The Wonder that is Lakegala in Sri Lanka (Lanka Pabbata)
Posted on August 13th, 2024

Dr Sudath Gunasekaa

Wrapped in history and legend, on the northern end of the village called Meemure in , in Sri Lanka, rising adobe the surroundings like a colossal giant rock is the world famous Lakegala perhaps the highest bare rock outcrop in the world. NAmed by different names in history Lanka pabbata, Lankagiri, Lakgala, (meaning resplendent rock), Thrikuta pabbata,Samudra Malaya, is also known as the legendary abode of Ravaana the Great’

At first sight, no one will believe that this is a natural phenomenon. It is so breathtaking and so unbelievable that   it portrays more a painting by a maestro artist than a mere creation of nature,-an epic poem Mother nature has created for men ,all over he world to adore, as long as the sun and the moon shall last. It’s mesmerizing that beauty is unmatched anywhere in the world.It towers majestically over the secluded ancient village of meemure situated in the eastern border of the Kandy district. It is also the only rock in the whole world which has been named after the country. It is also the most elegant rock one can see anywhere in the world. Where else do you get a country  named after a mountain and a mountain named after a country. One has to see it with his own eyes to believe this wonder, for him to believe this miraculous panorama created by mother nature to admire and get imbibed with its beauty for all those who are blessed with eyes.

I recommend for all interested to read Under the Shadow of Lakegala for further details.

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