“My expectation is to treat all as Sri Lankans without any division all those who placed their trust in me and take the country forward,” Dissanayake said Sunday after being declared the winner by the island’s independent Elections Commission.–President Anura Kumara Disanayaka
Posted on September 24th, 2024

Dr Sudath Gunasekara Mahanuwara 

Dear Mr. President,

        You are welcome and congratulations. This is something long overdue. This should have done by those who took over the country from the British in1948, by restoring the position that was there in 1815.Therefore, the whole country will welcome your bold step. However, I would like to add a proviso to what you already have said. That is, please, ensure that no one in this country, hereafter call himself or her as Tamil or Muslim.  Because, the nation in this country was known as Sinhala from 543 BC and Sinhala Buddhist ever since 307 BC, the time Buddhism was officially established on this soil. In addition, you can also call them Lankans or Sri Lankans as we have been called after 1972.  This is permissible since the country had also been known as both Lankadiipa /Sinhaladiipa and Sinhale from time immemorial.

        In fact, the country that was handed over to the British under the Kandyan Convention of March 2nd 1815 was Sinhale, even though the Kandayan Kingdom (the core Kingdom of this Island) was ruled by a South Indian Nayakkaar from 1739 onwards until its demise in 1815. The Kandyan Convention throughout has used this term Sinhale to call it. (see Kandyan Convention March 2nd 1815)) The term Sinhale, means the land of the Sinha nation, that was handed over by the Kandyan Convention in 1815, which the British has translated as Ceylon in 1815, which simply meant The Land of the Sinhala people”. The permission given by all successive governments for those Malaba inhabitant who were either brought by the British as their slave labour coolies or the Tamil speaking south Indians who came by Marakkar (a kind of sea faring boats and therefore called Marakkala) came to be known as Muslims. as they professed Islam. In the same way those who came by Hamban and landed at Hambanthota were called Hamabaye. But in this country, both these parties came to be known as a nation called Muslims.

        I must point out it here that there is no nation called Muslim anywhere in the world other than in this country. The word Muslim means a person, who profess the religion of Islam. And as such it is only a term used to designate a religious group. For example, even in India there is no nation called Muslims. All Muslims living in India are called Indians. They are Muslim only by religion. What is more is there is no country in the whole word where those who profess the religion are called as Muslim nation other than this country. In Pakistan they are Pakistanis, Iran, Iranians and Saudi Arabia Arabians and so on. Knavery or ignorance on the part of those who ran this country since 1948 had allowed to perpetuate it. With regard to Tamil, although their traditional homeland is in India, for millennia, and there are 7 million in India, not a single Tamil can his nationality is Tamil. They are all called Indians by Law. Then again in this country calling them nations, both Muslims and Tamils, is a colonial invention and conspiracy to divide this country and destroy the Sinhala Buddhist nation.

        Therefore, the government should, at least after 76 years of blind governance, make legislation disallowing both Malabars and the Muslims. They should not be allowed to call themselves Tamils and Muslims as nations in this country any longer. It should be banned by law. The nationality of all conventional countries in the world like Japan, Korea, Japan, China, Russia, Burma, Thailand India Bangladesh, Pakistan, Russi, Arabia, Iran or even European countries like England, Germany Poland, France, Italy   and have been named after the Language of the natives.  The only exceptions are the newly created countries by Western colonial invaders such as America, South Africa, Australia and New Zeeland (where the conquer has annihilated all natives and named those countries after some invaders name. The only exception is New Zealand which means the the land of the long white cloud” ( Aotearoa)  in Māori, the language of the original settlers migrated from Polynesia and settled down there as the founders of that country)

        Therefore, I call upon all the Sinhala politicians of this country, at least now to restore the original nationality of this country that existed up to 1815 and demand the intruders, both Tamils and Muslims to accept the status quo and integrate with the native Sinhalese Buddhists who are the de facto and de jure owners of this country who found this land in 543 BC, developed the civilization and protected it from all invasions from India from the  2nd century BC up to the 12th c AD the  and  the Europeans  thereafter starting from 1505 up to date. All those immigrants who are not prepared to concede with this reality, also should leave the shores of this country to their historical motherlands from where they have come, either as colonial slaves or on their own in search of greener pastures

       Anyone who does not accept this all-time reality are not fit to rule this country. All the Sinhala politician must go back to the school or the village temple and first learn the history of this country as a pre requisite qualification before he decides to enter do politics. If in fact I would suggest, there should be compulsory list of qualifications laid down for all aspirants to enter politics in this country. Besides being a citizen of a certain age, above and below, things such as education, character, economic and social standing, it should be made compulsory him/her to pass a test in Sinhala, Buddhism, geography and history of this country. Because as we have been taught in school and the University in our days, no person who does not know his country, hi people and his work should enter public service or politics.

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