Honorary Advisors?: A Risky Gamble in Political Strategy
Posted on October 7th, 2024

Courtesy The Daily Mirror

Having competent advisors is vital for the Executive President. Their expertise can guide the development of policies that enhance the nation’s prosperityIn the health sector, having knowledgeable advisors focused on medicinal drugs is crucialAdvisors who are well-versed in international relations can help the President identify emerging threats, such as security risks, trade disputes, or humanitarian crises, and develop proactive strategies to address them

President Dissanayake was careful not to rock the boat when appointing new Ministry Secretaries, notably retaining the Finance Secretary—a positive sign of his balanced and pragmatic approach. However, he has also appointed two honorary advisors, emphasising his commitment to public service and expert counsel over political gain.

Duminda Hulangamuwa of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, (right) and Prof. Anil Fernando of the Sri Jayawardenapura University were appointed as Senior Advisors for Economic Affairs and Finance by President  Dissanayake (File Photo) 

In today’s complex world, high-ranking politicians require knowledgeable advisors for effective decision-making on key issues. These advisors help navigate the intricacies of governance, offering insights and strategies that enhance decision-making. They provide expertise on matters ranging from economic policy to international relations, all while maintaining a long-term vision for the country’s development.

 The President might gain some favorable attention ahead of his upcoming elections, but without a formal commitment, honorary advisors may not feel the pressure to deliver results or respond effectively to the needs of those they are supposed to guide. This lack of accountability can create situations where critical decisions are made based on incomplete or inadequate information, ultimately impacting the effectiveness of policies and initiatives.

In matters of economy and commerce, it is essential that these advisors are not merely academics or representatives from commercial institutions; they must also possess a deep understanding of political dynamics and practical governance experience.

 The complexity of economic and commercial issues necessitates advisors who can combine theoretical knowledge with real-world insights to navigate the multifaceted challenges faced by high-ranking officials. Offering competitive compensation to attract the right individuals is a worthy investment. Having erudite advisors with a profound grasp of politics ensures that the counsel provided is grounded not only in sound economic principles but also in an awareness of the political implications and potential consequences of various decisions. Advisors who can effectively integrate economic knowledge with political acumen are better equipped to provide strategic guidance that aligns with the broader goals of governance.

This lesson is particularly poignant when reflecting on the fate of former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, who relied on a group of advisors now labeled as the Viyath Maga-Flawed Strategists.” Their lack of comprehensive understanding of the political landscape and failure to offer sound counsel significantly contributed to his premature exit from power.

By ensuring that his advisors are well-rounded, experienced, and adequately compensated, President Dissanayake can enhance the effectiveness of his administration and better serve the interests of the nation. The recent hold imposed by the election commission on the enhanced fertiliser subsidy, which was promised to farmers, serves as a stark reminder of the critical importance of having seasoned advisors in government. Ideally, a knowledgeable advisor would have counseled President Dissanayake to issue the necessary Gazette notification before the dissolution of Parliament, ensuring that the subsidy could be implemented smoothly without interruption.


This oversight has left many poor farmers in a difficult predicament. With the rising costs of fertilisers and agricultural inputs, farmers were relying on the promised subsidy to ease their financial burdens and sustain their livelihoods. However, the delay in honoring this commitment, along with the embarrassment of not adhering to election commission restrictions, has created a difficult situation. This setback not only hampers their ability to procure essential supplies for the current planting season but also jeopardises the overall productivity of the agricultural sector, which is crucial for both the economy and food security.

This situation highlights the importance of surrounding oneself with advisors who understand the nuances of both policy and political timelines. By prioritising experienced counsel, President Dissanayake can avoid such lapses in the future and better support the agricultural community, ultimately ensuring that farmers receive the assistance they need in a timely manner.

Some flexibility by the Election Commission is also anticipated on such sensitive issues.

Another crucial area where the Executive President needs good advisors is foreign policy and international relations. In an increasingly interconnected world, the ability to navigate complex global dynamics is essential for any leader. Experienced advisors in this field can provide valuable insights into geopolitical trends, international law, and diplomatic strategies, helping to shape a foreign policy that promotes national interests while fostering positive relationships with other countries.

Effective foreign policy is not only about responding to current events but also about anticipating future challenges and opportunities. Advisors who are well-versed in international relations can help the President identify emerging threats, such as security risks, trade disputes, or humanitarian crises, and develop proactive strategies to address them. They can also assist in negotiating treaties, trade agreements, and partnerships that enhance the country’s standing on the global stage. Moreover, a strong advisory team can facilitate effective communication with international stakeholders. Building and maintaining relationships with foreign governments, NGOs, and multilateral organisations require nuanced understanding and skillful diplomacy. Advisors with experience in these areas can guide the President in crafting messages that resonate with diverse audiences and promote cooperation.

Next, the health and education sectors are critical areas where the Executive President must prioritise having good advisors, particularly regarding private educational institutions and medicinal drugs in healthcare. Both areas significantly impact national development and the well-being of citizens, making it essential to have knowledgeable counsel to navigate their complexities.

In the education sector, private educational institutions play an increasingly important role in providing quality education and filling gaps in the public system. Advisors with expertise in private education can offer valuable insights into best practices, regulatory frameworks, and strategies for enhancing educational quality. They can help the President develop policies that promote collaboration between public and private institutions, ensuring that all students, regardless of their background, have access to high-quality educational opportunities.

Knowledgeable advisors 

In the health sector, having knowledgeable advisors focused on medicinal drugs is crucial. The pharmaceutical industry significantly impacts public health, and effective management of this sector can improve healthcare outcomes. Advisors with expertise in pharmacology, healthcare policy, and drug regulation can guide the President in ensuring that citizens have access to safe, effective, and affordable medications. These advisors can also help address critical issues such as drug pricing, availability, and the regulation of pharmaceutical companies. By developing policies that promote transparency and competition within the pharmaceutical market, the President can ensure that essential medications are accessible to all, particularly vulnerable populations who may struggle to afford them. 

In summary, having competent advisors is vital for the Executive President. Their expertise can guide the development of policies that enhance the nation’s prosperity and the well-being of its citizens. By prioritising these areas, the President can take decisions essential for sustainable development. 

Honorary Titles or Real Expertise?

Providing generous financial perks to the right” individuals is clearly a brilliant investment, especially when compared to the alternative of relying on free or honorary, half-baked professionals who might just wing it. After all, who wouldn’t want to gamble the future of critical policies on those who are merely in it for the accolades or the title? It’s far more prudent to seek out those who truly know their stuff and are motivated by more than just a pat on the back. 

Real professionals have been appointed to media institutions, reflecting a clear commitment to competence and progress. Why settle for second-rate advisors when you can invest in expertise that will truly drive innovation and forward-thinking solutions?

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