The best news in Sri Lankan politics, I ever heard after the 2019 Presidential elections results- The dissolution of the Parliament on the 24th Sep 2024.
Posted on September 25th, 2024

Dr Sudath Gunasekara.  Mahanuwarara 

The best news in Sri Lankan politics, I ever heard after the 2019 Presidential elections results (although it ended up in total disaster in 2022) is the dissolution of the Parliament on the 24th.  

 I have been totally distressed and dissatisfied with the undemocratic and unethical way the affairs of the Parliament were conducted in recent the past, particularly after 20 July 2022.

I have been agitating for its immediate dissolution ever since the 6.9 m peoples mandate was nakedly betrayed by the SLPP on that day by electing a person against whom all that 6.9 m people had, not only voted against in both previous elections in 2019 and 2020  but also  a person rejected by the people ever since 2005 and subsequently crept in to Parliament through the so-called national list introduced by JR, which provided a back door, for a person to enter this august assembly. He was elected as the under the provisions of the Sec 40 of the Constitution, bad in law and bad in practice, in my view for he was not a person elected by the people. In my view he was not qualified even to be a member of Parliament as he lost his seat at the election in 2020. It was through clever and crafty manipulation only; he came to Parliament through the back door. The national list was a heavenly door for the Party leaders to bring their favorite chums or relatives who could have never come to Parliament by public vote. Most of them ended up as key Ministers and they are not answerable or responsible to the people but only to the man who put him there.  And in my view to elect such a person imported from the backdoor as the President under was a blatant betrayal of the 6.9 m popular mandate in the public eye. Because it goes against the 6.9 mandate given to the SLPP in 2019 and 2020. Ranil who was also rejected by the people at the presidential election and Parliamentary elections held in 2019 and 2020 respectively.  As such it was unethical and immoral too for the Parliament and the SLPP too to elect such a person to that post under the constitutional provision in Sec 40, that is both bad in law and bad in practice in my view That has nullified the supremacy of the Parliament as well as the supremacy of the Constitution, which is regarded as the supreme law of the nation.

 Evers since both the parliament and the Cabinet had been running as a private property of Ranil. The Cabinet had got reduced to the level of the famous world of Mahadanamutta and his 7 pupils.  Not only the Parliament but h entire government got reduced to the level of a one man show.

The Ministers and the Members of Parliament were only interested in their own wellbeing. The Madate given by to Parliament, both in 2019 and 2020 and the aspirations of the people got vaporized in the high air. Not only the overall performance of the Parliament even the attendance got reduced to zero. The dignity and the decorum prevailed in this august assembly in the olden days had vanished with no sing of returning. The Minsters and MPP were only interested in their private business. The dignified and quality debates we have seen in our school days were never to be seen. The parliament in short got reduced to a den of thieves and rowdies’ day by day. It got reduced to a level of a human Zoo and an asylum. It reminded me the famous saying by HL Mencken who once referred to the Canadian Parliament as a Monkey cage when he said Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage”.  It befits, I think, very well to our Parliament better than the Canadian counterpart. In this context gong by the behavior of our politicians I would call our Parliament a human Zoo, as they display the behavior of all predacious animals in the jungle

This why I call upon all voters at the just concluded Presidential election on the 21st not to vote anyone who does not promises to fulfill a  long list of demands where I prioritize the dissolution of Parliament  as the item number one in that long list of subjects listed under the following article published  in the LANKAWEB.

 මේ රටේ ජන්ම උරුම කරුවන් වන සියළුම දේශප්‍රේමී, ජාති හිතෛෂී සිංහල බෞද්ධ චන්දදායකයින් වෙත විවුර්ථ සන්දේශයක් හා රට ජාතිය වෙණුවෙන් කරණුලබන ආයාචනයක්

Posted on September 14th, 2024

I have stated it in the above letter as follows.

1 ප්‍රථමයෙන් වර්තමාන පාර්ලිමෙන්තුව තුල රටේ ජනමතය කිසිසේත්ම නියෝජනය නොවන බැවින් හා ඒ තුළ, මේ සින්හල බෞද්ධ රටේ රාජ්‍ය විචාරණයට සුදුසු කිසිවෙකු නැති නිසාත් එසේම මොන ජගතෙකු ජනාධිපති වශයෙන් පත්වුවද, දැනට පවතින  අච්චාරු පාර්ලිමෙන්තුව හරහා මේ රට අද වැටී ඇති අඝාධයෙන් ගොඩහත නොහැකි නිසාත්, ප්‍රමුඛතා අන්ක එක වශයෙන් වහාම එය විසුරුවා හැර එම තත්වයට ප්‍රධාන හේතුව වූ 1978 ව්‍යවස්ථාවද අහෝසි කොට, 1972 ජනරජ ව්‍යවස්ථාව වහාම බල ගැන්වීමට සහ වසර 2566 ක දීර්ඝ ඉතිහාසයක් සහිත අපගේ ශිෂ්ඨාචාරය මත පදනම්වූ නව ආණ්ඩු ක්‍රම ව්‍යවස්ථාවක් සකස් කිරීමට ජන වරමක් ඉල්ලා සිටීම සහ මැතිවරණයෙන් ජයගත් පසු එය ඉටුකරණ බව රට ජාතිය ඉදිරියේ ප්‍රතිඥා දෙන අයෙකුට පමණක් ඔබේ වටිනා චන්දය දෙනු මැනවි

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