Appoint Commission of Inquiry to determine the claim that DRS is a Sri Lankan invention
Posted on June 30th, 2024

Senaka Weeraratna 

The T20 World Cup is over. But not the dispute over the origins of DRS. It is a forbidden topic of discussion for cricket commentators. It has become what in Sinhala is called  ‘  Thanam vachanaya’ for them.

It is a topic that is suppressed by all those who have an interest in forsaking a Sri Lankan invention. This includes the ICC, the International Cricket establishment, Sri Lanka Ministry of Sports, Wisden, Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC), Sri Lanka Mass Media and Cricket Commentators who are under strict orders not to open this subject or comment on it except at the risk of losing their job.

Why high officials of Sri Lanka’s key institutions are on the side of the ICC that is not prepared to recognise Sri Lankan authorship (on grounds of pure and simple racism) is because money talks even to the extent of betraying the national interest of Sri Lanka.

Treachery is not alien to the bones of Sri Lankan authorities.

If you turn back the pages of history we find that Shirley Amerasinghe who was the first and only Sri Lankan to be the President of the UN General Assembly (1976) and later to become the President of the Law of the Sea Conference was denied Sri Lanka’s nomination and had to obtain nomination from Kuwait to become eventually elected as the President of the Law of the Sea Conference. Likewise Christopher Gregory Weeramantry, the only Sri Lankan to become a World Court judge, had to seek nomination from Papua New Guinea once when he was denied nomination by his country of birth, Sri Lanka.  

If this accusation regarding DRS is untrue or false then the Government of Sri Lanka, being a sovereign nation, in the best interests of Sri Lanka can show its commitment to fair play and justice by appointing a three member Commission of Inquiry ( drawn from legal experts and former top cricketers) to determine the claim that DRS is a Sri Lankan invention.

Third Party Arbitration is another option.

Cricket is the equivalent of a religion in mother India. Victory after victory keeps India ecstatic.

DRS is a gold mine for Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka stands to gain millions of Dollars as revenue in the form of Royalties for use of DRS by ICC without the consent of the Sri Lankan copyright holder.

Senaka Weeraratna 

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