Brampton Municipal Authorities harsh on Sri Lanka.
Posted on August 22nd, 2024

Asoka (Weerasinghe) Kings Grove Crescent . Ottawa . Ontario Canada

22 August 2024

Mayor Patrick Brown
Office of the Mayor’
City of Brampton
2 Wellington Street West
L6Y 4R2

SENT BY LETTER MAIL – 22 August 2024

Dear Mayor Patrick Brown”

 What’s all this I read this morning, a statement by you –Brampton Municipal Authorities in Canada turns harsh on Sri Lanka.    Really!  I don’t believe you.  You have opened a can of Brampton worms.  I wonder how “The Brampton Municipal authorities of Canada” would react, if a Universal Humanist Group would erect a British Columbian designed Totem pole – a Canadian  First Nations Genocide Memorial for the thousands of Indigenous children killed at Christian Church run Residential schools,’ at the junction of Galle Road and 5th Lane in Colpetty, in Colomobo, the entrance to the Canadian High Commission Offices.. If you protest my response would be “What is good for the goose is good for the gander…just go to Galle Face Green and fly a kite.My knife cuts both ways and not one way as yours.”

At the base of the totem pole will be a plaque with Pope Francis’s statement –“I humbly beg forgiveness for the evil committed by so many Christians against the Indigenous peoples.” Pope Francis said near the site of the former Ermineskin Indian Residential School, where unmarked graves of students who died while attending schools  were found You amaze me, Patrick. we Canadians who are maestros in interfering in Sri Lanka’s business, and are quick to say “Hey, We are Holier  than thou..” If you tell me that Patrick,  I would retaliate to your face saying..,.”Cut it Patrick, that’s a load of Bull….a bunch of weak prairie straws blowing in the wind.”

Deepal Oberoi, the Conservative MP, emissary of Prime Minister Stephen Harper who was sent down to Colombo to represent him and Canada at the Commonwealth Summit should count his lucky stars that Asoka Weerasinghe was not the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, as I would have  given the Lester Pearson treatment for General De Gaulle  of France for interfering Canada’s business.   I would have put Deepak on the first plane home, for  laying  a wreath for the Tamils who died at Elephant  Pass, when two peoples were at war there.  Deepak  was stupid. He would have been on the first flight to Canada for that inexcusable arrogance…that stupidness.

MP Jason Kenny was another arrogant fool who had love-ins with your Tamils.  He too was lucky that Asoka Weerasinghe was not the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka.  He went to Sri Lanka to have meetings with Sri Lankan Officials to discuss how to curb Tamil Human Smuggling.  Then he switched the discussion, to Human Rights Violations in Sri Lanka, As the Prime Minister, I would have told him “Son, Jason, it’s no good you portraying yourself as “I am a son of an Anglo-Saxon Evangelical, Preacher man, wanting to preach to Sri Lankans on Human right violations.”   I would have  stopped him right there, Patrick and would have told him,,

“Son, why the heck are you here when your people’s Attawapiskat Chief Thersea Spence is on a hunger strike a stone’s throw away from  your parliamentary office near Victoria island for the very reason that Canada has violated their human rights. Son, they need you more than I need you.   Take off…run…run to the airport and catch the first plane to your people.  Stop interfering in my business.  

We are OK.  And stop telling me that “We are holier than Thou’.  That’s a load of baloney hanging in a stall at Byward Market,  Come on run, Jason run to the airport.  I don’t need you interfering in my  country’s business.”

And as for you Mayor Patrick.  You and your buddy MP Paul Calandra, lambasted the Sri Lankan Government  on TV for not issuing visas to get over  to Sri Lanka to supervise what  was going on in the white tent City  where 295,873 Tamil refugees were housed and fed three nourishing meals a day to sustain them, having been rescued from the clutches of the Tamil Tigers  And I asked both of you in a letter,,,”Who the hell do you think you are, when you are not even Junior Ministers wanting to show your importance  Just come down from your high horses…cut out you arrogance,  and recognize who you are in parliament.  Just a couple of backbenchers.

Mayor Patrick, I am watching your shenanigans .  My challenge to you for a public debate still stands and my promise of a debating fee of $500.00 still stands,  I am ready, when you  ready.  I will meet you with bells and whistles. I want to meet you.


Asoka (Weerasinghe)

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