Canada urged again not to repeat Genocide lie
Posted on July 2nd, 2024

Asoka Weerasinghe (Mr.) Kings Grove Crescent  . Gloucester . Ontario . K1J 6G1 . Canada


Your Excellency Eric Walsh
Canadian High Commissioner to Sri Lanka
33A, 5th Lane, Colpetty
Colombo 3
Sri Lanka.

Dear High Commissioner Eric Walsh:

Canada urged again not to repeat genocide lie”.  That was a howling indictment against Canada that was taken up again by Sri Lanka’s Foreign Secretary Aruni Wijewardane, when she took up the issue when she met Canadian

Deputy Minister for International Development, Christopher MacLennan at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on May 28, 2024.

I cannot ignore the fact that he is from the same Ministry whose Minister Maria Minna patronized a $60-a-plate Fundraising dinner organized by FACT, the Federation of Associations of Canadian Tamils, for the Tamil Tiger Terrorists on 6 May 2000 inToronto.

I understand that the dinner plate included “ooos…ooos hot kukul-muss curry, parippu, coconut sambol and white rice.”

I hope your colleague Chrisopher heard the indictment loud and clear like the Christmas Church bells  of the Notre Dame Basilica on Sussex Drive on Christmas Day.  In case you didn’t notice Foreign Secretary Aruni’s words were a very Hot Spicy Salad Dressing on Words that meant its business Canada. Translating the words into simple English, they meant “Canada…enough is enough, let’s cut it!”  And I say, “Good for you Aruni.  This is not the time for polite-wimpish diplomacy!”.

Mr.High Commissioner, don’t you think that it’s time that our politicians stop playing that insidious game of “WE are holier than Thou!”, like snakes and ladders, when they point their fingers at Sri Lanka when the international world says that there was No “Genocide” in Sri Lanka during the Eelamist separatist 30-year war.  Even the United Nations says so. That itself should be kosher enough to stop these verbal silly shenanigans. (It’s True Though);

Canada which has been maestros of “Genocide” with the proof of discoveries of more than 1,300 umarked graves at the sites of former residenial schools ol Western Canadian First Nation peoples should not be that disingenuous speaking of Sri Lanka, who single handedly annihilated the ruthless Tamil Tiger Terrorists on 19 May 2009. (It’s True Though);

That War, a Textbook Classic on International Terrorists Annihilations, gave back to 20 million peoples their right-to-life, which had been hijacked for 30-bloody years by these ruthless Tamil Tiger terrorists. (It’s True Though);

Where is Amnesty International’s  voice on this score, may I ask?

High Commissioner Walsh, let’s stop this vulger-deceit, uncouth Tommy-rot which has little value of that of two prairie straws swaying in the wind, an unwise plate-tectonic shock-strong harassment and bullying of a smaller Commonwealth sister nation by being a lying Canadian-Halloween story teller, of Sri Lankan Genocide of the Tamils which never happened, ever happened…..Let me repeat, with what an Honest Tamilian Nallur Great Spirit riding on a peacock would say, Haro…Hara, for God’s sake believe me, this never happened (It’s TrueThough);

FACT– High Commissioner Walsh, you know and I know that this is all about Canada’s shameful involvement of  “Electoral Tamil immigrant (refugee) vote bank politics.”  Shish! What a brainless farce! (It’s True Though).

The  facts are clear as the shining glitter of the vast chandelier hanging in the foyer in Ottawa’s Chateau Laurier!

Here are the FACTs and pass it on to your Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, as he knows sweet nothing when he narrates Kiwi-polished Tamil boot licking Fairy Tales, that  there were Genocide of Sri Lankan Tamils. He keeps repeating it like a Hokus-pokus Tamil Manthra at public events when he has no proof to show like unmarked graves,  body buried potholes or sinkholes along  both sides of Highway A9 along the Kilinochchi-Jaffna stretch controlled by the Tamil Tigers in the Northern Jaffna District.  That is how bad the ratting-insult of Sri Lanka is,.by. Canada.  I am embarrassed for Canada, which I adopted as my Home, on an invitation by the Canadian National Museums Corporation, on October 16, 1970, to help them create 15 brand new exhibition halls at the Victoria Memorial Museum in Ottawa, for the National Museum of Natural Sciences and the National Museum of Man.  I arrived from London, England, having dumped a well paying career as a Geologist – a Liberal research scientist.

The FACT is that the separatist Tamils were spoiling for a fight since the early 1970s and now are crying like Man-babies having had their butts whipped.

Then 12% of the 15-million population were claiming one-third of the island’s Northern real.-estate as their mono-ethnic, racist Tamil State, Eelam, bordered by 60% of the coastline.  But what they did not intimate was that all the Tamils in the rest of the island would make a bee-line, happy and proud to have their own Eelam, dancing their way beating tom-toms to the rhythm of “Thunai-lakadi, thantha-lakadi…”, abandoning the rest of the island for the majority ‘wronged’ Sinhalese, and the minority Muslims and Burghers and other mini-minority groups., to live peacefully, together happily ever-after.  It is a hellava-how-do-you do, isn’t it, High Commissioner?

The FACT is that the separatist Tamils ethnically cleansed the North by kicking out 27,000 Sinhalese between 1971 and 1981 through  threats of terrorism who had lived there for many, many, many generations.

On 13 August 1977, the Tamil separatists stoned and chased 400 Sinhalese lecturers and undergraduates from the northern Jaffna University campus.  They were escorted by the Army and Police and brought South  at 7 o’clock in the evening in buses lying on the floor away from a storm of rocks and stones.  

Ethnic cleansing continued when the Tamil separatists made Adi Amin of Uganda look an Angel when he gave the Ugandan-Indians three months to leave Uganda, while the Tamil Tiger terrorist gave 90,000 Muslims in the North and East to leave within 36 hours to get out,  leaving their gold jewellery and other valuables at their nearest mosques. (It’s True Though)

But here lies the problem of High Commissioner Walsh, so the Tamils have claimed that the North and East is theirs – the Tamil speaking peoples.  That they claim is proof after ethnic cleansing through thuggery and terrorism, when they know that it would be difficult for such a claim to be proved historically,  archaeologically, ethnologically, ethnographically, and the likes.  Lies of Genocide of Tamils by the Prime Minister of Canada himself does not help their historical claims.

These are strings of Tamil  red chilli-masala-wade being sold in Tamil Curry Huts, as that they are  special flowers to garland foolish Canadian politicians by their Tamil constituents around the  Province of Ontario to make the Liberal and Conservative politicians feel Ha! Ha!!  I am good and pat their own backs,

The foolish Mayor Patrick Brown is planning to erect a Memorial Monument for the Tamils who died during the Tamil separatist terrorist Ethnic  War., and not for the Sinhalese who too lost their lives in the scores of thousands.  Brown’s clumsy copy-cat arrogance is the Colonial A,B,C, of the divide and rule policy. It is common -Grade 5- sense that there were two peoples in this war.   And what he is doing is to provoke the Sinhalese community by kicking this sleeping  massive 2,600-year old roaring lion who is carrying a sharp-sword in his right front- paw.  With this scenario  Canada seeking a Reconciliation having aided and abetted the Tamils to win this ethnic war  is a ;perfect example of  political clowning of Re-Con-Silly-a-Shun.  How foolish can Mayor Patrick Brown be! (It’s True though)

FACT -Mr. High Commissioner, I said Canada  was aiding and abetting Tamil terrorism.  Let me explain as Its; True though!   It is us Canadians that let theTamil separatists collect 2-million dollars a month to stuff their Tamil Tiger terrorist war chest for 13-years during the Jean Chretian and Paul Martin Liberal Government years. to buy modern sophisticated war weapons to kill my Sinhalese and my surrogate Muslim brothers and sisters.(It’s True Though).

FACT, it’s we Canadians who let Kumaran pull off what may be the largest-ever purchase of explosives by the Liberation Tigers  (LTTE).

On September 22, 1993, the sum of $990.987 was wired from an HSBC Bank Account in Vancouver.  The amount was in the name of B.Thambirajah, but it was controlled by the LTTE senior leadership in Canada. In November 1994, the LTTE purchased 50 tonnes of TNT and 10 tonnes of hexagon, plastic explosives like Semtex, and a large quantity of electric timing caps and detonator cord from the Rubezone Chemical ‘Factory in Ukraine.

So, High Commissioner Walsh,,we finger point at Sri Lanka and mock Sri Lankan authorities as We are Holier than Thou.  What putrid Canadian Hog-wash, High Commissioner Walsh.  I don’t buy it. (It’s True Though);

FACT.  High Commissioner Walsh, these were the explosives that were used to bring down the Central Bank  building in Colombo’ Business District, in a truck bomb on 31 January 1996, killing 86 and injuring and maiming  1328 others for life..  Among them was a staff officer, a Ph.D from Ottawa U.  What a waste. (It’s True Though) Forgive me for  mentioning what you already know, but it’s worth reminding you of Mayor Patrick Brown’s Tamil friends Horror story.

FACT.  High Commissioner  Walsh, explain to me with Your Canadian diplomatic brilliance how would you

reconcile of the fact that the Sri Lankan Armed Forces pooh..poohed the Canadian lie that they were on the War path to commit Genocide of the Tamils, when they saved the lives of 295,873 Tamils by rescuing them from the clutchers of the Tamil Tiger terrorists who used them as a Human Shield for a long 6-months, marching them from the West Coast to the East coast like an unwashed herd of cattle under a hot Killinochchi-Jaffna scorching sun. And inhumanly worse…with crying  pangs of hunger with no sufficient food to eat or feed their children and feeble mothers, grandmothers, fathers and grandfathers.

You know the facts High Commissioner, how the Sri Lankan  Armed Forces acted as platoons of Angelic saviours by housing the 295,873 rescued Tamils in a  temporary white tent city and some Sinhalese soldiers turning out to be Chefs to cook a million Dietitian-controlled hearty breakfasts, lunches and dinners a day.  It would have been easy to bump them off as what theTamil Tigers did on 11 June 1990 to the 700 unarmed policemen who had surrendered after being promised to be sent South unharmed, but they were asked to kneel tied their hands at their backs and shot dead through their skulls.

Mr. High Commissioner Eric Walsh, with such FACTS that I have propounded, for your understanding, as a McGill educated honest human being, I say to you that the Liberal’s Canada have failed me miserably with their policy on Sri Lanka , with one and only exception of an honest Liberal parliamentarian, who is Chandra Arya the MP for Nepean with whom I am willing to break bread and share a cup of good Ceylon Orange Pekoe tea.

And as a concluding remark I endorse what Sri Lanka’s Foreign Secretary  Aruni Wijewardane had to say —“Canada urged again not to repeat genocide lie.”     And I say to Canada…Let’s cut that  vulgar deceit, uncouth tommy-rot  and codswallop, and stop harassing and  bullying a smaller Commonwealth sister nation of yours, just because you have a shameful involvement in “Electoral Tamil immigrant (Refugee) vote bank politics.” and I just don’t buy it, and You got my goat.    And here is an adaptation of a Nursery rhyme that all you Liberal MPs sang when you were kids, to keep at the back of your minds when you are jockeyed to support the Sri Lanka policy of “GENOCIDE” by your Whip.

                                    “Ring-..a ring O Liberal roses

                                     Pocket full of Tamil voters,


                                     You will all Fall Down!”



Asoka Weerasinghe (Mr.)

– The first Sinhalese with Asoka Yapa who accepted the invitation from an ITV reporter to go on camera on

 4 August 1983 on 6 o’clock evening news, to tell Canada the flip side of the story of riots in Sri Lanka after the Tamils had downed Mother Sri Lanka, spat at her, kicked her, pummeled her, for 8 long days  in every media outlet, until the two of us arrived to save her.  Apparently we were the 8th Sinhalese that the ITV had approached to hear their voices and all had refused for whatever reason.

So Asoka Yapa and I were not two Johnnies-who-come -lately to deal with the Eelam terrorist separatist file;

– (former Head of Thematic Research Section, National Museums Corporation,Ottawa;

– Senior Researcher of the Life Through The Ages (Dinosaur Hall) Victoria Memorial Museum;

–  Author of the long Poem – Trail of Mankind adapted as the storyline for the Orientation Hall of the National

         Museum of Man of the Victoria Memorial Museum , Ottawa (1972);

– Gold medallist for Non-narrative poetry, Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Arts and letters 1969;

Civic Appreciation Award of City of Ottawa for Arts and Culture, 2003;

– Guest Poet at International Poetry Festival, Austin, Texes, 2001;

State Literary Award of Government of Sri Lanka, for Poetry1995;

– Lifetime Achievement Award, Sri Lanka Foundation, Los Angeles, California, 2016;

– Poet-in-Residence at the Sung and Word Festival at Dylan Thomas Birth House, Swansea, Wales, 2012

– International Poet of Merit Award by International Society of Poets 2002

– Founder/Organizer Gloucester Spoken Art,  Poetry and Storytelling Series, 1995-2007

– Guest Poet at Poetry in the Arts,  Austin Texas, 2004

– Author of Canadian Cabinet Document for approval of Museumobiles (Museums on Wheels) 2002.

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