Political Progress and the New Honest Governance in Sri Lanka
Posted on October 7th, 2024

By Engr. Kanthar Balanathan DipEE (UK), GradCert (RelEng-Monash), DipBus&Adm (Finance-Massey), C.Eng., MIEE, Former Director of Power Engineering Solutions Pty Ltd, Consulting Electrical Engineers Associate of the Australian Institute of Physics Leading Engineer of the World 2006, UK Authority Award

Mother Lanka is blessed with a true honest young dynamic son, Comrade AKD to govern Sri Lanka free of nepotism, bribery, corruption, profligate expenditure, improper car and house allocation and excessive allowances and liquor bar licenses to politicians. The country will be cleansed maybe, in another six months, afterwards, the country will be cleansed and fit to rise on an economic platform. The corrupt politicians will leave politics, retire or migrate overseas provided they are not found guilty of crimes and undergo a jail sentence. The current President is a Graduate in Physics which envelops all sciences and determines his superior capability.

The 2015 BOND scam is a serious economic offence which resulted in a disaster which should be dealt with by the government.

Implementation, of reinstating the Provincial Councils immediately will impact on Sri Lankan budget and increase country expenditure, should be deferred until the country returns to a normal sound economic platform, with normalizing the inflation fit as decided by the CB. Reinstating the Provincial Councils will not stabilize and control the expenditure stream, but will be a heavy liability to the country’s economy. Nine PCs are a luxury to a small country. Dr Nandalal Weerasinghe is a specialist in economic and financial subjects and practices who can guide the government.

It is unbelievable to note the unearthing of the number of cars and housing allocated to the politicians and the allowances paid to these culprits. Air Lanka’s mismanagement and corruption, a serious affairs which should be dealt with by the government.

Now the people will know what type of politicians Sri Lanka had in the 21st century and how these politicians have brought the country to a standstill in 2022. The prime reason is that these politicians were not patriotic and did not have any obligation to the people whom they served.

Sorry to say this: As far as Tamils are concerned they are not patriotic to Sri Lanka and do not love Sri Lanka, however only interested in POWER and WEALTH. Could the Tamils prove that the country will survive economic downfall if PCs are reinstated, immediately, and how? Will the economy boost? Prove with acceptable sound arguments with political, and economic facts and figures and financial solutions. (Minding that 49 % of the Tamils live outside the North and East). The shortfall in our society is that we don’t carry out a reasoning process**” before deciding on a project. This is the main difference between us and the Western world. In the 80s the economic and political disorder required a solution to avert a critical situation of political collapse, which necessitated the PC solution and the economy was conventional, and nepotism, bribery & corruption were minimal. The impulsive economic collapse began after the year 2000.

Political project implementations should be prioritised based on the economic condition only, not to please some jokers to enjoy power and wealth.

**I am proud to state that the English (British) and the European ethos are the best forms of culture in the world.

Bribery and Corruption: embraced exercises and run-throughs by humans based on their culture and customary practices from childhood.

Corruption is a basic oddity of third world underdeveloped and uncivilised humans which clinched in their mind with their culture, and the corruption transforms into various dimensions as they mature. English ethos is the best form of culture in the world along with the related European race civilisation. The reason for this presumption is the reasoning for every action by the said party. In the English and European cultures, the parents teach their children to act on the reasoning process before they take due action. Therefore, from childhood, children practice thinking of a reasoning process before they decide to act. Even before they want to enjoy a piece of cake or food the children reason out whether the item is good for them. This culture has been inflicted into the minds of the English/European minds from childhood. Not in the minds of the third world.

As per Newton’s theory: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This has to be analysed and practised. However, for humans, the action could lead to a reaction in various dimensions. This needs to be understood and digested.


Tamils have fallen behind humanistic, political and social science and in the North and East, they live like that in the jungle. We are not cohesive and interconnected with each other. Tamils must open their mind and accept the majority as their brothers as the majority of people have been living in SL since 5BC. They have accepted and allowed 49% of the Tamils to live and work in the area other than the N&E. The majority of people are magnanimous.

The PC implementation should be deferred until the economy returns to normal and CB gives a clearance. Tamils must attempt to execute and govern the Local government Councils efficiently. India should be quite careful of what they demand and avoid interfering with Sri Lanka’s political affairs.

India is the worst country like Nigeria on Nepotism, bribery and corruption.

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