Posted on February 18th, 2024
When destroying Buddhist ruins,rock inscriptions were specifically targeted. They were sought out and deliberately destroyed. They were usulaly broken into peices, failing which, words were tarred or obliterated.Mundikulammale in Ampara had rows of caves with inscriptions. these had been shot and destroyed. The damage done is extensive. Buddhist ruins at Niyankullukama were shot and destroyed, while Medhananda was there, exploring in 1972.
At Kuchchaveli Maha vihara a Sanskrit inscription was defaced in 1981 Mahagirilla Savarankeligala had a unique inscription relating to a ‘pase budun’. This was recorded by the Department of Archaeology. Medhananda found the stone containing the inscription smashed to pieces and the inscription destroyed.
Kadolupotana kanda, Eravur had three inscriptions which showed that this area was under Kavantissa. These inscriptions have been destroyed. Mundikulam malai site in Ampara, had an inscription, discovered by Medhananda, which stated that Vihara Maha Devi lived there after she became a nun. The rock and the inscription had been broken into pieces..
An Inscription at Dimbulagala cave dated to 2 century BC was found mutilated in 1980. Only two words remained. Parker found an Inscription at Eeratiperiyakulam vihara ruins. This inscription has disappeared.
Kurundammalai known earlier as Kurathgama had an inscription dated to Mahinda III (801-804) which said that the king had come to settle a problem about water. C.W. Nicholas had seen this inscription. When we went it was not to be seen”, announced Medhananda. Inscription at Dimbulagala cave letters were mutilated in 1980, only two words remain. Nilaveli had a Sanskrit inscription, a sloka, dated to 6 AD. by 1981 the inscription had been tarred over.
Two inscriptions at Lahugala, the Akuru ketu gala inscription on Karapavata vihara, and Galhitiode inscription on Ayapavata vihara were destroyed. Thannimuruppu wewa inscription at Kurundammalai is now destroyed. A Sanskrit Mahayana inscription at Kucceveli Maha vihara was defaced in 1981, said Medhananda. Kumachola inscription at Eravur said that the eastern coast was administered in king Vasabha’s time (67-111 AD) by minister Asigira. Some letters in this inscription were erased.
Stupas have been destroyed systematically. The stupa at Nilaveli was there in 1966, it had disappeared by 1978.Medhananda saw a huge stupa, 300 by 33 feet, on the Trincomalee- Kantalai road, near 246 km post. This has been cut in two and bricks scattered all over the teak plantation nearby. Teak has been planted on top of the stupa, as well, reported Medhananda.
The stupa near Kinniya wells vanished after the Ceasefire agreement of 2002. The media reported in 2002 that senior monks of Seruwila and Tamankaduwa had said that the bricks unearthed while levelling a mound near the hot wells at Kinniya belonged to Anuradhapura era and the mound was a stupa. This has been levelled to put up a Hindu temple. The monks had complained to the authorities.
Buddha statues were also damaged. Statues at Mudu Maha vihara, Panama seen in 1990 have disappeared, said Medhananda. Kucceveli Maha vihara had Mahayana statues ‘in pleasing form’ when Medhananda visited in 1966. When Medhananda visited in 1978 the upper parts of most of the statues were destroyed.
The Buddha statues at Daluggala Raja Maha Vihara was damaged and the pilima head taken as a lip galak. At Ridikanda the statues had been dragged down from the hill and destroyed. Due to this, the Buddha statue found Paravankandam was removed to the Police station for safety, and is now in Ampara museum, said Medhananda.
Bodhi trees were also considered religious objects which should be demolished. The Bo tree and shrine room at Sambaltivu in Trincomalee was cut down and destroyed.
Sri Vardhana Bodhi of Kiliveddi In Muttur is about 150 yards from Kiliveddi ferry. When Medhananda visited in 1952 he found a large Bodhi tree, with stone pillars, moon stone, step slabs, etc. they were there then I went there again in 1965. when he visited in 1977 the tree and the ruins were gone. The moonstone that I saw in 1965 was destroyed by 1977 Now there are no Buddhist ruins there.
Tamils living near Tirumangala wewa had moved to Kiliveddy, destroyed its Buddhist ruins and built a kovil near the Bodhi. They extended this close to the Bodhi, and then cut the branches of the Bodhi, supposedly for telephone wires. They cut the branches so that the trunk was affected. The Bo tree died. ( continued)