Posted on August 3rd, 2024
By Sena Thoradeniya
(Continued from July 5, 2024)
1. The dress rehearsal: JVP/NPP behavior during the crisis in 2022
How JVP/NPP behaved during the crisis in 2022 is well-documented by many writers; this writer’s Galle Face Protest: Systems Change or Anarchy? Politics, Religion & Culture in a Time of Terror in Sri Lanka” (2023) gives a detailed account of it.
Handunnetti, NPP front liner advised his ethera api” cohorts not to send remittances to Sri Lanka when Sri Lanka was facing an acute dollar crisis; although he boasted that the NPP can remove the government within a month he did not advise his cohorts not to send remittances to Sri Lanka when RW came into power.
On May 9, 2022, a government MP was killed in broad daylight; arson and killings took place using drone technology; more than 75 houses of government MPs were put under torch; hotels and some other business establishments were destroyed by unidentified Helmet Brigade”, successor to 1988/89 unidentified gunmen”. Worst happened on July 9, 2022; protesters illegally occupied public spaces, Presidential House, Presidential Secretariat and Prime Minister’s office; they tried to enter Temple trees; encircled Trinco naval base where MR took refuge; searched all vehicles heading towards Bandaranaike International Airport, security forces turning the other side; airport and immigration personnel refused to attend to GR’s checking-in and immigration formalities respectively when he was leaving the country. Mobs instigated by NPP stalwarts attempted to capture the parliament.
There is no guarantee that the JVP/NPP would not vacillate to resort to such acts of violence if they win, with state power in their hands. A reign of terror will begin; those who were against the JVP/NPP will be hounded, arrested and summarily executed without any trial. The ex-servicemen would provide them with tactical mastery and combat proficiency what they lacked in 1971 and 1988/1989. Kuragamage Don Lal Kantha has already suggested to settle disputes at village level. Lal Kantha, riding on the crest of a wave has threatened a Kandy Municipal Council employee that they would send the saboteur, in other words Kandy Municipal Council employee who carried out his duties according to the rule book, for rehabilitation” when they come into power.
Samarasinghe, the NPP labour aristocrat has threatened media personnel, that they would not be allowed to flee the country; even they manage to flee Sri Lanka in the event of their victory, NPP cohorts living abroad would look after” them; only place safe for them is a lunar cave!
A Sri Lankan domiciled in Melbourne has posted a comment saying that he was threatened by some NPP supporters, asking him to stop what he writes about the NPP; that they know where he lives (a Melbourne suburb mentioned) and can come to see him at any time after the Presidential Elections; this person has lodged an entry at Victoria Police. If the NPP is determined to unleash violence even in foreign countries who guarantees the safety of any JVP/NPP rival living in Sri Lanka? In 2022 they surrounded the house in which GR’s son was living in the US and a plush high-end residential area in Melbourne in search of MR’s second son respectively.
Lives of those political analysts who crticise JVP/NPP are in danger, as in the cruelest curse of snake-haired Medusa in Greek mythology, if the unattainable thing happens on September 21, 2024.
New York Times reported on 12 July 2024 that a Trump ally is training former police officers for a force of special deputies” as a militia to be activated whenever he chooses. This was before the assassination attempt.
2. Anura Kumara: The prisoner in Thelapaththa Jatakaya
Anura Kumara ’s solutions to economic, political and socio-cultural issues and his rhetoric remind us a Buddhist Jataka Tale, Thelapaththa Jatakaya. In Thelapaththa Jatakaya, a prisoner taken out from a prison, was ordered to carry a bowl of oil full to its brim, without spilling a single drop of oil: he was followed by a swordsman threatening him with death. The prisoner had to carry the bowl of oil in the midstof a large crowd, without having any physical contact of any one of them, or looking at the beautiful damsel dancing and paying any attention to music and songs accompanying her dance. Is Anura Kumara capable in carrying the bowl full of oil under similar circumstances in these turbulent times?
What Anura Kumara does now is behaving like the hapless prisoner; he does not know the mission expected from him to accomplish, the conditions laid down, challenges in the economic, political, legal, technological, socio-cultural and international environments. How to carry the bowl full of oil, without spilling a single drop, save his head facing so many impediments?
3. Internal contradictions within NPP
Internal contradictions are abundant within NPP/JVP ranks. These internal contradictions become visible to the discerning analysts from TV and social media talk shows NPP members appear, press conferences they conduct and utterances made at various public rallies. Biggest contributors who make contradictory statements are its leader himself, the publicist Kuragamage Don Lal Kantha, self-appointed economic wizard Handunnetti, labour aristocrat Samarasinghe and to a lesser extent Harini Amarasuriya, the gender equality champion. Some including Tilvin Silva like the proverbial Horage Amma” (Queen of Thieves), who rules over her (his) gang as the Secretary of JVP attempts damage control, but in the process, all of them put their toes inside their mouths. Now these contradictions appear to be non-antagonistic and are swept under the carpet.
Since speakers of rival political parties and media, especially anchormen in TV breakfast shows” expose these internal contradictions at greater length, internal contradictions have become visible to the general public.
Internal contradictions within the NPP appear to be non-antagonistic and do not make a destructive impact at present, because the NPP/JVP stalwarts are overconfident of winning the next Presidential Elections comfortably; named the election month as Anura Masaya” (Anura month after Esala, Nikini and Binara), already selected its Cabinet of Ministers and announced the dissolution of the Parliament immediately after winning the Presidential Elections. We still have to conduct the polls and count votes!
It seems that Lal Kantha, the suspicious guy is the person who is calling shots, taking the initiative in deciding how to act before, during and after the Presidential Elections.
The imminent electoral setback in the coming months will crumble the NPP intopieces, with all these internal contradictions coming into the surface and turning into antagonistic contradictions as contradictions among enemies of different factions, every faction attempting to find scapegoats for the defeat.
What had happened to the JVP in 1971 after the defeat of its first insurrection would be repeated, this time failing to capture power democratically.
4. Metamorphosis of JVP/NPP
Quest for power has resulted in a sea change in thinking, attitudes, behaviours and leadership roles of JVP/NPP front liners and of their tactics, a political metamorphosis in broader terms.
(i) Now no protests by JVP/NPP; they all actively participated and supported Galle Face Protest and were about to storm and capture the Parliament (legislature), made the Executive dysfunctional and threatened the judiciary uttering that they knew where the judges reside. RW knows very well who were behind these anarchical activities, but did not act against JVP front liners. He still addresses Anura Kumara as my friend” in his meetings,reminding how theyworked together at Temple Trees during yahapalana regime, saying sardonically that the files Anura Kumara claims that are in his possession are empty which do not contain any document.
(ii) JVP/NPP are in compliance with Julie Chung’s role as self-appointed American Viceroy in Sri Lanka, interfering with Sri Lanka’s internal affairs with impunity, in violation of diplomatic protocols; can NPP oppose Chung meeting officials of the ElectionCommission (EC),(X” message dated 28 June 2024), Chairman and Executive Director of the Office of the Missing Persons (OMP) (X” message dated 11 July 2024) and many other government officials and top security personnel, excluding her daily powwows for information gathering with the members of the so-called civil society.
Chung met with the Election Commission for the purpose of to hear about plans for elections and upholding a transparent process …” ; to exchange views on the importance of voting in free and fair election as a pillar of democratic governance”. What right Chung has to discuss about the plans for elections? Chung was the first person to welcome Election Commission announcement of September 21 Presidential Elections affirming Sri Lanka’s longstanding commitment to democracy” in her X” message dated 26 July 2024. She further added: We look forward to free and fair elections that empower Sri Lankan citizens to determine their future”. But Chung has forgotten to advise RW to appoint an acting IGP in accordance with the court ruling, issue guidelines to EC, Presidential candidates and voters. It seems that Chung is more interested in the Presidential Elections than any voter in Sri Lanka; she on 2 July 2024 met with Sarath Fonseka to discuss Sri Lanka’s political and economic environment ahead of Presidential Elections”.
Let us look at some recent meetings Chung had with government officials, security personnel and politicos. She met with Governor of the Northern Province Ms. Charles on 17 May, (to discuss economic development and social issues in the North”), new Northern Naval Commander of Sri Lanka Navy, Rear Admiral Rohitha Abeysinghe on 15 May, (to discuss efforts between the US and Sri Lankan supporting Sri Lanka’s maritime sovereignty”; (will there be any maritime sovereignty with her interference! ), Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, Nandalal Weerasinghe on 10 May, (to discuss bilateral ties , debt restructuring and ongoing reforms”), new National Organizer of SLPP Namal Rajapaksa on 11 May, ( as a part of (our) outreach across the range of Sri Lankan parties” , to hear about political engagement including issues affecting youth”), NPP’s Harini Amarasuriya on 4 April, (to listen to news across political parties on the current economic and political situation in Sri Lanka”; to hear about her perspectives on inclusive economic recovery and governance reforms”).
(iii) JVP/NPP are just tongue-wagging about RW’s submission to IMF dictates; like the SJB they have nothing to offer except complying to IMF conditions.
At a Derana 360” talk show Anura Kumara said that if the debt restructuring has not occurred by the time they assume office they must step into ensure a fair restructuring process. We cannot leave without restructuring. Now we must proceed in this direction to address the crisis that has emerged in the financial sector” was his response to a question raised. In another TV talk show, he said carrying forward the IMF programme, reducing the number of government officers (is he going to dump the government officers who now support NPP sponsored strikes?) and restructuring loss making enterprises are his economic priorities.
Recent comments made by the Japanese Ambassador to Sri Lanka, addressing members of Sri Lanka- Japan Friendship Society in late July, should be an eyeopener to all candidates especially to SJB and NPP; he said that Sri Lanka should adhere to IMF led recovery programme whoever wins Presidential Elections. He said that the country could not under any circumstances deviate from the IMF path and IMF agreement remain the foundation for the entire debt-restructuring process.
(iv) NPP/JVP were silent about the Speaker’s statement made on 21 March 2024. The Speaker revealed for the first-time that foreign powers (it is obvious who they were although he has not named them), some local politicians (known to all Sri Lankans), a prominent Buddhist priest (not named but easily identifiable) and a Catholic religious leader (recognizable as a piece of white chalk). (Please refer to my article titled Speaker’s statement: Julie Chung and her fellow conspirators in the dock again” posted on March 27, 2024). JVP/NPP know who were the two foreign powers behind the Galle Face protest and the ouster of GR, both their newfound darlings.
(v) TNA received assurances from the NPP as regards to the full implementation of the 13th Amendment; Anura Kumara should be ashamed for what JVP/DJV did against the 13th Amendment and the creation of Provincial Councils; mayhem, mass scale killings and bloodbath followed; they even gunned down the voters and those who supported devolution.
A new development was observed with the Jana Aragala Sandhanaya” (People’s Struggle Alliance) press briefing held recently in Jaffna. Nuwan Bopage, the de jure FSP Presidential candidate and former IUSF stalwarts participated in this press briefing. Sinhala- Buddhist” state structure, violence” against Tamils and other minorities, brutal” conflict waged against Tamils” by the armed forces, military occupation” of the North and East, land grabbing under the guise of” archaeological excavations using distorted” history, lack of justice for the disappeared were the issues highlighted at this press briefing. Instead of full implementation of the 13th Amendment this Alliance proposed Suyadchi” units (self-rule; right to secession and formation of an independent sovereign state and right to self-determination) as the solution to national question”. A main proponent of this solution Swasthika Arulingam now heads the Wame Handa” (Voice of the Left) a breakaway group of the late Vickramabahu Karunaratna’s trade union outfit. A diehard Trotskyite Vickramabahu was a close buddy of RW, who received RW’s generosity.
It was stated that they totally oppose the unitary state structure. Now we should remind the readers that at Galle Face, laser projections were made on the walls of the Presidential Secretariat challenging the unitary state of Sri Lanka, carrying the message United Sri Lanka”; blindfolded the statue of SWRD; re-imagined” a new flag to Sri Lanka; artists of Fearless Community” painted the Presidential Secretariat enveloped with flames. (For full details read chapter titled, Culture of Galle Face Protesters” in Galle Face Protest: Systems Change or Anarchy? Politics, Religion & Culture in a Time of Terror in Sri Lanka” Pp 101-132).
Who is Nuwan Bopage? He is an active member of the FSP, a group famous for socialist” phrase-mongering, which was not ashamed to align with Fonseka who praised ISUF and FSP at a common platform. Speaking at the 51st session of the UNHRC on 21 September 2022, Bopage called for accountability for war time atrocities, economic crimes and Easter attacks.
There is no doubt that Bopage and Jana Aragala Sandhanaya” represent the interests of Tamil separatists and imperial agents. A front liner of this alliance demanded the executive power be given to the Speaker at the height of the protest movement. We have discussed earlier that this stupid idea came from Julie Chung. Thereby we can identify the nexus between the various actors and actresses.
Proposing Suyadchi”, I do not think that the Jana Aragala Sandhanaya” will be able to deceive the voters in the North and the East; but there is a strong possibility that the JVP/NPP buying this slogan to appease their friends such as Abraham Sumanthiran.
(vi) During Anura Kumara’s India visit he stressed the need to understand and accommodate India’s sensitivities” in dealing with other countries. NPP never had qualms with neither India’s so-called Neighborhood First” or SAGAR (Security and Growth for All in the Region) policies, nor 6 Connectivity death traps (Energy and Power, Air, Land, Maritime, Trade, Economic and Financial, People-to-People), India’s role as a member of the US initiated QUAD (Quadrilateral Security Dialogue), India’s Unified Payment Interface(UPI), ETCA, so-called Ramayana Trail and Modi’s Maha Bharath Dream. (See: Anura Kumara in India: The Villager Boy Enticed by Gopis- Lost in Vrindavan”; posted on February 15, 2024).
(vii) Can NPP oppose Canadian Government for its baseless allegations of genocide in Sri Lanka; propagating lies and action against war winning Generals?
(viii) JVP/NPP were tightlipped when Amnesty International Secretary General called for Sri Lanka to be referred to the UN Security Council and subjected to international war crimes investigations; she was at Mullivaikkal commemorating dead tigers.
(ix) They did not hold any protest about genocide in Gaza when thousands of US university students were protesting.
(x) Harini Amarasuriya said that NPP will support the bill decriminalizing same-sex relationships; said individuals should not be discriminated based on their gender. We have reported earlier that she was a member of Public Representatives Committee on Constitution Reforms (PRCCR) appointed by yahapalana government; among its proposals were establishing a United Sri Lanka, replacing the present national flag, providing constitutional safeguards to LGBTIQ+ community and establishing a Malayaha Tamil Development Commission. In these matters RW, NPP, Julie Chung and NGO cabal are on the same page.
(xi) JVP/NPP are very careful not to antagonize India in any respect. The party that organised a quantum leap” rally importing a man from the US (incidentally a medical man; GR also had the services of a pediatricianto advise him in organic farming, and some other nuts to advise on cremation of Muslims dead of Corona virus) issilent about the cobalt-rich sea mount called Afanasy Nikitin in the Indian Ocean, which India is attempting to secure rights to explore entirely within an area also claimed by Sri Lanka, as it is within the boundaries of Sri Lanka’s Continental Shelf; Anura Kumara should know the value of cobaltwhen he is talking abouta quantum leap”, making graphite, from miniran” (Sinhala equivalent of graphite!). Recently Anura Kumara said that he is going to produce sulfuric acid at Paranthan Chemical Industries plant. Producing sulfuric acid was already in Paranthan Chemical Industries’ business plan. It has done feasibility studies to produce sulfuric acid, nitric acid and sodium carbonate. Before producing sulfuric acid,he shouldcommenceproduction at Paranthan Chemical Industries disrupted owing to the war and stop importation of chemicals earlier produced at the Paranthan plant.
(xii) NPP was silent when banning Chinese research vessels at the behest of India and the US and QUAD, when Modi claimed Katchatheevu and Indian poachers killed a Sri Lankan naval rating.
(xiii)In a Sunday Times interviewAnura Kumaradisclosed that his party was behind the recent wave of strikes. His view was strikes can arise at any time, regardless of whether it is election time, budget time or any other point and at present a variety of trade unions affiliated to NPP are engaging in trade union action. Close on the heels of this statement Kuragamage Don Lal Kantha said that they have stopped organizing any strike as they are in a winning streak.
But as a travesty of reality NPP labour aristocrat Samarasinghe did not organize any strike in the private sector; reasons are well known.
(xiv) Handunnetti, dubbed by the capitalist press as NPP’s Minister of Finance, recently announced that under a Malima Government” they would establish a state enterprise fund” to attract funds from the public including those that have gone unaccounted and anybody can contribute to it. Accordingly, it can be black money”, parked outside; and that they would not question how the racketeers earned that money. This is none other than a set of self-proclaimed paragons of virtue, anti-corruption crusaders facilitating money laundering with state assistance. If it is so why does Anura Kumara still claim that files of corrupt politicians and other fraudsters are with him and he is going to punish them?
Handunnetti, was the man who said that Elon Musk is an economic assassin”. Recently NPP opened its digital propaganda unitand Anura Kumara said that anybody can ask questions using AI and BOT. Handunnetti, has not told us whose technology that they are using for their propaganda purposes.
Since the NPP supports LQBTIQ+ interests Handunnetti cancastigate Elon Musk again; recently NBC reported that Elon Musk has harassed his son for exhibiting feminine traits, berated him (her) for being queer as a child and pressured him (her) to appear more masculine, including to deepen his (her) voice. Musk has said that she was not a girl” and was figuratively dead”.
NEXT: Ranil’s Strategic Maneuvers and Machiavellian Tricks; Political dynamics and unpredictable nature of voters; Entrepreneurial State; Future of Sri Lanka as an independent sovereign state under US and Indian hegemonic influence; The way ahead