Ridiculous Sri Lankan Constitution Changes Every 2 Years and 1 Month!
Posted on July 14th, 2024

Dilrook Kannangara

Sri Lanka’s constitution has lost its gloss, credibility, supremacy and worth as it is regularly changed to suit politicians in power. In fact, the 47-year-old constitution has changed 21 times already and the 22 attempt is now being made. That is 22 changes within 47 years. No country has such a worthless piece of paper as Sri Lanka’s constitution that keeps changing every 2 years.

It is both a tragedy and a comedy. The parliament and the president have 5 years in a term but the constitution changed every 2 years and 1 month! Sri Lanka is the only nation where the constitution changes faster than the term of the parliament or the president.

This shows the unsuitability and irrelevance of the current Constitution. It must be replaced by a suitable constitution that has some lasting power.

It cannot be done by a government of Ranil or Mahinda. Both were in parliament when two failed constitutions were enacted and amended. These two political clans and the current constitution must be done away with as soon as possible. A brand-new constitution is needed.

In order to put the supreme law of the nation in order, a presidential election must be held immediately. Further constitutional gimmicks are loathsome and foolish. It shows the extreme greediness of Ranil who is doing everything he can to grab on to power when the whole nation wants him go to hell. Constitution-making must not be done by politicians alone. The general public must be consulted in every step of the way and individual equal rights must be upheld in it. If unable to agree to a constitution, Sri Lanka must adopt a constitution from a successful Asian nation with obvious changes.

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