‘May the world come to look towards Ghana and the African nations as the beacons of justice, truth and morality’: Ahmadiyya Khalifa delivers concluding address at  Ahmadiyya Convention Ghana 2024
Posted on February 28th, 2024

By A. Abdul Aziz

Over 40000 attended this three day Convention.

 Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad,   Head of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim (may Allah be his Helper), conducted the concluding session from the Masroor Hall, Islamabad, UK, for the Annual Convention (Jalsa Salana ) Ghana 2024 on last Saturday.

With the grace of Allah, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Ghana has been holding its Annual Convention (Jalsa Salana) over the past 3 days, and it has now reached its concluding session. This year’s Convention has a special significance as it is being held on the occasion of the centenary of the establishment of the Ghana Ahmadiyya Community .”

The blessed seed planted a century ago in Ghana attesting to the truth of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian – the Promised Messiah,  peace be on him, has flourished and borne countless fruits. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is now well-known in every part of Ghana. Every Ghanaian recognises the Ahmadiyya Community and holds it in high regard.

Ahmadiyya Khalifa said:

Where the Jamaat of Ghana is furthering the cause of Islam through preaching  ( tabligh), it has also established schools, colleges, hospitals and other vital services, which has long been a means of outstanding service to the people of your nation.” As we move forward, we should also focus on our responsibilities.”, His Holiness added.

It must not be that having reached this milestone, you now sit back and relax; rather, as Ghanian Jamaat enters its second centenary, it is the duty of every Ahmadi to strive earnestly to ensure its continued progress and prosperity.

You must endeavour to convey the message of Islam to every single person of the country, seek to win the hearts and minds of your people through love and compassion. Inform your compatriots, that in this era, in servitude to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) the Messiah and Mahdi who was destined to come has arrived in person of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian.”

His Holiness explained that only by associating ourselves with the Promised Messiah, peace be on him, can we in this era truly understand the teachings of Islam. Only by attaching ourselves to him can we comprehend the rights of Allah and the rights of His creation. Only then can we do justice to these twin principles that lie at the heart of Islamic teachings. Only then can we become the grantors of peace in the world at every level of society. Only then can humanity bring an end to the incessant warfare and disorder that are increasingly plaguing the modern world.

Ahmadiyya Khalifa said that geopolitical conflicts are escalating and hatreds are becoming deeply entrenched both within nations and at the global level. As Ahamdis, we believe that only through the teachings of the Holy Quran, can the hostilities and conflicts destroying the world’s peace and security can be transformed into bonds of mutual love and unity. His Holiness said, So, as Ahmadi Muslims, never forget who you are and what you represent.”

Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa added, that people may ask what distinguishes you from other individuals. They will question whether you yourself reflect those teachings that you call others to accept.

Ahmadiyya Head said, said it is our great fortune that the Promised Messiah has illuminated the path of the code of conduct in the form of the Conditions of Bai‘at (Oath of Allegiance) We can only progress if we follow these conditions.

 Today I wish to present the essence of Islamic teachings by reminding you all of the conditions of the Oath of Allegiance (bai‘at ) which, as I have said must always remain the means of governing all elements of our life.”

If we can achieve this, we will not only safeguard our own future, but save others as well, and they will come under the protective spiritual shade of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

The first condition of bai‘at requires Ahmadis to abstain from shirk. The Founder of the Ahmadiyya Community – Promised Messiah explains that idols are not only those made of gold, copper, or silver; rather, any entity that is given such reverence that it is only due to God, is an idol. Tawhid (Oneness of God)  requires a firm conviction that God Almighty is beholden to no one and is All-Powerful and the Supreme Being. 

The second condition of bai‘at requires Ahmadis to keep away from falsehood, cruelty, adultery, dishonesty, disorder, rebellion and every kind of evil.

The Promised Messiah further instructed us to avoid all paths that carry even the slightest risk of becoming involved in adultery. It is a very dangerous sin and it takes a person far away from Allah the Almighty.

The Promised Messiah said that a person who is unable to marry should curb his urges through other means, for example, by fasting or doing extraneous exercise.

The Promised Messiah said:

The prayer of the wicked tyrant is not accepted because he is unmindful of Allah, and thus Allah cares not for him. If a son is unmindful of his obligations to his father, the father does not care about him, because of his disobedience. Why should Allah care for such people?”

The Promised Messiah advised Ahmadis that, They should perform the five daily prayers regularly, should not utter falsehood and should not hurt anyone by their tongues. They should be guilty of no vice and should not let even a thought of any mischief, wrong, disorderliness, or turmoil pass through their minds.”

The Promised Messiah also instructed his followers to stay away from every form of rebellion against the government. Moreover, they should keep away from all forms of carnal passions and illicit things

Ahmadiyya Khalifa  said, In today’s world, new means and technology are constantly developing that are pulling people away from morality and pushing them towards vulgarity and depravity.” For example, the internet, television and media are all proving the gateways to vice and corrupting the old and the young. So, every Ahmadi must recite istighfar (seeking forgiveness ).

The Promised Messiah said:

So all ye people who count yourselves as members of my Jamaat, in heaven you shall be counted members of my following only when you truly begin to advance on the paths of righteousness. Offer your five daily obligatory prayers with such concentration and awe of mind as though you were seeing God in front of you. Observe the days of fasting for the sake of God in full sincerity. All among you who are liable for Zakat should never fail to discharge this important obligation.”

The Promised Messiah also emphasised invoking blessings on the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Ahmadiyya Khalifa said that another attribute an Ahmadi must inculcate is to praise and show gratitude to Allah the Almighty in all circumstances.

Ahmadiyya Khalifa  said that the Promised Messiah instructed us not to inflict injury on any of Allah’s creatures. We should not cause harm with our hands or words to anyone.

Ahmadiyya Head said:

All of you participating in the Convention should sincerely pray for an end to oppression and injustice and for true peace to prevail in the world.”

As Ahmadi Muslims, we must not permit any type of innovation or corruption of our religion and consider the Holy Quran as our guiding light. Only then can we claim to be true Ahmadi religio, Ahmadiyya Khalifa added.

Ahmadiyya Head said:

Now and before concluding, I also wish to remind you that the Promised Messiah has taken a solemn pledge from us in our bai‘at (Oath of Allegiance ) that, after accepting of Ahmadiyyat, we will remain entirely obedient to him purely for the sake of Allah and will hold our bond of love with him higher than any worldly relationship.

Ahmadiyya Head ssid:

I say to all of you that now is that time to come forward and pledge with absolute determination and resoluteness that you will forever seek to bring about all the pure changes required to fulfil the conditions of the oath you have taken with the Promised Messiahas.” If you do so, you will be a means of conveying the message of Islam to the corners of the world. May it be that by following the teachings of the Islam, you become the people to bring about a moral revolution in the world.

Ahmadiyya Head prayed:

May the world come to look towards Ghana and the African nations as the beacons of justice, truth and morality based, insha-Allah.”

Source : Al Hakam -London.

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