Rajapaksas Are Responsible for Every Action and Inaction of Ranil They Appointed
Posted on January 14th, 2024
Dilrook Kannangara
Ranil was rejected by the people at presidential elections every time he contested but Rajapaksas appointed him in July 2022 via a parliamentary ballot. Prior to that Rajapaksas appointed him PM in May 2022. Ranil has just one parliamentary seat and cannot pass any act, law, policy or funds. All these are done by Rajapaksas’ SLPP political party with parliamentary majority. Therefore, Rajapaksas are fully responsible for all actions of Ranil and his inaction where action is needed.
Rajapaksas cannot run with the hare and hunt with the hounds at the same time.
People are sick of this double game and opportunistic antics played by politicians who are doing everything they can to delay the inevitable display of public anger against them. They do it at the expense of the nation.
The only way to stop further damage to the national interest is to immediately hold the presidential election and the parliamentary election in that order. Hold the presidential election now! Let people have a president they want.