodhi . Businessmen attended, also professionals such as doctors and lawyers. MPs were invited and some like Sarath Weerasekera attended.
Nuwan Balantudawe took this opportunity to speak to the media on the lawsuits against Kurundi in the Mullaitivu courts. We then proceeded to Buddha Sasana Ministry and presented a memo. After which, a group led by Nuwan went to the UNESCO office and handed over a statement . The publicity given to this demonstration led to greater interest in Kurundi. I was told that many had written to President asking that military be deployed to protect Kurundi, said Santhabodhi .
Thanks to the demonstration, Secretary, Buddha Sasana Ministry summoned a meeting of Director , Archaeology and others and asked them to settle the Kurundi matter quickly. On 22.11.14 Jagath Sumathipala and Santhabodhi had met Secretary, Buddha Sasana Ministry and briefed him regarding developments at Kurundi. We told him a lot that he didn’t know” said Santhabodhi.
Kurundi came up in Parliament on several occasions. It was discussed on 2021.08.17 and 2021.11. 24. Moneragala MP Padma Udayasantha Gunasekera and Colombo MP Sarath Weerasekera were two MPs who spoke on Kurundi in Parliament .
Weerasekera spoke on September 12, 2022, after one of the many commotions at Kurundi. He showed the significance of Kurundi Vihara and said bluntly that there was no kovil there. Also that the Tamil group brought to the demonstration were not from the area, they were from Jaffna, Kilinochchi and Mannar.
This is a Buddhist country, he said. There is no need for permission to conserve an ancient stupa. Tamil MPs who voiced objections to Kurundi must remember that in any other country, they would be dead the next day. Do not treat the ‘ivaseema’ and ‘anukampava’ of the Buddhist as ‘nivatakama’ he said. He also drew attention to Sinhala ethnic cleansing in the north and east. In the north and east. See https://youtu.be/2mnnRlGoLE4
MP Dharmalingam Siddharthan responded to Weerasekera’s speech. He said that Buddhism arose from Hinduism. There were Tamil Buddhists in Sri Lanka before the Sinhala Buddhists. There is enough evidence to prove this. While it is necessary to protect ancient Buddhist monuments, in the north, it is not possible to permit new temples to be erected there, because that will lead to settlement of Sinhalese in that area. He wanted his statements recorded in the Hansard. (I have taken this from Kurundi vihara vamsaya” and not directly from Hansard. Hansard reference is Vol 293 no 5 of 2022.6. 21. P 1055)
In July 2023 MPs Udaya Gammanpila, Jayantha Samaraweera, Sarath Weerasekera, and Channa Jayasumana called for a Parliamentary Select Committee to be appointed to investigate and report to Parliament on the destruction of archaeological monuments in the North and East.
The Tamil Separatist Movement has clearly approached President Ranil Wickremesinghe on the Kurundi matter. In 2018, Ranil Wickremesinghe sent a letter to Director Archaeology,Mandawela ordering him to stop work on Kurundi. Then Mahinda Rajapaksa took over as President. Santhabodhi met him and explained matters. Mahinda Rajapaksa cancelled the letter on 26.10. 2018. Santhabodhi said he waited in the President’s office till the letter was prepared and sent. Then Mahinda Rajapaksa left office and Ranil Wickremesinghe took over.
President Ranil Wickremesinghe had arrived in Vavuniya on 19.11.2022 to attend a District Development Council meeting. He met Vavuniya, Mullaitivu, Mannar officials. Tamil politicians told him about their problem with Kurundi. President had then questioned the Vavuniya Regional office of the Department of Archaeology and decided that the boundary stones of Kurundi should not be removed, they must stay and they must be gazetted .Tamil farmers who had illegally encroached on the forest reserve and were cultivating it, were to be allowed to continue their cultivation, instructed the President. ( Kurundi vihara vamsaya p 386)
This order met with opposition . Three former military officers including General Jagath Dias, a retired army chief of staff, went to court against President Wickremesinghe’s order (sanctioned by the cabinet) to release land around the controversial Kurundi ruins to their previous cultivators.”
The Tamil Separatist Movement has clearly decided to divert the energies of the Department of Archaeology away from Kurundi to Maha vihara in Anuradhapura . This was another desperate measure to Just Stop Kurundi.” They had briefed the President accordingly.
President Wickremesinghe called a historic meeting of the Department of Archaeology officials and the TNA MPs, in June 2023, where he voiced doubts that Kurundi was 400 acres in extend. Even the Maha vihara did not have so much land he said. The boundary stones must be removed immediately and the Kurundi boundary surveyed again. The President’s comments are unsurprising, given past and continuing efforts on his part to court Tamil political parties and the minority voter base, said critics.
The media reported In July 2023 that the President questioned the Archaeology Department officials about the boundary of the Maha Vihara complex in Anuradhapura ,and the status of the excavation work. He also inquired about the number of archaeological officers employed in the Maha Vihara excavation.
The Department of Archeology is sending me letters asking me to protect the archaeological sites. But we [must first] proceed with the excavation work of the Maha Vihara, he said. Excavations at Maha Vihara should be completed in the next two years. Retired archaeologists can be contacted if necessary. A Committee consisting of a team of experts from the National Physical Planning Department , the Department of Archeology and universities will be appointed to implement the Maha Vihara Development Plan.
The Maha Vihara project must be followed by the Malwathu Oya project, Malwathu Oya is where the Sinhalese civilization first emerged, declared Presdient Ranil Wickremesinghe .He then went to speak of Anuradhapura as a cultural centre. Anuradhapura has a rich history. While other countries emphasize their historical civilizations we have not paid adequate attention to it. A new law that will apply to Anuradhapura should be prepared.
We have successfully completed the Sigiriya project we should develop the city of Anuradhapura in the same way. We can also get assistance from Rajarata University in this regard. This area has to be developed so that visitors can remain for a few days. If Dimbulagala excavations were done , tourists would come there too. Let’s first finish the Anuradhapura work.
A showroom by the name ‘Rajarata Civilization’ will be built here. It is necessary to establish a separate location for Buddhist culture. Additionally, we are now discussing the establishment of the Maha Vihara University. The historical city of Anuradhapura will gain from these endeavours, said President Wickremesinghe .[1]
The focus of the Department of archaeology would, in this manner be transferred from Kurundi to Anuradhapura, to Maha vihara, to Malvatu Oya and later to Dimbulagala, anywhere but Kurundi. (CONTINUED)
[1] https://www.dailynews.lk/2023/07/24/local/43886/special-committee-appointed-to-implement-maha-viharaya-development-plan-president/